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Everything posted by ltdedorc
Walusa, When burning a PTE show to DVD, I use Object Editor | Show Safe TV Zone (SSTZ) and Project Options | Comments | Offset to properly place my comments so that are inside the SSTZ and will show on the TV. The amount of offset will depend on the size of font you use. Good luck...Harvey
Cindy, About 6 weeks ago I made 15 copies of a DVD in the PAL standard for a friend to take to Europe, mainly France & Germany. He gave them to friends and even played it on the player on the tour bus. I asked him briefly about whether it worked and he said yea, no problems...Harvey
How to prepare and burn DVD-Video or SVCD disc
ltdedorc replied to Igor's topic in General Discussion
Ron, When is one suppose to select and use the Sharpness Filter? I can't find any instructions on it's use. I have burned DVDs both ways and can't really see any difference...Harvey -
If you decide to go the DVD route, be sure to read your operating manual for the LE to see it it burns onto DVD+R disks or DVD-R ones. In my case, both my Record Now which came with the computer and with the upgraded MySonicDVD Studio Deluxe were configured to burn DVD+Rs. Good lcuk...Harvey
Thx Ken, the slide show I burnt was prepared in PTE for a 800 x 600 display. I'll burn another I have at 1024 x 768 to see if the same gilch occurs when played on my TV. Lots to learn on transitioning PTE to DVD capablities...Harvey
I burnt my 1st DVD today. I converted a 65.5 MB PTE file to avi. From there I loaded it into the My DVD software which converted it into a 668 MB file. Burning the DVD took a total of 20 minutes from "Transcoding" thru Writing. There were 3 individual audio tracks. I played it on my Akai digital 42 inches TV and it played w/o a hitch from the transitions to all three audio tracks in a loop. On the TV, the default is to stretch the image to a 16:9 screen ratio but it has a option to size it to a 4:3 ratio, the same as a computer monitor which I used. The TV images ended up not quite as good quality as on a monitor but it was something I expected. The only gilch was with Object Editor images, say four small ones placed sequencially on the page with a border around them. On the TV in 4:3, it would place the one on the left against the extreme left margin of the screen and the one on the right against the exteme right margin. I'm not sure why but I have to think about a work around, not unless someone knows the answer right off the bat. All in all the DVD was easy to burn and of acceptable quality...Harvey
I took a lot of pictures of a sunset aboard a cruise ship at the end of our cruise tour of Alaska & the Yukon. In putting together the slide show and two images of the sunset using the fade in transition & longer timings, I noticed that with the "proper timings" the effect would be movie like. So I picked out 4 images and did a special sunset sequence slide show. Since the images were not specifically taken to create a PTE sequence, it's not perfect but I have learned a lot and can't wait to apply it to the next sunrise or sunset opportunity that comes along. The images were taken from the rear of the ship, cover a period of 4 minutes & 32 seconds, taken in shutter priority, at focal lengths 36mm to 72mm, with auto exposure, auto white balance , and multi-segment metering on my Panasonic FZ10. FYI, I took some of the sunset at 12x, or 432mm which came out better than I expected. I would appreciate any comments...Harvey
Brian, Thx for your post. I'll take a look at my security settings and see if that's the problem...Harvey
With my old comuter and Windows '98 I had minor problems but with my new computer & Windows XP, I've tried uploading a couple of slide shows but with no success. Anyone have this problem and is there a solution? Thx...Harvey
Igor, In Beta #6, the Advanced hour Hand Effects are apparently by default selected / checked. So in creating a new show I have to turned it off and select the Effect I want. Shouldn't the default condition be Advamced Hour Hand unchecked? This is a minor problem which is magnified when you load a pre v4.20 Beta #6 slide show and try to play it. You lose all your Project Options Effects on most slides because, in addtion to say FadeIn/Out, by default you get all 16 Advanced Hour Hand Effects. requiring me to change the format and slide show files to avoid these unwanted Effects. In addition, I would to see the ability to Customize a slide to not have the Navigation Bar shown. Thx...Harvey
Bill, Here's on update on the status of the European Space Agency's Beagle 2 lander: "The main engine calibration has been performed successfully. Following the trajectory correction manoeuvre performed on 10 November, the spacecraft is now on course to Mars for the upcoming Beagle-2 ejection... preparations and simulations for Beagle-2 ejection and Mars Orbit Insertion are entering the final stages. The Beagle-2 lander separation will take place on 19 December 2003. It will descend through the Martian atmosphere and land on the planet on 25 December 2003. The Mars Express spacecraft will undergo Mars orbit insertion (MOI) on 25 December 2003...all Beagle-2 checkouts have been successful, as well as a recently completed Beagle-2 lander software upload. Detailed lander surface operations are being finalised for the first few days on the surface of Mars. Some of these operations will be coordinated with high-resolution remote sensing by the orbiter during several flyovers of the Beagle-2 landing site in Isidis Planitia." If and when images are available, I'll add them to my slide show...Harvey
Bill, Al & Ron, I've updated my MARS slide show from 14 to 23 MB & uploaded it to the Beechbrook site. To pause the show to read the extensive text, you can mouse right click. Personally I'm looking forward to December '03 & January '04 when the next explorations, hopefully, successfully land on Mars...Harvey
Ron & Al, I am aware of the points you've made in your replies. In my shows I normally use PTE text editing capabilities most of the time and Photoshop text editing maybe 1% of the time, as I did in Mars. I am ususally aware of the capabililties, computer setup-wise, of the primary end user (clients, friends & myself) so the shows go off without a hitch. When I post a show (secondary end-user) I know that there may be some whose computer set up may not be up to par to mine and presentation may become a problem. In this respect, I have not put more time into making the slide shows fool proof for all. It serves me no prurpose. I try to maintain my own style & identity in my slide shows, as we all do, and I like the normal border I maintain around my images to allow text to be entered, where not excessively long like in Mars, in the border itself, in most cases, not encroaching & detracting from the image. My slide shows almost always contain text, and I and my primary viewers find this advantageous to enjoying the presentation, knowing what they are viewing. I found it to my advantage to enter the Mars excessive text in PTE for editing purposes in certain & among different slides as I changed my mind on content or subsequently included more info. Thanks again for your comments...Harvey
