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Everything posted by Ronniebootwest

  1. A while back, we discussed the methods of copying slides from one project to another. We also talked about actually combining a complete project into another one. I know how to achieve this (ecepting that you have to add the music tracks manually) I recall that Igor said that version 5.2 onwards might include the ability to do this. Does anyone know if this is now so? Ron
  2. I am so pleased that you have now been abale to register your software. Now the fun begins for you! Please visit my website and see if anything is of interst to you. Ron
  3. Hopefully, Igor will read my post above and respond by making this whole process easier for all of us. Ron
  4. Here we go again! Why do I read that so many people have trouble with the registration of PTE software - surely it can be made more simple so that these problems can be avoided. It does not do WNsoft any good at all, when folk keep having these annoying problems. Perhaps Igor can take a fresh look at the registration procedures and bring them into line. kongo09 Please be assured that this software is the best and is certainly not bogus in any way. When you eventually get it up and running, you will be delighted! Stay in touch with this Forum and we will all be very happy to assist you - and that's a promice! Ron West
  5. Hi Ron, This works fine, but only at display resolution for a screen capture. Best regards, Lin
  6. Geoff, Barry Beckham had some very good tutorials on this subject, particularly his 'Pictures To Exe 5 - Techniques 1' DVD. Visit his site and take a look. Barry's Web Site Ron West
  7. I agree with Ken! Ron West
  8. Doug, As a matter of interest, do you have more than one version of photoshop installed on your computer? I had a similar problem when I had CS2 and CS3 installed at the same time. When I un-installed CS2, the CTRL+W worked fine. Ron
  9. Igor, This is looking very exciting now and the new additions to the program will make it even better. Can't wait for the beta testing to begin - make it very soon please! Ron West
  10. Brian, You have opened a can of worms I fear! I have followed your comments about 'Zip' files and now have some concerns: 1. How does the backup in zip feature, in PTE, rate in your opinion? 2. Is 'Winzip' better or worse that 'WinRar' ? Ron
  11. Slow down fella's! Let us not let this thread get out of hand. When I asked my original question, I did not intend to start a discussion on the merits (or otherwise) of a 'ZIP' file - that matter is for another thread. DaveGee is quite right when he repeated my original question, i.e. "There are two option available in PTE that allow you to create either a 'Template' or a 'Back up in Zip' and I have never really been sure of the difference between the two. Perhaps somebody could clarify the differences and the suggest the best option to use please". Brian Conflow always offers constructive answers to questions and his reference to zipped files being compressed and losing quality, should be taken seriously. However, as I said above, start another thread if this subject is of interest to you. Ron
  12. Now I have it right! My images are cropped to 1680 x 1050 My desktop monitor is running at it's native resolution of 1680 x 1050 I have done as Peter has suggested and set Project Options to run at 'Full Screen' at aspect ratio 16:10 My images are now displayed full screen. Thank you all for your help! Ron
  13. I tried 'unticking' the 'Fixed size of slide' and it appeared to make no real difference on my desktop computer but I feel sure that it will make a difference if played on a laptop wth a different screen resolution. (due to the up/downscaling of the images). I can't check this at the moment because my laptop is not working properly. Ron.
  14. I am sure that some other Forum Members will be as confused as I am on this topic so I thought I would post the following question: I have a flat screen monitor with dimensions as follows: 22 inch screen 1680 x 1050 Resolution I crop all of my images to match the above resolution. In PTE, I set the Screen tab in Project Options, as per the attachment below. However, when I preview the slide show, the image does not display full screen - why? Ron
  15. Brian, Your explanation is exactly what I wanted and I thank you for detailing it so well. Maureen, Your method is certainly commendable - 'Belt and Braces' is an apt description. Ron
  16. You are right - I get the same error message when trying to access The Dom's site. Ron
  17. Dave G, I am in total agreement with you about partitioning a large 'C' drive to keep programs separated from data. Can I please bring this thread back to the original question, i.e. "Perhaps somebody could clarify the differences and the suggest the best option to use please". I am still unclear what the differences are between 'Backup in Zip' and 'Templates'. Ron
  18. Hi nobeefstu, Thanks for the information but I am afraid that you have gone a little over my head with this one. I have always been very wary of using the 'Regedit' option because I am afraid to tinker with the registry without knowing exactly what I am doing. If you have the time, perhaps you would be kind enough to provide a 'step by step' guide for me please - I would appreciate it. Ron
  19. Thanks Lin, I understand what you say but the problem here is that whilst the older key remains in the registry, the new key (for video bulider) cannot be installed it seems. My theory is that if the existing key is removed from the registry, then the new key could be installed correctly. My problem is that I do not know how to identify the location of the key in the registry. Having said that, what is the correct method of entering the new key and, will this 'overwrite' the existing key? Ron
  20. I have been asked by a colleague for some help in removing the embedded licence key from the registry but I do not know the answer. It seems that he has installed the latest version of PTE Deluxe (build 5.6.4)but when attempting to use 'Video Builder' he is getting a message to install the 'Licence Key' but the system seems to recognise the earlier (standard version key) and so will not let him install the new key. Can someone explain what has to be done to overcome this problem please? Thanks, Ron West
  21. Hi DaveG I agree with you that the C drive should only be used for programs and not for data, but not everyone has more than one drive and so have to use the C drive. Peter, Yes I like the method of creating a folder for each AV project (with sub-folders of course).
  22. Ken, Your link seems to go to Version 5.6.3 Where can I download the very latest PTE Version please? Ron.
  23. There are two option available in PTE that allow you to create either a 'Template' or a 'Back up in Zip' and I have never really been sure of the difference between the two. Perhaps somebody could clarify the differences and the suggest the best option to use please. Another point that confuses me is the fact that, when using the 'Template' option, the default folder is always created on the users 'C' drive yet I notice that this can be changed to a drive of the users own preference - what is the point of this? Ron West
  24. What an in depth technical reply from Lin - very interesting and thank you for the very full explanation. For my part, I still think that, for general sharpening, the 'Lab Color' method takes a lot of beating. There are so many programs that claim to be expert at everything to do with sharpening, but for general use I still use Photoshop for most of me sharpening needs. Ron
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