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Everything posted by Ronniebootwest

  1. Ken, I am confused now, when I try your suggestion and visit this link http://www.changedetection.com/detect.html - it tells me that the URL I enter is invalid. How can that be?
  2. Now that I have uploaded some photo's to my web site My Webpage I am keen for people to be able to find me on the internet. However, when I do a search my site is not found yet. Granot tells me that it can take a long time for the web search engines to send out their 'crawlers' that will index my meta tabs and keywords but I am impatient! I hear that there are companies that will undertake the indexing of web sites and therefore speed up the process with search engines. Does anyone have any advice on this subject please? Ron
  3. My signature seems to be working fine now Ken. Maybe you saw the old one, before I managed to correct it.
  4. Wow! just look at that signature, how did that happen? Better still, how the heck can I correct it? It's OK folks! I sorted it out now. Ron
  5. This question was raised by Mysty earlier and I cannot see that it has been answered yet. Since I am interested in uploading a zipped file, I would like to know the answer on how to do this also. Ron West
  6. No it does not float Ken, I guess you must be right in your logic because it seems to work OK in PTE. Shame about your tired old eyes I bet that is not the only bit that isn't working! Ron
  7. Hello Gerard, thankyou for helping me with this site counter on the PTE Forum. One more question please, the position of the counter on me site (www.ronniewestdigital.co.uk) is at the very bottom of the page - I did not place it there, it just appeared by default. Is there a way to position the counter anywhere on the page myself? I will also place this question on the Forum in case other people will want to know the answer. Ron West
  8. I have now downloaded this ruler and I reckon that it may well prove to be useful. However, when I compare it to the ruler in Photoshop there does seem to be a difference in the sizes (inches). When I lay the downloaded ruler against the Photoshop ruler it is different. You try it and see. Maybe I am missing something. Ron West
  9. Gerard, Thanks for that information, I have now found it and have adjusted accordingly. One more thing that you might help me (and others) with! Is it required that this counter be set up on each page within the site or should it just be set up on the 'index hom' page? Ron
  10. Hi there! How can I access this feature and make the adjustment so that my own visits are not recorded please? Ron
  11. Hi Ian, I was the guy asking about Web Site Counters. I did download (and install) one from another site but since reading your post about 'Site Meter' I have deleted that one and installed the free version that you have talked about. I must agree with you that this counter is good, since it not only counts the number of visitors but gives other statistics as well. I like it! I will check it again tomorrow and see if it is working correctly - I have visited my own site 5 times since installing, but the counter has not yet incremented - guess I must wait for someone else to visit to check! Thanks for the link. Ron West
  12. Techman1 (Fred) Hello, thanks for your comments. Reckon I will copy your idea and will put a note about 'best viewed at 1024x768' on my index page as well. I agree that putting an example of my videos, perhaps a short flash file, is a good idea. At the moment I don't think that my allocation of just 1gb of bandwidth will take it though. The main reason, if I am to be totally honest, is I just don't know how to make and upload these sample videos Any help and advice will be greatly appreciated. Ron
  13. Well folks! so far it certainly looks as if there are very few using the 800x600 setup. There seems to be an abundance of 1024x768 with the higher resolutions reserved for the few. Interesting to note that Igor and Ken use 800x600 though. I am also aware that Granot (Thailand) uses the 800x600 screen and he and I have often discussed the merits for this. All of his programs and utilities are designed to run in 800x600 mode. I think that I will settle for 1024x768 for my tutorials. By the way, have you tried any yet? My Webpage
  14. Don't all groan, I am not posting the same old thing about resolution. I make CD tutorials and until recently have always used 800x600 resolution to record them. I am currently working on a CD tutorial project for learning PTE and wonder if I am just a little old fashioned if I use the small 800X600 - I would much prefer to provide higher quality video recording with a screen resolution of 1024x768. So my question is this, "What screen resolution is your monitor set to please" Ron
  15. Michel, Yes I have noticed that the counter goes up whenever I go from page to page. This is not very good is it. I would like the counter to increas just when someone log on to the Web Site - do you have some code (html) that would achieve this? Not sure what you mean by 'cookies is best' please explain. d67, Thanks for the link, I will have a look at that this afternoon - will it meet my requirements though, i.e. just ipdate when someone logs on the the site? Ron
  16. Hi Michel, The site is in html code.
  17. Now that I have a working Web Site, I would like to be able to determine the number of visits made to the site. How can I add a 'counter' to the site that will update each time someone calls? Ron
  18. All this talk of the different screen resolutions is becoming a little confusing. Some folk just have old computers with only 800x600 and will be totally lost with the discussion on this thread. In my experience (at least here in the UK) the screen resolution now seems to have settled on 1024x768. Am I to understand that the new 'standard' for PTE is to be 1280x960? It would be very useful if someone could post a resume of what is considered the best 'workflow' for producing slides for PTE, but in real simple terms please. Ronwil seems to have the right idea with his previous reply to this thread and perhaps you yould care to ellaborate Ron!
  19. Hi TimZ, Thanks for the link, I will take a look later. I have already downloaded a trial version of 'Ipswitch' and this seems to work fine so maybe I will stick with that. Check out my first attempt at creating a web page:My Webpage
  20. Where is this new option you are talking about? Has a new version been released? Ron West
  21. Right clicking on 'My Computer' found the 'Manage' file you are talking about, but It does not show me anything that I understand. Let me have your email and I will send you a screenshot ronniebootwest@ntlworld.com
  22. Ian, I run XP. There is no refererence to 'Manage' when I right click! Ron
  23. It is a good thing that I made a backup of the drive holding all my images and PTE shows because I seem to have another hard drive failure on my hands. I have a usb Lacie external drive connected to my computer and it has been working fine for a few months, but now when I boot up my computer it does not recognise the drive (it doesn't show in 'My Computer') I am not a computer wiz kid so am lost now. Can anyone help with some advice on what I should do now please? Ron
  24. Thanks Granot, that is just what I wanted. Watch this space (next week sometime) I will upload the site at: www.ronniewestdigital.co.uk
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