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Everything posted by ltdedorc
Igor, In the v5.1 beta, the choices in the Customize slides | Timing have been changed to now include "Wait for a key press to show next slide" which is useful in setting up individual manual slides in a show and and an entire manual show. However, I tried pressing any key and it doesn't work, only when pressing the Space bar or > key. A programmed left and right key will also work to advance to the next slide. Also if I highlight all the slides in a show and customize the timing for all the slides, another item is shown in the pull down list, Custom. What kind of Customizing is now available or will Customizing be available in future versions?..Harvey
Igor, I agree to some sort of indication like in 4.48 to show the slides which have been customized. In 4.48 at least the P button to the left of Customize Slide was "depressed " when a slide was customized to help in configuring a slide show. The slide list could be used as a means to show which slides have been customized whether it be animation, timing, etc. The problem is magnified when I prepare a 200 to 300 pic slide show and customize 20% of the slides. Then if the music is not quite long enough or a little bit too long and I don't want to adjust the pitch of the song to match the end of the show, I like to go back and adjust the "time interval" in ms to closely match the end and provide smooth continuity in the other 80% of the slides. In 5.1, if at this point I change the "time interval" and "set for existing slides" it changes the time for ALL the slides even those in the customized 20%...maybe another optional function "set for NON-CUSTOMIZED existing slides" is needed whereever "set for existing slides" is displayed. 5.1 is great but consumes a lot of time setting up shows to my liking...Harvey
quote name='PhilW' date='Oct 15 2007, 10:14 PM' post='46513'] Hi, Is this a problem anyone else has come across? Is there a fix? Have I set something wrong? Phil.
John, I use Arcoft ShowBiz 2 to extract audio from video. However, you may want to try this freeware: www.aoamedia.com/audioextractor.htm Good luck...Harvey
Lin, Thx for putting together this slide show of the fires in Greece. We will be on a 12-day cruise in April '08 from Athens to Istanbul with stops in Katokolon, Corfu, Santorini & Mykonos + one or two days in Athens precruise. Hopefully I'll be able to capture some scenes of the devestation caused by this tragedy in the vicinity of Athens, i.e. the site of the original Olympics. I've been following the fires process and you put / pulled it all together. Great job...Harvey
Peter, Enjoyed your show. Were the "closeups" taken in macro & what camera did you use? Thx for the headsup on Mediafire, I just joined...Harvey
The slide show was prepared with V5.0. Altho I've made a number of informal shows, this is the 1st one I've formalized & posted up on the Beechbrook site. Note that because of the nature of the pics, I used only a small portion of the new capabilities of P2E. Feel free to C&C...Harvey
John, In O&A, just hilite the comment & set the animation points to coincide to when you want the fade to start and end, using opacity for fading. To get the comment text as a daughter, hilite / select the "prime" pic and click Add Text to create a text daughter Harvey
Hastinga, If its a color-of-your-choice thin margin (not frame) around your pics, you can do this in the free Irfanview software. individually or as a batch function. Use Image | Canvas | Add Image Border function, or the Batch Conversion/Rename | Canvas size, respectively...Harvey
Colin, Set the color in Project Options BEFORE you type the text on the Comment line...Harvey Also it's a one way street but Comment text is "converted" to O&A text as a Text Comment and its Properties...Animation is adjustable in O&A...but the vice versa O&A text is not converted to Comment .
I just tried to send you an email with a zipped file but I'm not sure it went. Send me an email, ltdedorc@verizon.net , & I email you the zip file...Harvey
Igor, My wife & I were in St. Petersburg on June 1 & 2 and enjoyed your country immensely. We took over a 1,000 pics and I am slowly putting them into a V5.01 show along with other pics of Scandanavia & Tallinn, Estonia. A big thanks to you & your staff for all the work you put into Version 5. Enjoy your vacation!!! Harvey
Ron & others, You can add "customized' comments to different slides and place them and size them by 1) just adding your text to Comments on the Main Screen, 2) select O & A where it is added as a Text Comment, 3) as a Text Comment you can click on the text and size & move it to where you want it, 4) you can can even make the Text Comment be a "daughter" to the main slide just as if you in O & A added the text, but A) recognize that if you change any of the text you have to resize it in O & A and you cannot have different font styles. So V5 B12 has a quasi customize text option...Harvey
Igor, It's not in Beta 9 via Projec Options | Comments | Customize Comment Font like in v4.48, but will the ability to change text Font Color be added in a future beta? Thx...Harvey
Igor Unlike LumenLux, I tried both Beta #8 & 8A with the same 60.3 MB slide show I've been using in the past and can get to the Wnsoft Video Builder page without getting an error message. I can Add PTE Project Files & click Next to get to the edit Title page without any problems. I've stopped there without actually burning a DVD...Harvey
Igor, I finally got around to generating DVDs to test Deluxe Beta 6 and Beta 7. It's a 46 pix slide show w/background music and there is one pix I was interested in seeing how the Betas handled it. It's a group pix of 12 people, 7 in the top row and 5 people below. In O&A I show the full pix for about 3 sec and then zooming in 311x to the two people on the left in the top row but starting to the even further left just as if there was another person there. I did the same to the right side of the top row so my pan/scroll coverage was just as if there were 9 people in the top row with the faces essentially centered. Then I drop down on the right and went right to left at 311x zoom to complete the pan/scroll. Selecting the O&A Play function showed the pan/scrolling as designed. Here are my results of the pan/scroll and the DVDs burned: ............................................................................Playback .......................HP Computer.....Older Samsung DVD player...Newer Poloroid Portable DVD player PDM o824 Beta 6 DVD............Plays.........................Plays...............................................Plays Beta 7 using...........Plays.........................Plays...............................................Plays AVI path Beta 7 using...........Plays....................Does not play........................................Plays Create DVD path Beta 6 playback caused the pan/scroll sequence to start way to the left outside of the actual pix and caused some of the faces in both rows to be out of the screen pix. Both Beta 7 DVDs playback cut off 1/3 of the persons face on the left and on the right in both the top and bottom rows. The DVDs were burned using Sonic's MyDVD Studio Deluxe. I may try to play the Beta 7 using Create DVD path DVD on a friend's player to see if a newer DVD player will play it...Harvey
