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Everything posted by Ronniebootwest

  1. Why don't you just 'Right Click' and run from this slide?
  2. This problem has been raised so many times over the years. Please, please heed the advice given above and ALWAYS make either a Template or a Back up in zip of every project that you make with PTE. You will then not have to face the problem of missing files. Ron
  3. Please remember that PTE seems to work much better with an standard mp3 file, i.e. NOT mp3 pro. I also recommend that, when using more that one music track, you join them all together to create just one single track (in your music editor such as Audacity or Audition). Ron
  4. A very haunting slide show and very well done, by someone so young. Paul reminds us all 'never to forget'. Ron West (UK)
  5. Scolling text is very easy to do, visit the tutorials page on my website where you will find a CD that will show you how. Ron
  6. Very Good! Nice to see something a little different, i.e. the use of shapes. Cumbria is now on my list for places to visit! Ron West
  7. Patrick I have read your response and find that I now am understanding more of what you are trying to do. I am not in any way implying that you are not a very good photographer, I have taken the time to visit your space in 'PBase' and I just love some of your images that I found there - perfectly exposed and composed. I now understand what you were attempting to show us in Amsterdam, i.e. the dark versus the light. I am going to look again at you slide show, maybe in a couple of days and I am sure that I will then see it in a different light! I do not profess to be a professional photographer, just a keen ameteur so I hope that you will understand that I offer my comments in an open and friendly way. Ron.
  8. Hi David, With respect, can I point out that if you are going to use the PTE program you will probably need some help at some time or another and there is no better place to get that help, than on this forum. Now that you have found us, please stay for a while and give us a chance. Ron
  9. The banter between D67 and Barry proves the point made a short while ago doesn't it? If folk do not want to read constructive criticism about thier work, then don't invite comments in the first place. I agree with Barry on this one, some work in photoshop would have improved the exposure of these imaged and made the whole slide show much easier to watch. I mean no offence with these remarks! Ron
  10. I agree that a 'Poll' of members would be a good idea, however, I doubt that many would even bother to participate in that! Such is the apparent apathy of us human beings these days - it is very rare to receive comment or feedback on anything unless it is to complain. Sad but true. Ron
  11. I think that it is always worth the time to look at other peoples point of view - it's the way we learn. Ron
  12. Hi Mike, Peter has requested that you post a zipped copy of your project files, if you willo do this I will also take a look to see if you have missed something. However, you state that the problem is intermittant - sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. This suggests that it is not a problem within PTE but that the problem might exist on your computer system. Are you running Vista or XP? If you would prefer to send you zipped project via email then please send it to: My Email: Ron
  13. Running slide shows from the 'desktop' is not the best way of running a sequence of slide shows. Have you considered creating a simple 'One Page Menu' as an exe and running your shows from that? If you don't know how to make a menu, you can download a pdf tutorial from my web site. Visit My Website Ron.
  14. Lin Evans, I watched you example of mapping and was impressed. A number of people of asked me how to do this but I have been unable to help them because I can't do it myself yet. Is it possible for you to produce a short AVI tutorial on the method you used? I could then convert itt into a pdf tutorial for others who prefer a written tutorial with screenshots. Ron West
  15. Well Done Peter! Welcome to our Forum, you will find lots of helpful guys here, to help you with any problems. Your first slide show is very good and shows that you have put quite a lot of time into it, maybe you ought to consider not using portrait and landscape images in the same show though because it is always difficult to merge them effectively although you seem to have have managed it quite well. Your choice of music is great - very relaxing and it suits the mood of the overall show. I look forward to seeing your next project. Regards, Ron West.
  16. Jim has produced a very good slide show with some excellent images. It is clear that he knows a lot about photography. The use of black & white shots is very good indeed and some of the colour images are worthy of hanging on any wall. If I am asked to comment, I would have this to say:- 1. The show would be better if it was a little shorter with only the very best images selected. 2. Change the frame for something that complements the images rather than compete with them. Regards, Ron West
  17. Hello Silvia1, I downloaded the example you attached and when I ran the 'Project' I noted that the actual images used in the album were mine. I am flattered that they have been used but you gave the impression that they were 'The Dom's'. Just thought that I had better point that out. Ron
  18. There are a couple of pdf tutorials on making frames in Photoshop, on the Tutorial Page of my website, that might be of interest to you. Ron West Visit My Website
  19. Yes, Ken is correct, I do have a few shows uploaded to You Tube but I have stopped doing it now because I felt that thepoor quality of You Tube did nothing at all for my slide shows. Best to stick with the superb image quality the Pictures To Exe produces in a full .exe file. Ron
  20. This subject of video within a PTE slide show, is an old chestnut. My opinion is that we should learn how to use the many options available to us in PTE and concentrate on creating an acceptable audio visual show with still images. Take a look at Barry Beckhams latest show (Another Age) to see just what can be achieved. If you want to watch video then invest in a Camcorder! Ron
  21. Bill, If I understand you correctly, you want to have the first image zooming in and then want the second image to zoom in as the first one is zooming out. Something like this perhaps? Test_Overlapping_Zooms.zip
  22. The expression is 'Sliced Bread' Ron
  23. This move was inevitable! I wonder if this will mean a reduction in the cost of Blu Ray discs. Ron
  24. The Video Builder extension to PTE Version 5 is a must for anyone wanting to make DVD's quickly and easily. I can recommend it! Ron West
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