Al, It was created in 1024 x 768 rez. The problem may be the font, monotype corsiva, altho not entirely because it did the same thing that nite I showed it at the library on two or three of the slides. Also happened in my posted Getty slide show. I'm not sure it's P2E, the laptop used that nite or even the digital projector, which I doubt. I'll leave that kind of stuff to you guys active in the forum and I'll try to stick to the creative side. My workaround is (1) to select a more commonly used font but to me this distract from the show as I tend to select a font indicative of the content of the slide show or my audience, and (2) leave more margin when in text object editing...Harvey;)
Thx for the compliment. Glad you enjoyed both slide shows. I've used PTE and been a member of the forum for about 4 years. But I haven't posted anything for awhile or responded to replies to posts since the majority of interest is in sync-related questions. I'm more into the "special effects" capabilties and only add music afterwards to approx match the length of the show and then add or subtract time to certain slides or fade out the music to match. FYI, the Mars slide show was shown on the evening of August 27th at our local library activity to view Mars while this played inside via a digital projector on a 10 ft x 10 ft screen. It's really impressive on a big screen. Also, because of problems in uploading to Beechbrook, I uploaded two versions, Too bad Bill didn't choose to post the other larger version I uploaded, it had 7 more 2001 pics of Mars...Harvey
As I have mentioned in replies to other posts in the forum, I do not use the sync feature, but instead time the music to the slide show and use the internal player, the repeat music after playing and the close show after the last slide features. On my computer or faster ones ones, the end of music and slide show is within seconds so the repeat music & close slow after last slide does not significantly impact the "asthetics" of the show. And the affect on slower computers (Pentium II vs III/IV) is minimized where the the slide timing is off (taking more time to load and show the slide) and the music ends way before the last slide but without the drastic sync show blackout / dissolution effect. If I relie on the external player on the slower computer, the music and/or slide show at times skips or flutters. So I stay with the internal player even if the sound quality is less but it isn't disruptive.
Michel, I know you had asked for this in an earlier post and I supported you since I, too, would like to see this added to the capablility of P2E. When I "build" a non-sync slide show, I (1) start with the slides which have Project Opions Default durations as well as varying Personalized duration and effect of transition times, and (2) then add the music by selecting songs which closely match the expected duration of the slide show. I can then, if I want, adjust the Personlized duration of individual slides or the Project Opions default duration to add or subtract milliseconds to the music. If the music is slightly longer than the slide show on my computer, I can also "Close Show After the Last Slide". To me anyway, ending the slide show before the music ends is not that big a deal. I sure hope Igor can add this capablility. It would sure beat having to play the slide show to a figure out an approximate playing time and again to roughly balance the show & music...Harvey
Michel, Yes, if you are on a specific slide and go directly to Object Editor the picture is fixed and not modifiable. Try this: 1. Copy the slide & paste it back right into the Slide List , 2. With the copied slide placed right above the original and now with the cursor on it or hilited, uncheck the Show Image block, 3. Click Object Editor & on the blank screen, use the Picture Icon to import the picture that is on the orignal slide and you will be able to drag & drop it anyhere. I do this all the time to set up & position my sequencing. Hope this helps...Harvey
Igor, Thanks! I tried the preview from any slide feature and it's great. Now I can check my special sequencing of slides with different slide duration time, no transition time & transition effect time, using the Customize Slide option w/o having to go thru the show from the beginning. I would still like to see the ability to turn off the Project Option | Advance | Navigation Bar when Customizing Slides in a special sequence...Harvey
Picman, For one or two line simple title pages, I usually (1) first create a fill colored page to the size i want, say for example 700 x 525 to view in a 800 x 600 rez screen, in Photoshop texturized to my taste, and (2) use Objects in P2E to import the page and add the text in the font & size I want. Hope this helps...Harvey
Michel, I share your thoughts about the customize syn feature as it presently is. I have been a user for over 3 years and have never used this feature or plan to. I use a lot of different Project Option Show Setting timing, like 100 to 500ms, and Project Options Effects durations down to the minimum of 20 ms and even Quick (No transition Effect). But these timings / durations do not translate onto the syn timeline. I agree with you that what is needed is a non-syn timeline which (1) correctly depicts the timing / duration to test these transition sequences without going thru workarounds and (2) shows the content of what is on an objects page...Harvey
Earlier versions than 3.80 had the capability to show the Picture Name on the top of the slide by going to Project | Actions on Slide List | Set Comments for All slides To | Picture Name. This made it easy in long slide shows to identify where you where when you wanted to go back to revise, helped when viewing slide shows with a client because the picture name was visible, and provided a client with an easy way to select a picture when viewing "proofs". Does anyone know if Igor is restoring this function??? I would also like to see the ability to turn off the Navigation Bar when customizing a slide added to P2E...Harvey
Thanks, Marian, for the "scantips" link. Will incorporate this to all my Canon G2 based slide shows in either 1024 x 768 or 800 x 600 @ 10 dpi. I just did a small batch conversion and it went like a charm. Compared similar sizes in PS and there was no difference in the screen quality. Mahalo (just got back from Hawaii)...Harvey