Igor, Just downloaded the Deluxe V5 Beta 7 and was able to load v4.48 formats and earlier .pte files into it. Briefly tried the new DVD Builder and it seems intuitive enough but I haven't burn a DVD yet. Great job so far on this total rebuild ot PTE...Harvey
Ron, 1st, thx for emailing me the Scrolling Test with Version 5 tutorial. I've forwarded it to a couple of true beginners with P2E. Relative to Jeff's posting, I'm essentially following something similar to what he's doing. And will be formatting my shows in 1024 x 768 rez for viewing on my & most monitors set to that rez and for digital projection. Altho my current show is in 920 x 690 rez, a carryover from V 4.48 for burning a DVD within the safe TV zone limits, I panned & zoomed to 400zoom +/- in Beta 3 & 4 in a few cases and found a definite degradation in quality in the p & z. So I used the straight from the camera 3264 x 2448 rez and the p & z was much improved. So now I have the capability to produce both CDs at 1024 x 768 rez for computer viewing and DVDs to view on TV & computer by doing a "Custom" AVI @ 720 x 540 rez (see my post, http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....80entry31286) until I find a better way...Harvey
Andrew, Thx for the tip. I have been building a show with basically 920 x 690 images with a few 3264 x 2448 images to pan at 400zoom. I burned it as a DVD - Video Disk (1) with Smart Antiflicker Filter selected & at Auto (Interlaced Video), and the pan result was very poor, flicker & distortions at the edges going horizontal but not vertical panning. I then ran the test agin but this time as a DVD - Video Disk (2) and as a Custom (3) with Smart Antiflicker Filter not selected and at Progressive Video. Viewed on TV, both were better than my 1st try. I captured the same frame from all three and it was evident that 2 & 3 were better and between the two, 3, or Custom was slightly better and showed a little more detail. Thx again...Harvey
Al, Thx for the update and delving into it further than I went. Being that I was putting togther a show for next weekend, I didn't try different scenarios to test Beta4. All I was trying to do was to work within the present Beta4 contraints to both learn about it's general Beta 4 capablilities and to see if I could do what I wanted it to do. I learned a lot after going in circles for awhile trying different things and figuring out how the new graphic engine functioned..Harvey
Igor, Thanks for the suggestion to use the "Set for existing slides' function. It led me to a solution for my particular problem, which was to set the Diagonal Curl from Right Top to only say 10 of the slides in my 100 slide slideshow with a longer duration. I can select the 10 slides and go to Customize Slides & the Effects tab to select Diagonal Curl from Right Top & 5% at a Duration of 8000. Then I go to the Customize Slides' Main tab to apply a Timing of something greater than 8000, which in my case, was 10000 to have the full image on the screen for 2 seconds...Harvey
Igor, Using Beta 4, I put together a simple p/z/r show and everything worked with the Project Options setting set to Fade in/out with Effect Duration at the default 1500. If I change to Circle From or Diagonal Curl from Right Top at 5% and use the default Effect Duration, everything works...even if I go to 2000 Effect Duration, each of the three seems to work ok. I tried the Video button and it did build an AVI file but I have yet to burn a DVD. But if I change the Ptoject Option Effect Duration from say 3000 to 8000, all three of these transitions are not finished and gets progressively worst as the duration increases. I run into the same problem if I use Customize Slide to apply these three effects to individual slides at longer durations. Am I doing something wrong or is there a gilch in Beta4? Thanks...Harvey
Lin, That'll be nice info to have on the Radeon 9800 Pro. My results are based on a NVIDIA GeForce FX5200 video card. It'll also be helpful if Igor & others who have data on other video cards post the file sizes they have success with. Eventually it may be that the approprite maxium size of file to use in V5.0 slide show will, in my case, depend on who the potential audience will be and the kind of computer / video cards they will have. Harvey
I've been testing the beta version's basic zoom, pan & title features and found that I can zoom in over 500 times to a 3264 x 2448 resolution image and get acceptable results + pan a 6-image panorama over 40 seconds w/o jitters and jumpings. I've added basic png titles to some of the 5 slides comprising the show but done nothing else fancy to them. The zipped slide show file is about 9.3 MB. If anyone would like to get a copy, email me at ltdedorc@verizon.net Pls note that the size of the 6-image pano I used first was 17507 x 2293 but it produced a lot of jitter & jumping. When I reduced the image to 4096 x 537, it worked. What I don't know is the limits to the size of the image V5.0 will accept w/o causing jitters. Harvey
eligahnow, If you use PTE and have a DVD / CD ROM burner & software, you should be able to burn either a CD or DVD. In general, the CD will give you a better quality pic, takes a shorter time to burn and make copies of, but you have to be careful if using the Object Editor when adding Text to support Object Editor added pics because the viewer has to use the same screen resolution as you did or the text / picture will be disoriented & unviewable. On the other hand, the DVD is of lesser pic quality, takes much longer to burn and make copies of + you have to take precautions when adding comments to be sure they do not "fall off" the screen when the DVD is created but you don't get the disorientation problem on the TV. And the DVD will play either on a player to see on the TV or in a DVD /CD ROM computer equipped drive. Good luck...Harvey