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Everything posted by Ronniebootwest

  1. I have tried this new mp3 and it still does not play! I also downloaded and ran your small utility and the mp3 size shows as 1:06:690
  2. I have tried with your test mp3 file and still I do not get any sound in 'Preview' mode with version 4.45 This slide show runs OK and it has sound. (this is because it is an exe file I guess) Here is my problem: When I create a new show I add mp3 music to the project and when I select the 'Preview' option the show runs OK but the MUSIC DOES NOT PLAY. If I go ahead and create the slide show (make the exe file) the slide show plays OK and includes the music. Ron West
  3. This problem with the sound is affecting an increasing number of members. I had this problem some weeks ago and I thought that I had solved the problem by re-installing the PTE program (it worked OK for a while) However, the problem is now back again, i.e. no sound plays when using the 'Preview' option but plays OK if I create the final .exe file. Clearly there is something wrong with this new version and I feel that Igor should give it some immediate attention before it all goes completely pearshaped. Ron
  4. Helo Photographer2, You really do sound frustrated but please don't take out your frustration on PTE - it really is an excellent program when you take the time to learn it. This forum is full of people who are only to willing to help you - all you need do is ask! (without all the moans) Ron
  5. Hi Ebonist, I don't use 'cool Edit' but I do use 'Audition' which does the same thing better. I do use your intended setup, in fact I have Audition on monitor 2 and Photoshop on monitor 1 and it works a treat. I wouldn't want to work any other way now - so much easier than on just a single monitor. Good luck with your new setup! Ron
  6. Some email providers limit the size of files that you can send by email. You will need to check wirh your ISP to determine waht size you are allowed. Normally, when you send an attachment that exceeds your limit, you will get a message that the file is to large. Ron
  7. I would not be able to work without my 'dual monitor' system now! Have you checked that you computer is capable of running 2 monitors? My graphics card includes the 'Nvidia' software that sets everything up for you. Ron
  8. I had this very same problem just recently! Even though your preview button does not produce any sound - what happens if you continue to create the slideshow (.exe) file, does the music play then? If so, uninstall the PTE program and download the latest version and install that. I did that and my sound worked OK.
  9. Yes I have seen this action. It is very basic and only provides for 3 images that can only be placed in 'definite' postitions. It's OK I guess, but my tutorial deals in much more detail with creating your own design of frame insert. Ron
  10. When you visit Granots site in Thailand you will notice that there are quite a few variants on the utility called 'Flashme' The one you want to try is the one called 'FlashMe4' but you will also need to have some software called 'swish' - I reckon that 'Swishmax' is the one to go for because it automates most of the effects.
  11. I have recently been sorting out a few problems with my PC and now when I make a new PTE slide show the music will not play (mp3 files) I uninstalled the latest version and then reinstalled version 4.4 (Iknow that worked before). When I create a test show with just 10 slides and set the options to 'synchronise' the music will just not play when I select 'preview' However, if I go ahead and create the .exe the show plays as normal (including music) Any ideas please Ron
  12. I have had a great deal of help with this problem and I appreciate it very much. The answer seems to be a 'back door' infection has somehow gotton on to my computer. I did not have sufficient 'spyware' protection to prevent this it seems. However, with the help of Brian Cornflow, Ken Cox, and Ralph McDermot I have now added the necessary protection to my PC. (1) I installed a program called 'RegSupremePro' so that I can keep tabs on my registry (2) I installed Microsoft 'AntiSpyware' to stop any further infections. (3) I installed 'Spybot - Search & Destroy' to enabe me to find and delete any infections. I also discovered that using MSN as my homepage search engine was not a good idea because it seem to be prone to picking up these malware infections, usually by downloading a jpeg image from the web. To remedy this shortcoming, I have now changed my search engine to 'GOOGLE' I understand that a new 'security patch' will be issued by Microsoft on the 10th January 2006 that will further reduce the risk of this kind of thing happening again. Ron
  13. OK Al, I will have a look at that and see what is wrong. Thanks for letting me know. Ron
  14. I have been getting some questions from people wanting to know how to create a 'Multi Picture' frame. Some folk are not even clear about what such a frame is so I thought I would add a quick PTE demo to my web site so you can see what the finished frame will look like. I used Photoshop to create the cut out shapes and then used the 'Paste Into' technique to place the images within the frame. You can download the Demo fom the 'download' page of my web Site here: My Webpage
  15. Ken, I am not using an URL, just searching with phases like 'Welsh Flag' 'Flag of Wales' 'Skeeter Davis' 'Johnny Loughrey' and that kind of thing. I am searching with MSN at the moment. See what you get when you use Google or whatever and let me know. Ron
  16. Just recently I have started to get the following message whenever I try to carry out a search on the internet. "We are seeing an increased volume of traffic by some malware software. In order to protect our customers from damage from that malware, we are blocking your query. A few legitimate queries may get flagged, and for that we apologize. Please be assured that we are hard at work on this problem and hope to get it resolved even better as soon as possible." Has anyone else seen this message? I can't seem to get rid of it at all! Ron
  17. If Version 5 is going to include this feature, then you must be patient and wait for its release. Otherwise you might like to consider using 'FLASH' to add scrolling text and even a 'Star Wars' effect. Ron
