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Everything posted by Ronniebootwest

  1. How do I download this style please?
  2. Hi Lin, great example of the starwars screen. Did you make this in PTE Version 10? if so, have you a tutorial on how you did it?
  3. Please let us know which version of PTE are you using.
  4. PTE Version 10 is 64 bit so you will need Windows 10 installed in order to run it.
  5. Hello Ron67. You seem to be very technically minded and I am not. I have followed this thread with great interest. I wonder if you would explain a little more about how you are setting the encoding that you are using in PTE (I assume that you are using version 10 AV Studio) Ron West.
  6. Good idea Barry! You already have some excellent tutorials on your own website, that I have found to be most helpful. Ron.
  7. Good suggestion Jill! Another solution might be to save the show as an MP4 file and that should run on any computer and the quality (in version 10) is superb. Ron West.
  8. Hi Lin, I lke the sound of this 'Tinyspell' download. Maybe you could do a quick tutorial on how to use it?
  9. Cedric, I am surprised to hear you say 'which may not have had the required player for the mp4' A VLC player can be downloaded and it is totally free.
  10. Goddi. Maybe Igor can answer this problem, why not contact him?
  11. Strange, I have a 4k 65" Sony TV and my shows fill that screen and look perfect. I use the 1920x1080 sizing and all looks good. I will be following this thread closely to see what others say.
  12. Good to see that so many have responded to this email. For my two pence worth, I can only agree with all comments made so far. PTE has been my real hobby for many years now and will continue to be for many more years to come. My wish for 2020, is for the MAC version to be made available quite soon. A very safe and healthy new year to you all. Ronnie West (UK)
  13. Welcome Berny, glad that you have found us and I know that you will be very welcome.
  14. Lin, it may well be 'simple logic' to some people but, I think that the description should be made much easier to understand. I admit to being a simple bloke and would prefer something with a bit more clarity
  15. Hi Lacogada, Version 10 is well worth the upgrade and I can recommend it to you. The sound and Video quality, especially when saving to an MP4 audio file, is exceptional. Go ahead and upgrade, it's Christmas! Treat yourself. Ron West.
  16. Not very helpful Barry! I cannot write them until I have learned how to use it myself. I saw some recent Videos of yours, that were very good but have lost the place where I found them. I have emailed a message to you asking if you would steer me to where those videos are please.
  17. Just goes to show that 'Getting Old' can have a bad effect on memory. I feel a little stupid now and, after reading the replies from Lin and Wideangle, I recall writing a tutorial on 'Creating your first slide show'. The very first section of that tutorial explained in detail how to create the folder structure I requested. I am now going to update that tutorial to cover the PTE AV studio upgrade. My thanks to Lin and Wideangle for reminding me.
  18. I am now trying to get to grips with Version 10 (AV Studio) and am not finding it very easy. I previouse versions, when creating a new slide show I simply created a ne main folder and then made sub folders within that main Folder. This doesn't seem to work in this latest version. Can someone please expain how to do this. THis is what I want to achieve: Doc1.docx
  19. Enjoy the break! You deserve a longer holiday.
  20. Hi Barry, I have been to your website but could only find video on PTE 10. What I want is, written tutorials like the ones that I create.
  21. I have just installed PTE 10 and want to create tutorials and looked for any that others have made. However, I could not find any. Can anybody steer me to any that may exist on the web? I realise that version 10 is very new, and needs some tutorials for new users.
  22. Hey Lin, have you ever written a tutorial on 'How to create a Style' ? Ron.
  23. I don't understand! Why would you want a slide list to be vertical?
  24. Can you expand your thoughts on this please, I am not sure of what you are doing.
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