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Everything posted by Ronniebootwest

  1. No, this does not provide me with what I want. Seems like this option (and a few more) have been dropped now. This is a shame because it degrades the 'New Look' Ron
  2. I like the look of the new Forum layout, but I cannot find where the 'My Assistant' option has gone. I found that option useful because I was able to immediately find my last 10 posts. Has it gone for good, or am I just not looking in the right place? Ron West
  3. Mike, If you are creating a unique folder for your slide shows, why don't you burn that folder to a CD, for use as a backup? Ron
  4. No need for this sarcastic remark! Ken is correct. Ron
  5. Hi Yaughtsman1, I agree with you, we don't really want any sound editing within PTE (it's getting complicated enough). Audacity or, better still, Adobe Audition can do everything that is needed much better than any 'Simple Fade' option would do. I join with you, and will speak my mind! Ron West.
  6. Did you use the 'Backup in Zip' option within PTE when you made your backup? If you did, then all of your images, sound files plus the project file will have been backed up for you. If you did not use that option then things will not work for you especially since you have changed your hard drive. Ron
  7. You didn't miss anything! It is the same as it always was, i.e. select the slides you want to copy then 'RIGHT CLICK' and choose copy. In the slide list of the second project that you open (while Project 1 is still open) 'RIGHT CLICK' and choose paste. Ron
  8. This sounded promicing when I read it but, I am afraid that it doesn't seem to work for me! Looks Like I will have to create my buttons and text in Photoshop. Ron
  9. You are right! What software are you talking about? Ron
  10. I think that this topic has been discussed before but I can't find it within the search parameters. My problem is that when adding text to a button (created with PTE) the size of this text changes, depending on the length of the text string. Is there a way of maintaining a constant size? If I have a series of buttons on a menu, I want the same size text in each. Thanks for any help. Ron West
  11. Under normal conditions, I set my monitors to run at thier optimum resolution (largest) in my case that is 1680 x 1050) and then size my images to the same. Then in PTE Project option, in the Screen Tab, set the 'Virtual size of slide' to the same size as the image you are displaying, i.e. 1680 x 1050 Ron
  12. You will need to have a dedicated scanner such as the Nikon or the Minolta for medium format film Both are very expensive. Ron
  13. Hello Mary, It is great that you have emailed Barry, I guess in response to his question about Resolution/Size. But you haven't posted your reply on this forum and I would also like to know the answer. Ron
  14. Hi Nobeefstu, Excellent tool and well worth downloading! I have just used it to retrieve my details and it worked a treat. Thank you for taking the time to make this for us, it will be a life saver, especially if it is burned to a CD and kept off of the computer. Ron West
  15. Thanks to all of you who have commented so far. I am going to check out the DIVX player and investigate the DVD burner function. Meantime, I have discovered that good old Nero will do the job quite well. I used the 'NERO VISION' option to convert and burn to a standard DVD and then played it back in 'NERO SHOWTIME' However, Classic Cinema was much better quality. The quality of the DVD Picture was very good, although a little on the dark and contrasty side. I also noticed some 'jerkiness' of and panning, e.g. scrolling text titles. Ron
  16. Hi Maureen, I have just watched your show about the lakes and am compelled to comment. I agree with the last poster, in that your end credits ought to include a slide giving some details about the who, what and where. I was inspired by the photographs and now want to visit the area (Ihave never been to the area before) to see it for myself. Well done and please keep on making these beautiful slide shows to share with us. Ron West
  17. I have made a HD Video file using the 'Create' button in PTE. It plays perfectly using the 'Classic Cinema' player recommended by Igor. My question is this, can this file (MP4) be burned to a DVD using any known software? Ron West
  18. This beta is extending the boundaries to an exciting level. I have looked at the new 'Add Border' option and like the possibilities it offers af adding almost any size of border to an image. At the moment, it is just a simple white border - I wonder if this could be extended so that we can choose any colour border? Well done Igor, you and your team deserve the congratulations that you are getting! Ron West EDIT: oops! If I had looked more closely, I would have seen that it is already possible to select a colour. I guess I must slow down a little and pay more attention. Ron
  19. I think that simply adding a period of silence is the best way forward, as suggested above, and it takes just a moment - not really any hassle.Ron
  20. Yes I think that you have solved your problem! Ron
  21. Did you size the images to the correct size for Utube? My guess is that you sized them at 1024 x768 and that will not work! Ron
  22. Hello Brian, What you suggest is a distinct possibility because I have been having a bad few days (Old age I guess) but it doesn't matter now anyway - see my reply to Barry below. Barry, I took your suggestion on board! Shut down my computer and went for a cuppa tea. When came back, the Gremlins had done thier work and the system is now working fine again. Thanks! Ron
  23. I am using Version 5.6.4 and have saved a Project to a folder on my drive. When I try to reload that saved project, I get the attached message and the file will not open. Can someone please explain what is happening here. Ron
  24. I am a dedicated user of PTE and have been since October 2003. It really is the best slide show creator out there and I will continue be a user for many years to come. I continually urge folk to buy the program through my web site and the many tutorials that I have written. I have been very pleased to assist with the beta testing through the time I have been active on this Forum. Many congratulations to Igor and the team for continuing to improve an already excellent piece of software. Ron West.
  25. Thanks Lin, guess I must still use the copy/paste method then. Ron
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