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Everything posted by Ronniebootwest

  1. Hello everybody, I wonder if there are any members who can offer some advice on uploading a web site. I am aware that I will need some software to transfer my files to the net, but am a little uncertain of just what I need. Can someone point me to the best 'FTP Program' that is easily understood by a novice like myself? Ron West
  2. Thanks Ken! As usual you have come up trumps on this one (never knew my camera works so hard) I also had a 'giggle' at you latest offering - God's helping hand. Ron
  3. I use a Canon Digital Camers and I believe that there is some kind of utility that is able to read the number of times that the shutter has been activated. It used to be called 'Cancount' but I cannot find it on the internet now. Does anyone have any suggestions please? Ron West
  4. Of course the '72 dpi' issue will run and run, especially if if people persist in making it all sound so complicated! I think that Barry is correct in saying that it is the file size that we are concerned with here. If you have an image sized for 1024x768 pixels and a resolution of 300 you wil have a file size of 2.25m. The same image set to a resolution of 72 will reduce that file size to just 132kb - much smaller. The other point to note is that leaving an image resolution set to 300 will make it much easier for people to take a screenshot and 'steal' the image. As far as PTE is concerned, I will continue to advise people to use the '72' resolution because I do not agree that the concept is a myth. Ron West
  5. Barry said this: and this is exactly what I do and it works perfectly every time. The idea is to keep the size of the image as low as possible without affecting its quality. This in turn keeps the size of the finished exe to a minimum. I agree with Barry, don't 'overcomplicate' things. Ron
  6. . This statement needs to be explained I think! I am of the opinion that resolution should be set to 72 or 96. Am I wrong? Ron
  7. Hello Roger,
  8. Keyboard The picture in picture effect is quite simple to achieve with Photoshop but the teqhique is quite logwinded. I have produced a CD Tutorial on this very subject that is very detailed and walks you through the process step by step. The CD runs for an hour and is at its best at a screen resolution of 1024x768. Email me if you want further details. Ron West (UK) ronniebootwest@ntlworld.com
  9. Hello everyone! I say everyone because there have been a few responses to the original thread posted by MadeRemark. As one member who assited Granot with the making of his latest program 'Photo Order List' I am pleased that it is attracting some attention. I use the program in much the same way as Fred does and I agree that it helps the user and his/her customers. As far as combining it into PTE, well I do not think that will be practical without making PTE very cumbersome. If you make a one page slide show with PTE and then place 2 separate buttons on this page (one to run the PTE.exe and the other to call up Photo Order List, you will find that it all works perfectly. Ken made the point about "who pays Granot" - the answer is that we should! Granot has worked very hard over the years and richly deserves our support for all the utilities he provides. He does ask for donations (but rarely gets them), hence the promotional price of $35 for Photo Order List. At that price it will pay for itself with the very first order so give it a try! Maderemark Welcome to our forum, please do not be disheartened with what you call 'critisism' of your post. It is not intended to critisise you at all. Forums are meant to give people the chance to air thier views and your comments are as welcome as anybody's. Ron West.
  10. I get this message all the time these days. I find it best to just ignore it and first check that the post has not been actioned. I do this simply by logging on the the WNsoft Forum website and checkeing if the post is there. Ron
  11. Hi Ken, I have waded through those links you sent to me and am now more confused than ever! In simple terms, can you explain just what an XP user needs to do in order to check that his/her hard drives are OK. Do we in fact need to bother with Scandisk or Checkdisc at all, or shoule we rely on the program contained in Start/Prgrams/Accessories/SystemTools. Ron
  12. Brian, My problem is sorted! Thanks for your very helpful advice, which I followed to the letter and now my offending folder has been deleted. One point though, I did not manage to find or use 'scandisk' or 'chkdsk' on my computer. Ken Cox gave me a path to follow in Windows XP but I did not recognise this as the 'old scandisk' I remember from Win98 days. Is there a correct path that I should know about? Ron
  13. Brian, I did what you suggested and you were correct about the 'read only'. It was ticked so I removed the tick. When checking the size of the folder, you were right again! it showed 'zero kilobytes'. Finally, when I accessed the folder again, I selected 'delete' and it seems to be working OK but then I got the following message:- Cannot delete: Data error (Cyclic redundancy check) I have no idea what that means or how to get around it! Ron
  14. Hello Fried, I watched your slide show and was very impessed, you clearly put a lot of work into this. However, I make the following comments and hope that they will assist with any of your future projects:- 1. Consider sizing your slides to be all the same, maybe even present them with a textured border. 2. You ended the show rather abruptly, try to add some ending credits, e.g. potographed by, music performed by, etc. and of course, a 'The End' slide with your email address clearly shown. Ron West
