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About JPD

  • Birthday 04/11/1944

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    Champs sur Marne France
  • Interests
    Tout ce que concerne l'utilisation d'images et de son

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  1. Yes, I wrote that and it was near finish, but since I have some problems of concentration which make me unabble to finish and am not sure to recover, unfortunately. Sorry
  2. Here is a link for mp4 low resolution version, I haven't do a Mac version because I have nothing to test it, sorry
  3. This sllideshow was present in Hayange festival. It was not in classification, that mean it was between the 51th and the 91 th position. Probably the Jury don't accept animation in a slideshow. It has been appreciate in 3 others galas by those who see it. That mean that we never be sad of a result which is only the opinion of few persons (the jury), neither think that good comments here make your work good for every body, because people who write here know PTE and are abble to understand the technical work, which is not the problem of other people and jury. See the discussion about this subject here and here
  4. Xaver, just a sentence of Maurice Guidicelli on diaporamaforum (who is the webmaster of DCCN who often present slideshows in festivals or galas since many years) : About one of his slideshow who was second in Epinal : Ah! Une autre qualité dont SEUL peut s'énorgueillir mon montage "Je voudrais pas crever": C'est le seul diaporama au monde à avoir été classé DERNIER dans une manifestation. (La Coupe de France étant la seule manifestation où les montages sont classés du premier au dernier... sans mettre ex_aequo les derniers...) To make short he was the last with a sliseshow (50ème/50 for Coupe de France) and second in Epinal, with the same slideshow one or two weeks later. That mean clearely that position in festival is not the good tool and Cici is right when he is not interested by them Note : Maurice is probably one of those who tried PTE in France before everybody and one of those who promotate PTE in France
  5. Are you sure that the position in Hayange or others is a good information ? Look at the fourth position in Hayange this year and compare with the Cici's slideshow, you probably change your opinion, at least Cici's photographies are nice. It's the opinion of 3 persons which made the positions, not the opinion of people who see the slideshow. There is always people who don't like a slideshow, that's quite normal, but here most of those who comment seems like it, like me, even if we never do something perfect (I would prefer a full sreen option, but Cici don't agree, and he is the author)
  6. The most important for sound is That PTE use always original sound files to mixe and save inside PTE file only the datas it need to mixe these sound files, it's important to never have the possibility to convert several time a sound file which would make distorsion.
  7. I hope i will have an answer before I am unabble to explain more if necessary
  8. One of our member have the same problem with the slideshow of another member, he is alone to have the problem : The topic is here
  9. You just need several graphic card. I made tests with 3 graphic cards with two outputs for each to six screens first. With six screens the max definition for each is 1024 x 768 above it's not smooth. You can't use all the effects of PTE because aa part of each scrreen recover a part of its neighbourg but fade in/ fade out, cuts and some others are available. I used a png file in copyright logo to make the law of progessivity between two scren. With video-projectors, it's necessarry to adjust this PNG file because blck of video-projector isn't black aand depend of the model. With two video projectors, 1920 x 1080 is the max value today to be smooth, above, at least on my PC, it's not smooth. For six screens I used V5.1 then 5.52 with a size of 6144 x 768 pixels and used windowed mode 6144 x 768. For 2 screens 1920 x 1080 I use V5.6 with format 3840 x 1080 (not window mode)
  10. Thanks Etienne, for the text it's near the same technic but simplest.
  11. Thanks Etienne, as you, I hope.
  12. It's possible to drive several videoprojectors with PTE, I teste 6 x 1024 x 768 with V5.52. Since v5.6 you can drive only 2 but they can be full HD. Normally with 3 videoprojectors it's better each of them has a common progressive part with its neighbourg, so you normally have a smaller definition (about 2500 x 768)
  13. This is the translation of what I wrote on Diapositf about this subject : Regarding the multi-track for the sound, it's simple in theory but complex in practice: 1st problem: defining the need (taking into account the competitive aspect) Power mix multiple stereo channels without changing source files. For each checkpoint, can adjust the level. Subsidiary questions: 1 - The value is the same or not for 2-channel 2 - Do we have the choice between linear and logarithmic law as progressivity / regressivity 3 - Number of tracks (I think commercially, it must be 4, competitor has 1 main track and 3 tracks associated with equivalent of views) I reject the hypothesis we can save directly from microphone or others as some products do, what is not, in my view, the domain of a slideshow tool. Similarly I reject all correction functions (noise, filters, equalizer, reverb etc., etc.) Ergonomics: Should there be a specific window or attempt to insert the new functions in the current ergonomics. To get an idea, I made a small preview: As we see, even with only one sound track (stereo) full scale, the square is counted, the work done on the issue of ergonomics is not an easy task. If WnSoft works on the the problem, does it not reactivate old requests such as integration of 5. 1 home theater (or even 7. 1) replacing the actual stereo (to make creative sound effects say proponents of this solution, do not usefull will say the proponents of the Hi-Fi). Another possible request, taking account of 24-bit mode because 16 bit is still far from the High Fidelity contrary to what the business try to make us believe (they say otherwise when they will do money by saying the contrary). I'm here touched a few potential problems. It is my opinion to guide Igor realistic choices that do not transform PTE in gasworks. Personally, I have only one requirement : it's that the source sound files are not modified, the settings for each track are saved in PTE and in the exe there is only a single sound file, like today, corresponding to mixing the source files according with the datas of mixing saved in PTE file.
  14. I think there is for some people a misunderstanding about the zooms and their normal influence on the perspective. So I created a small example (template + Exe) that attempts to explain. I must add that changing the observation point doesn't change equivalent zoom of 100% for pan Z=0, if not it would be stupid.
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