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Everything posted by Lukefoto

  1. Thanks....I guess I just wasn't thinking....in "or" out of the box. I like the program to do what I've been able to do, but haven't had the time or energy to "push" it and investigate it a little more.
  2. I'd like to edit the image files that are used in the navigation bar. I've searched all over, and cannot find the files that are used. I'd like to substitute my "First Slide", "Pause", "Exit", etc. buttons for those in the application. (No offense). Where are those files called from? ------------------------------------------------- Secondly, is there a way to have my preferred options set as defaults? Instead of going through Options for each slide show, I'd like to have it keep my preferred settings as defaults. I can't seem to find a way to do that. Is there one that I'm missing? Thanks! And thanks for such a great program!!
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