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Everything posted by Ronniebootwest

  1. Hi Lin, Yes I do mean changing the distance between the keypoints on the timeline. I have set the timing to 60000 and this of course means that the actual end keypoint disappears from the timeline to the right. With this setting, the text scrolls up at a satisfactory speed BUT the second image then appears much to quickly (long before the text has scrolled up to the top. How can I make the second image appear as the text disappears? Ron
  2. Alrobin said: I am not planning on the September gig, hope to be on holiday around that time. Ken Cox is right though, I do have an MSN account and talk to many colleagues each week. Why don't you register? or are you one of the old school who still believe 'peer to peer' is a little dangerous? I think that it has come a very long way since the old days of MSN chat rooms. I use it an awful lot and have never had any problems. Ron
  3. In the latest beta (5) I am having some problems with the speed at which text 'scrolls up the screen'. Having set the text to scroll up in the normal way (see my pdf tutorial) everything seems to work perfectly with the text 'slowly' moving up the screen. However when I check/uncheck the 'Play background music tab' in the main 'Music' tab of Project Options, strange things happen. For example with the tab checked - the text scolls up very quickly but if I uncheck the tab, the text slows down to a readable speed. But! with the tab unchecked the .exe file created WILL NOT RUN. How should the speed of the 'scroll' be controlled? I was under the impression that moving the transition points further apart would slow down the movement, but this does seem to work for me. Ron
  4. I notice the above addition to your post Brian, neat little option to know how many times a file has been downloaded. How is it done? With regard to the infomation on the 72-300 topic, well like I said in reply to your other post - KIS(S). Ron
  5. and a very good suggestion it is too! but please keep the expanation 'SIMPLE' so that people will understand it rather than be confused even further by over the top technical jargon. Ron
  6. This post seems to be linked to my previous post called 'What width and height is best' or am I seeing things Ron
  7. Alrobin is right! I know that now because I did as he suggested and ran a couple of tests. I cropped an image down to 1024x768 at 300 resolution. I then cropped the same (original) image down to 1024x768 at 72 resolution. Then I ran both in PTE and could see no difference. 2. It seems correct therefore, to crop DOWN to 1024x768 at 72 Resolution, BUT if you intend to use version 5 to zoom in/out then the size of the image, i.e. 1024x768 will need to be increased so that the visual quality of the image is maintained. Am I correct in this thinking? Conflow. You don't need to remind me that the '72 resolution' thingy has been discussed before, I know that already but the fact that it has been discussed so many times, demonstrates that many folk are still confused so be patient with us newer fella's Ron
  8. Before you all groan and say "Oh no not again!" let me explain what I need to know. I now realise that I get a much better and sharper picture (in version 5) than ever I used to before. I was always a pundit for using the good old 1024 v 768 x 72 as the image size for creating my slide shows. However, I now project my shows with a Mitsubishi projector and have discovered that my shows are much much sharper when I choose a higher resolution, e.g. 300. I still crop my images to 1024 x 768 though, just to fill the screen. This has the disadvantage of losing some of the image and I feel that I want to overcome this and retain more of the image. My camera produces a RAW image of 3504 x 2336 pixels and if save this at a resolution of 300 I finish up with a 23.4mb file. The 'old school' of thought was to reduce the resolution and the image size so that the size of the file is much smaller. In these days of pan & zoom, larger image size is much more important. I am rambling now so let me ask my question. When projecting an image with a projector set to 1024 x 768, is it essential to resize the image to the same resolution or not? Ron West.
  9. Marcel wrote: I have no objection to your using my tutorial for translating into the French language. I consider it praise indeed and am glad that you consider it good enough. I would like to thank all those forum members who have contacted me about my tutorial especially those who have been kind enough to post encouraging comments in this thread. It is always good to know that you folk out there are interested in the work that I do. I have now sent out over 300 copies of the pdf file and I am still getting daily requests for more. Thankyou all very much for your support. Ron
  10. [quote It is easy to calculate what this larger size should be, by using proportionality calculations based on the total dimensions being panned or zoomed compared with the size of the image seen at any instant in time.
  11. Just add some more seconds until it works for you! That is what I did. Ron
  12. Thankyou for that Ron. Now all you people who have had my tutorial can alter it if you want to. Just go to section one and do as Ronwil suggests above, BEFORE you save the PNG file. I would also suggest that you add a 'drop shadow' and 'bevel & emboss' to the text, before you save the PNG. I have tried it and it works just fine. Ron
  13. Hell Ronwil. You said this: I would like to follow this up, but don't know how to 'taper text' in Photoshop. Can you explain please? Ron West
  14. Yes, I have had this problem as well, I think that it will be fixed in the next beta (number 6). In the meantime, I get around it by adding a few seconds of silence to the mp3 music track. I use Audition, but Audacity will do the same thing. Ron West
  15. I have emailed Igor with the following problem that I seem to be having: Has anyone else noticed this? Ron West
  16. Al and Fred, I downloaded again and I now seem to have the correct version. However, although I can now create the slide show .exe from 'Create slide show as' when I click on its icon the show will not start - I just get a blank black screen. I am baffled! Any ideas? Ron Update: I think I might have an idea what might be wrong. I created the project in beta 4, then opened the project using beta 5. Could this be the reason why the .exe will not run?
  17. In beta 5, I do not seem to be able to create an .exe file now - using the 'Create Slide Show as' option. It has changed to 'Create As' and it does not now work. Anyone else having this problem? Ron West ronniebootwest@ntlworld.com
  18. It seems that you are having problems when attempting to burn further copies. I get around this problem with a 'multiple copier'. A standalone machine that will copy three additional copies from the master copy that I burn with Nero. This method is quick and easy. Ron
  19. Lin Said, Interesting statement Lin, just how many DVD's do you burn to achieve such a high failure rate? Ron
  20. I want to say thankyou to all those members who posted comments about my previous tutorial on 'Scrolling Text'. I have sent over 200 copies out so far and the comments that I have received back, via email or posts on the Forum, have all been constructive and complimentary. THANKYOU! I did say that I was intending to follow it up with another tutorial on 'Pan & Zoom' technique but I am reliably informed that the final release of version five will change a good deal of the current options, so I reckon is will be wise to wait a while. (not to long I hope) Ron West
  21. Hi Royo, The tutorial on 'Pan & Zoom' has not yet been completed so I don't know how you managed to finish up on the 'YouSendit' site. By the way, you may want to consider signing up to 'YouSendit' it is FREE and a very useful facility for sending larger files. Ron
  22. Come on fella's! Remember the KIS(S) principle. Ron
  23. Hello Barbara, email me direct at ronniebootwest@ntlworld.com No point clogging up the forum with this problem. Please give me some detail about what you are doing and I will try to help you. Ron West
  24. Thanks Lin, I learn something new every day and simple things too! Ron
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