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Everything posted by jim.smith24

  1. Thanks for your help. I have just had a session and have 'sorted' it, I think. It appears after I cleared list and did another operation it always asked project ? has changed do you want to save it. I was hitting yes and overwriteing my original with an empty list if you see what I mean. It is a little confusing for us beginners but my wife has a great show which we fortunatly saved to disc first before we lost our files and had to do it all over again as we had before.
  2. Help When I save a project with save as and later go and try to open it nothing appears in the window, no files. Bottom right I can see what folder and the title of my project but when I click open nothing happens. If I am working on two projects my second one overwrites the first when I ask it to save . What am I doing wrong. Jim
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