  15. Ken, Good morning (or whatever it is with you) I have XP on my compcuter and have been unable to find the Scandisk program. I know it's hidden in there somewhere but I know not where. Can you guide me to the hiding place please. Ron Cornflow, I am going to carry out all of your instructions this morning and will confirm later if they have had any effect. Thanks for your help. Ron
  16. At this moment in time there is no effective way to stop people from 'pirating' photographs - a simple screen shot made with any of the multitude of software program available will do the job. The only real satisfaction is that the resultant captured image will not be worth a damn because of its very low resolution; it just will not print at all well so will be of little use to the pirate! For my part, in spite of spoiling the picture somewhat, I always place a watermark right across the image that I want to protect - it does seem to work. Ron West
  17. I have a problem with my hard drive that is confusing me. When I attempt to open one particular file I get an error message that says 'Disk not formatted' This is clearly wrong because I have all my images on this drive with some 55 separate folders - all of these folders open without any problems except this particular one. I decided to delete the offending folder and creat a new one into which I intended replacing the lost images (from a back-up). However, the computer just cannot identify the folder and it just freezes whenever I attempt to delete using explorer. Headscratching or what? Anyone know what I can do? Ron West
  18. Recently, when I convert 'Raw' files with Photoshop, I am finding that the image is saved as an 'XMP' file. I am not familiar with this format! Can anyone explain what is happening please? Ron West
  19. Thanks Al, I did know that! You are referring to PTE when you talk about the 'Object Editor' but I asked whether it could be done in 'Photoshop' Back to the drawing board I guess. Ron
  20. Is there a way of adding a hyperlink to an email program (such as Outlook Express) to a page in Photoshop. I want to add a 'contact' page to a CD containing my PTE Slide Shows and I want the user to be able to click on the 'email link' so that it will open up his/her email program.
  21. Thanks Beth, for your kind remarks. You are quite right about Granot he does work very hard for our benefit. Can I remind everyone that he produces utilities as shareware and asks for us to make donations to support his work. Sadly, not many people respond to that request so I will play 'devils advocate' and ask that, if you use his stuff, you make a suitable donation if you can. Remember that Granot lives in Thailand! Ron West
  22. My previous post (Make a photo order list from a PTE Show) attracted a great deal of attention. It seems that I am not alone in wanting a program that enables a photographer to display his/her images to prospective customers who are then able to select and order prints directly from the program and then send the order by email. Granot saw my post and has responded to the challenge by writing a superb program that I am sure will be of great benefit to an awful lot of people. Fred Dickinson (Techman1) and I were deeply involved in advising, checking and testing this program and I'm glad to say, as photographers, that we are both very satisfied with the result. The program is called "Photo Order List" and is a stand alone program that can be used by any photographer and not just PTE users. If you are in the game of selling photographs, then please look at this new program; I am certain that you will want it. You can download the program, read about it and see some screen shots by clicking the following link: Photo Order List Program Ron West
  23. My previous post (Make a photo order list from a PTE Show) attracted a great deal of attention. It seems that I am not alone in wanting a program that enables a photographer to display his/her images to prospective customers who are then able to select and order prints directly from ithe ptogram and then send the order by email. Granot saw my post and has responded to the challenge by writing a superb program that I am sure will be of great benefit to an awful lot of people. Fred Dickinson (Techman1) and I were deeply involved in advising, checking and testing this program and I'm glad to say, as photographers, that we are both very satisfied with the result. The program is called "PhotoOrderList" and is a stand alone program that can be used by any photographer and not just PTE users. If you are in the game of selling photographs, then please look at this new program; I am certain that you will want it. You can download the program, read about it and see some screen shots by clicking the following link: PhotoOrderList Program Ron West
  24. Hello Brian, You still haven't answered the this question, "Can you direct us to the URL where MS Beta version2 can be downloaded". I have noticed before (in your excellent write ups) that you always write AV or A/V when talking about viruses. This may be a mute point, but some folk could be excused for thinking that you are talking about 'AUDIO VISUAL' especially since PictruresToExe is an audio visual type of program. Can I suggest that abbreviations such as AV or A/V should be avoided, after all it doesn't take much more time to type the whole thing. I know you mean ANTI VIRUS but others may not!
  25. Hello Bethan, This new program that Granot will very soon be releasing, is going to do very well indeed. It has developed from a simple utility into a full blown ordering program that can compete with the best of them. I think that you will enjoy using it when you eventually get the chance to download it? Watch this space - it is coming to a computer near you very soon now! Ron
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