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Everything posted by claire

  1. claire


    Thanks guys and gals... I'll go and have a play and write notes in my little notebook....
  2. claire


    Hi, Yes, Alan I am using MP3 files but I don't know how to mix my tracks into one track....perhaps you could enlighten me????? I want the first track to fade away, so it sounds like it's about to stop, how could I do this??? Also, with regards to the timeline, I didn't realise that ALL the slides needed to be included into the timeline....I shall try that next, probably where I was going wrong. Thanks
  3. Hi there, I want to add some music at the beginning of my show...which isn't a problem.... BUT I want it to last for about 1 minute - showing about 6 intro slides - and then fading it out quickly (on a certain beat) for another piece of music to start alongside the actual images. Can you please tell me how I can do this?????????? I can't work out the music syncro because when I try to use it I just get stuck on 1 slide ?????? Can you enlighten me please............
  4. Hi I'm just wondering if it's at all possible to add DV film (camcorder) into a P2E show???? If it is possible - HOW?? I'm going away next week and will be taking my new digital video camera, and of course my camera, so it would be brilliant if I could add a few video 'clips' into my slideshow?? Also, when will we see an upgrade with the added feature of saving our shows onto a DVD?? Cheers Claire
  5. I must be quite thick as I still don't understand.... What do you mean exactly by this... [Put the "autorun.inf" which is included in the zip in the root of the CD together with the utility "All_Exe.exe" and your shows. ] I have an 'autorun.inf' file which is named after the main show that I want to show clients but I also want them to see the other 2/3 .exe. files on the CD. What do you mean by 'utility'????
  6. How do you do this....? HOw do you add 'autorun' to open the CD and show all the shows??? I have 3 shows on a CD which I send out to perspective couples???
  7. I managed to do it... It took all day to add three songs and get them to start at the appropriate slides but I still did it. However, I still can't suss out the syncronisation of the music - it's very confusing.... Thanks Claire
  8. Thanks fellas!! Will keep you posted as to how I get on with it......
  9. Thanks
  10. Hi, I'm new to this forum.... I've been using P2E for the past 4 months and although I've successfully added music, I want to be able to sync it to the appropriate slide/image???? To give an example.... I'm currently putting together a show for a couple who's wedding we did, we stayed all through the first dance. They had a singer who has agreed to produce, exclusively to us, copyright free music - and will include this couple's first dance which he sang !! Now the first dance sequence looks fantastic BUT would be even better if the song started when the first slide in the sequence starts???!!!! How do I do this....? I've been playing with it but I just don't understand how I do it.....! Can anyone help me.....please....?? Cheers
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