  18. For seven different ways of converting, have a look at the tutorial on my web site.
  19. Wow! what a journey. From 8/16 bit to sharpening in one smooth operation. Tremendous support from you people for this topic - thanks. Let me bring you back on course though, the sharpening part of this discussion was started with question of whether you RAW users apply sharpening during the processing stage and that question has not yet been answered. For my part, I use a bit of both. my RAW processor is now the one sold by 'Phase One Pro' and I find that all my images from Canon 1D MarkII need some sharpening. I apply around 100 as an initial amount. After processing I steer completely away from that 'Unsharp Mask' in Photoshoop and tend to use the 'High Pass' method discussed in this thread. I often find the need to selectively sharpen as well. There are so many different opinions on when to and when not to sharpen, I doubt that this metter will go to sleep for a while yet. Ron
  20. [quote except for changing to sRGB immediately before saving as a JPEG.
  21. I am very pleased with the responses in this thread, I guessed that the subject would rouse you 'Gurus' It is a fantastic learning curve for even the most experienced! I am curious about one thing now, SHARPENING. I am aware that most experts always suggest that this should be done as the last thing before printing and, in fact, that has been what I have always done. However, I recently purchased the RAW processor from Phase One (It was highly recommended) and I note that they refer to sharpening as 'FOCUS'. They also alow you to choose between 'standart look' and soft look' I have tried all combinations from no sharpening to maximum 400 sharpening. I must confess to liking the 'Soft' setting at 300. This of course detracts from the statement that 'sharpening should always be done LAST' Ron
  22. Hi Jim, This statement of yours is very interesting, why srgb? I thought that most folk use RGB.
  23. Hello Ebonist, Thanks for your comments, it seems that you and I on the same wave length! One question though - when you process your RAW images, do you 'sharpen' (focus) then in your raw processing software or wait until all post processing is done in photoshop? Maureen, I am very happy with your suggestions - thank you very much. You suggest that the sharpening of images should be carried out last but you also state that 'all image manipulation shoud be done in the raw processing stage'. I am confused a little, please see my above reply to Ebonist and perhaps you would care to comment, i.e. should sharpening be done in the raw processor? Ron.
  24. Members of this forum are lucky because they have access to experts in 'digital photography' who are always ready to assist with any question. I have such a question. It is not my intention to dig up old bones but rather to stimulate some lively discussion on the pros and cons of image manipulation for a PTE slide show. We all aim for the very best quality for our images don't we? Well how can we get the 'very best quality' if we are limited to jpeg and a resolotion of 72 (ish). My camera produces a 'RAW' image size of 3504 X 2336 X 300 res and I process these as 16 bit images. The result is a huge file of excellent quality. Then comes the down side! I have to reduce these files to suit PTE (1024 X 768 X 72 X 8bit) and the quality is definiely affected. My question for you digital Guru's is this, "Do you think that there is any benefit in processing a RAW image to 16 bit mode and then post procesing colour adjustments etc., or would it be better to process directly to 8 bit as a 1024 X 768 X 72 image?" Ron
  25. This guide is excellent! It will answer the many questions that users of PTE have about the timeline. Our thanks to the author for his many hours of work in putting this guide together. Ron
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