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Everything posted by Ronniebootwest

  1. Leonard, You said: I don't agree with a lot of what you say but this particular suggestion bears some merit. I for one would support the idea of a 'getting started' section and would willingly contribute some pdf style tutorials to help the newcomer to PTE. Ron West
  2. Leonard, I tried to understand your viewpoint when I read a recent post of yours. However it does now seem that you are hell bent on taking a very negative view and we can do without that on this forum. The 'help' that you offered to this new member is not what she wanted to hear so please try to be a little more accomodating after all, if you don't like this forum, you have a choice you know. Ron West
  3. I think that pdf files can be a very good way of teaching folk how to do anything. I personally use pdf's in all of my video tutorials because I feel that the written word can be an excellent supplement to video learning. I agree with Maureen though, the 'human' touch is a valuable method and also creates a more friendly approach to any problem. So, if you are still there Leonard, remember that we are all here to help if we can. Ron West
  4. I agree with what Ken has advised you to do - have a go with Version 4.48 before you attempt Version 5, that way you will get a feel for just how good PTE really is. As an old user of Pro Show Gold, I can say that PTE is streets ahead for visual quality and when Version 5 is finally realeased, it will be the top selling package that others will be judged by. The mere fact that Pro Show has reduced its prices so drastically, proves that they are finding it difficult to compete. You also have to consider that PTE has this wonderful Forum where you can get answers and help with any problems that you encounter along the way. I wholeheartedly endorse the Pictures To Exe software. Ronnie West.
  5. This is not quite correct! The latest beta is version 8u
  6. Hi Lin, Sorry to read about your eye problem. Please take care of yourself and don't worry about things. We will miss you but your health is far more important so I wish you the very best for a speedy recovery. Ron West
  7. Hi Ken, What's happemed to your English? You seem to be talking strange!
  8. This demo is fantastic and the sound is a great improvement. Why don't you follow Lin Evans example and provide us with a SWF tutorial so that we can all have a go at producing this marvellous effect. Ron
  9. I feel neglected! Nobody seems to have noticed that it is my birthday So I'll say it myself, "Happy birthday Ron". I will be celebrating tonight so will not be available in the morning (hangover) Ron
  10. Lin, can you post some links to the programs you mention about 'rain' please.
  11. Touche!
  12. Stick with Camtasia Studio, it is the best. Yes it is expensive but the best always is. Ron
  13. Hi! I haven't heard about this plug in before. Could you please explain just what it does and where it can be downloaded. Ron
  14. You are right Roger, I have indeed loaded Windows Live. I found it a little confusing when I saw the message that Full Screen (F11) was not supported and had difficulty finding the toolbar option to turn off the 'Tabbed Browsing'; so in case other members have the same problem, here is a quick demo of how to find it:- Tabbed_Browsing.doc
  15. Yes I did, but I don't think that I intended to.
  16. I have started to receive the following message when attempting to use the F11 key to display images in FULL SCREEN mode. I cannot find the 'Options Menu' that is referred to. Can someone point me in the right direction please? Ron.
  17. I cannot see this line of options on my computer anywhere. Perhaps a screenshot, highlighting thier positions would help UPDATE must be still asleep! I can now see them all.
  18. Hello Al, Could you please tell me the name of the 'tutorial' show that you mention is on the Beechbrook site. Ron
  19. The simple answer is to always make a back up of your original images Ron
  20. Thanks John, I have received the font (RAVIE) and also your project. I will now spend some time with it to see if I can work out what you have done. I think I can see your method and I reckon the animation will take a little while but will be well worth it. Thanks for sharing it with us. Ron.
  21. Your project file has not arrived yet on The Dom's site - I guess the poor chap is busy just now getting his new site in order after his recent problems. I will keep on checking until he uploads it. I am particularly interested in learning how you created those small 'falling leaves' in your demo - it looks so real and professional. The animation you used in PTE is superb and I want to be able to do that too! Ron
  22. Hi John, I think you mean the font called RAAVI, I have found this in my computer (XP) but when I select it and then the 'Horizontal Type Tool' all I get is a series of question marks! Perhaps I have a corrupt version of the font? Any ideas? Ron
  23. Many thanks Ebenist, I look forward to seeing how it was done. You can always send it to me direct either by email or (if it is to big) via Dropload. Ron
  24. Ebenist, This is a wonderful piece of work! I would like to have such a professional looking intro to some of my slide shows. I'd like very much to know how you did this animation, will you consider posting the full project file??? Ron
  25. Not so cheap, when you consider all of the bits and pieces that you need to add on to a basic machine, e.g. memory, video card, DVD player etc. Ron
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