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  1. Thank you Shelia! I found your show and downloaded it to my husband's PC since I'm on a Mac. Loved it! And that song worked perfectly with your show as well! Crazy minds think alike
  2. That was amazing! Looks complicated to put together, but so fun to watch
  3. Thank you Davy!
  4. Yes, I used flash to backlight the flour and another flash to fill from the front. And we had to let the dust settle quite a bit since it would get too hazy, so keeping contrast wouldn't have been possible with video. I re-arranged the slides out of sequence to create the illusion of a fluid dance. An actual dance never even took place, just the model releasing handfuls of flour in various poses. Thanks for watching
  5. I don't make slideshows as often as I used to, but when I do, I come visit this forum to find reminders on how to do them! This one is on YouTube and is the result of a project that involved making a really big mess in my studio. It turned out kind of cool and I thought some here might enjoy it, so I've attached a preview image and here's the link -
  6. I have 83 slides that must fit in a song track that is 4:22. It's been awhile since I've used this program (version 4.46). I checked the box for "Synchronize slideshow to music duration" but it doesn't have any effect. I purchase an upgrade to the deluxe version last May, but then lost my hard drive and the reg key with it. I've got a ticket into support, but for now, I'm stuck with this older version. Can someone help me? I'm trying to create a slideshow and get it onto DVD for my daughter's wedding this weekend, so I'm kind of rushed. ~Cindy
  7. After a PC disaster last year, I upgraded.... to a Mac. PTE was the one thing I dreaded leaving behind. Recently I've been nostalgic about some of my old work and slideshows, and thought maybe I could upload to Vimeo since YouTube was not a good option. After problems with that, I checked to see about upgrading my old PTE and was so happy to see an option for uploading to Vimeo and YouTube. I've checked out some of the shows some of you have put on Vimeo and the quality looks great! So I guess I'll be looking through the tutorials and learning how to play the new bells and whistles and maybe have some more fun once again with PTE. It's nice to see some familiar names still around here
  8. I took my camera to the local display the other night and posted some on my Blog. I used a 20D, ISO 100, 24-70 lens set at 24mm, f/16, and shutter set to bulb. I used a tripod and a remote shutter release. It was too much fun! It was a spectacular display. When I'd see the firework start up in the sky, I'd click the shutter open, and hold it open until there were more fireworks to fill in the area of the sky I was aimed at, or if there was just one explosion, I would close the shutter after a few seconds. If many were being set off, I would release it sooner so explosions would not cover each other up as being overexposed. I had the camera set to take vertical shots because I wanted the light trails going up to the explosion and also to show height in the sky. Painting with light! ~Cindy
  9. Thanks, Tom. They do list pages. I just checked and for some reason, it's now listing individual .zip files along with the html pages loaded. I had sent them an email, so maybe they adjusted something.
  10. I just transferred my site to a new server, and their statistics report does not list the individual downloads of shows from my site. I called my new server and was told there was nothing they could do about it. Does anyone here know of a way I can track downloads of zip files?
  11. Thanks everyone! I'm so glad you liked the show. I like your idea, Al. I'll remember it! I stuck with my newly engaged couples for this show, but I do have married and even long time married couples I've done the same style of portraits for, so someday I'll put together a show like that. I called iPowerWeb who hosts my site and they were very helpful. Like Lin said, the code is ad related. It counts hits on my site for hits for them, I have no idea how that's good, but it's not a virus that damages someone's system. There is a program out there that when a site is targeted, it will automatically try every word until it gets in. Scary thought. The tech helped me pick a password that would be a lot more difficult, so hopefully that problem is solved. The actual java script code on my page which does not have frames looked like this <script language="javascript"> document.write ( unescape( ' -----------")); </script> The "-------" was actually several lines of numbers and % signs, and was all above the <html> tag. Stevie, I don't use any actions for that look. I do shoot in the RAW format which I feel helps a picture to "pop" more, and process in Adobe's ACR which really helps boost the contrast. I usually boost the contrast a little bit more in Photoshop via contrast, levels, curves, or selective color adjustment layer.
  12. Now if that wasn't disturbing!!! Thanks for the heads up. OMG. I did check my home page and there was some real freaky java script at the very top, right before the html tag. I've replaced that page with my original index page which is why you didn't get the warning, Ken. I also went through the rest of my index pages and could not find it anywhere else. Now I need to find out how it happened so it doesn't happen again. Stevie, thanks for the compliment and the heads up.
  13. Hello! I've just uploaded a new show of some engagement portraits I've done. File size is 21.3MB and can be downloaded at: http://www.daydreamsart.com/engagementshow.zip No, it is not created with the cool version 5. Not a lot of PS tricks in this one either, just a simple show that I hope will make you smile! ~Cindy
  14. Thank you for the links and interesting reading, Lin! Al, I agree. PC's are so cheap, I'd bet many Mac users have one under the bed! ~Cindy
  15. Thanks guys. I feel good about my response then. Is the estimate of Macintosh being 3% of the world market documented somewhere? I'd love to link to that in the future. Actually though, PTE is probably the biggest reason I have not switched to Macintosh. This is how I responded to the first post which I believe to be a kid who recently learned to build basic websites and now thinks he knows everything, and is trying to get business from users of this particular wedding photography forum I frequent: "Give me a break. I would have expected better advice from you. I've been offering exe shows for years and have had thousands of downloads. As a professional trying to impress potential clients, why would I offer shows with viruses? My current portfolio show, "Where Love Is", has been downloaded 2,774 times in the past 12 months. My show "Dancing Dreams" has been downloaded many times more than that over the past several years. My client shows get downloaded by their friends and families without any worries. Instead of using the rule "never" and closing all doors to the good things the internet has to offer, a person needs to educate themselves and secure their system by installing a firewall, virus and spyware protection, then use them and keep them current. You should be careful with ANYTHING you download. Be sure it's from a source you trust. EXE files are not the only extension that can be infected, there are MANY many more. As I said, flash is good. I personally don't care for the showitfast look, but then I've been spoiled with the quality of an exe show. I don't have the time or inclination to learn Macromedia right now to design my own flash shows. Maybe someday. The majority of my visitors and potential clients are PC users, and many apparently trust me." I did not respond to the second post, since I would have been repeating myself, not to mention I considered his comments just plain rude. BTW, less than half the downloads of the portfolio show I mentioned have been from Beechbrook. The rest have been from direct visitors to my site. Same with Dancing Dreams. ~Cindy
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