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Everything posted by Ronniebootwest

  1. Is that a yes or a no Lin?
  2. Is this the final release of this version now? Ron West
  3. Barry, You are right! at 72 the texture looks a little better. I had always thought that 72 ppi was for Apple Mac and 96 ppi was for Windows. I will be using 72 for PTE slide shows in future. DaveG When I started this thread, I wanted to learn if my image was being seen on smaller resolution screens at full screen or whether it had any borders. I also want to know at what kind of quality it displayed at. On my monitor (1680x1050) it did not fill the screen because I had cropped the image to a smaller size with the intention of adding a 'mask' as a frame so that everyone could see it (using the Barry Beckham technique). I guess what I am really trying to determine is how best to produce a PTE Slide Show on my monitor so that I can retain the best quality I can and still display at FULL SCREEN. Seems that I am getting myself a little confused along the way. Ron
  4. Hi Dave, I have noticed this 'tiling' effect myself - it is caused by the 'Texturiser' settings being to high, i.e. if the relief slider is set higher than 1. I found that keeping the relief down to 1, usually eliminates it. However, the low screen resolution also seems to have an adverse effect on this particular filter. With my resolution set to 1680x1050, it is perfect. What is the resolution of your monitor please? Ron
  5. This image was created on a monitor of 1680 x 1050 x 96 I am keen to learn how it displays on other monitors, e.g. are there any borders showing around the image? Ron West
  6. Thank goodness that all people are not all the same! Whoever made that statement had as much right to say it as anyone else and I guess that he/she was referring to the old way of creating Audio Visual with twin projectors. In these days of digital we all tend to simply put music to our slides because it is all so easy to do. How many of us really put the same effort into our shows in the same way that the 'old school' did? I am sure that the comment was made with the very best of intentions. Ron
  7. I have received an email from Granot today. He is very well and living in Thailand at the moment. He tells me that he is so busy developing his 'Thai Spoken Dictionary' that he has no spare time to devote to PTE at present but passes on his best wishes to everyone. Ron
  8. Absolutely stunning in every way! The photography is amoung the very best that I have seen, beautifully composed, exposed and manipulated. I do not normally get excited with 'filter effects' but these images are superb and extremely watchable. Very well done indeed and an inspiration to us all. Please email me with details of this Mcmannus filter effect and where it can be downloaded. Ron West My email address
  9. Great stuff Brian - I got something right for a change. I am well satisfied with this new setup of mine and I am very grateful for all the help that you have given me. I must also acknowlege Lin Evans who is always a source of reliable advice. Ron
  10. I followed your suggestions and have now come up with, what I think, is an optimal 'Crop Size' for my images. I am running my monitor resolution at 1680x1050 so first of all I changed the PTE screen size to the 16:10 ratio then I cropped my images to 1750x1100 at 72 resolution. This completely filled my monitor screen without any borders showing. Interesting to note that the crop dimensions needed to be larger than the actual monitor resolution. Ron
  11. You will be much better off going direct to the supplier I reckon./ I bought mine from then a couple of years ago and have been very pleased. Ron
  12. I tried that Lin but found that I lost too much quality from my image so I cropped to the same resolution as my monitor (1680x1050) and found that the quality was maintained but the image did not quite fill the screen. However, an excellent way of doing things, even though at the expense of larger image sizes. Ron
  13. Blimey! Why all this technical stuff? The gist of this question was to determine the best size for an image that is intended for a wide screen monitor/TV. We are all probably in the habit of cropping our images to 1024x768 for normal 'square' monitors. What I (and others) would like to know is what size do we now crop to in order to display correctly on a wide monitor. A 'KISS' reply would be nice! Ron
  14. I have downloaded and watched your slide show (Thailand). It is excellent and you have captured the feeling of the country very well indeed. The images are very good and the soundtrack works extremely well with some interesting 'over-dubs' - you have clearly mastered the art of either Audition or maybe you used Audacity. Very well done! I look forward to seeing your next slide show. By the way, I noticed the frame around the images - now where have I seen that before! Ron West
  15. I agree with Lin, TURN IT OFF!
  16. I am in agreement with Dave on this one. If you have a camera capable of producing large resolution RAW images, then take advantage of that fact and, if you are intending to use the images in PTE, then just process those images to to the size required, i.e. 1024x768 for static images and larger if you intend to zoom. As for sharpening, don't let the camera do any and resist the temptation to sharpen when converting the RAW image. If the photo then requires sharpening, then use a method that is better than the 'unsharpen' filter, e.g. Lab sharpening. Just my thoughts and not written in stone. Ron
  17. Just to wind up this thread! After noting the advice offered, especially by Lin and Brian, I concluded that the FX740 was not for me. Instead I have opted for this one: 512mb PCIe x 16 nVidea Quadro FX 1700 Dual Monitor DVI or VGA Graphics Now that is all a little over my head but Brian Conflow reckons that it will do the job, so that advice is good enough for me. My thanks, once again, for the help and support I have received. Ron
  18. Jeff, you are so right and I am with you 100% I did say from the very beginning, when version 4 was being used, that too much change may well spoil what is an excellent piece of software. I reckon it is time for Igor and his team to have a well earned rest (and holiday) so that we can all get to grips with all the new additions to PTE. I doubt very much if there are many users who can understand it all at the moment! Ron
  19. I agree with Davegee, this software should be made for the majority and not just to accomodate a single persons method of working. Ron
  20. Thanks for the comments guys, especially Lin Evans who has given some excellent advice. I am now a lot more confident that this new computer will function as I want. Ron
  21. Blimey! over 100 views and still nobody is using this hardware. Am I alone in this? Ron
  22. I have just ordered a Dell Precision T7400 computer which has the following card installed. I am interested to learn if anyone is using this card for PTE. Processor: T7400 - Intel Xeon E5420 (2.50ghz, 1333 FSB, 2x6mb, Quad Core Card: 256mb PCIe x 16 nVidea Quadro FX570 (ELGA11), Dual Monitor DVI or VGA Graphics card. I would be particularly interested to learn if anyone is using the dual monitor display. Thanks for any feedback, Ron West
  23. The problem was with my graphcs card! I was using a GeForce 6600Gt and it failed so I am updating my entire cumputer that will include an Nvidea 8800 (512mb) card and a dual core processor. I hope that this will cure all my problems. Ron
  24. I installed Beta 4 and when I try to run the program, my computer is freezing up! It might be something in my setup, I will try it again in the morning and see if it is working then. Ron
  25. Is it possible for you to provide a pdf of just the text please? Ron
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