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Everything posted by JPD

  1. If I hadn't my accident I would have been also in Remiremont where several Diapositif's members were. Several slideshows about this carnival are on Diapositif forum and the last one, yours, is another very nice way to see this carnival. You did a fantastic work with these anaglyphes. Bravo Bernard.
  2. Je n'ai rien compris à ce qui t'arrive, ne sachant pas ce que veut dire phishing, mais en tout cas c'est moche, j'espère simplement que tu as tout sauvegardé cette fois-ci pour réinstaller chez un autre hébergeur. Bon courage. I haven't understand what happen but it's a bad thing. I hope you have this time a back up in order to build a new one on another provider.
  3. Thank you very much for your wishes, I have been very happy to be at home for this special day for me. I'll drink Champagne later when I'll meet my friends of Diapositif, soon, I hope.
  4. Thanks to everybody, I will probably obliged to rest because I haven't yet recover all my possibilities, my brain is very slow because of hard medicines I took when I was in coma, I think it will need a month before I am as before. I'll be patient :-)
  5. After 3 weeks of hospital of which 8 days of coma, I am again among mine, tired, certainly but alive. I thank all of you for your wishes and hope come back on this forum as I did before but I must rest for some times.
  6. Both versions are very nice, very impressive. As you saw, the V5 isn't complex to use and it's interesting to use PZR effect just a little as you did. Bravo Bernard.
  7. I have try your file and all is good for me, I succeed to do the mpeg file (less than 2 minutes). If there is a problem on your PC, may be it's because of your graphic card, try without using hardware acceleration.
  8. So, the best way is that you send me your template and I will see why there is a problem.
  9. Bienvenue sur ce forum, Yves, je te confirme que c'est possible, en tenant compte des restrictions que je t'ai indiqué. I confirm you it's possible if there are no object , no text no sound B, if the Sound A is a mp3 file. You will not have shadow on the exe file but I think you will have them in a mpeg file (I haven't try that).
  10. About spams : All the video codec than spammer try you install on your PC are malwares. Here is a list of these malware you must never install or you must delete from tour PC : Codec Dvd Codec DVDAccess EliteCodec Emcodec Emcodec eMedia Codec eMedia Codecs GoldCodec HQ Codec HQCodec iCodecPack IMCodec IMediaCodec Intcodec IVideoCodec JPegEncoder KeyCodec LightCodec MedCodec Media Gateway MediaCodec Media-Codec MMCodec MMediaCodec MovieCodec MP Video Codec MPCodec MyPornMagPass nvidcodec PCodec PerfectCodec PlayerCodec PornMagPass pornmagpass PornPassManager QualityCodec SoftCodec strCodec StrCodec SuperCodec TrueCodec TVCodec VCCodec Vcodec VidCodec VidCodecs VideoCodecs VideoCompression VideokeyCodec VideosCodec Web-Mediaplayer WinMediaCodec WMCodec XPassword Generator ZCodec ZipCodec
  11. I have often a problem when I send a report, it's like the connexion break down, I am obliged to quit and to reconnect to Wnsoft. I had this problem at least 10 times. No other problem with the forum.
  12. Sorry, Sylvia, I cant answer, because I used Lin's files so you must ask him for the font.
  13. Lin, I have done a new PTE file with your files, but after resized all the pictures in order all are at 100% on a 3840 x 2400 screen (the text is smaller, the pictures are greater) in order to have the same quality for all objects (of course, in the example as I used your files, the pictures can't be better as yours). I have add two modifications during the curling of page effect : A first one in order the black part at the bottom isn't above the picture during the effect. A second one in order we don't see the text on the back but we see it in front. With this hight definition, it's possible to work with an old 32 Mb graphic card (mine is 64Mb). There are never more than 18.5Mb in the memory (even with greater pictures) and there are never more than 15Mb of pictures to calculate and a little more than 1Mb for the screen picture for a 1024 x 768 screen. Most of the graphic cards are abble to do these calculations. The template is here. The calculations are in a gif file (Explanations.gif). Note : The file which made a black screen, works if I add at the beginning two views of 0.7 seconds each before the main view as I do in the template above.
  14. That's good for me, now, thanks Lin. Just a little point, it would have been perfect if we could see the text under the shadow, it must be easy to do with a png file. The idea of the first effect is very nice with this picture
  15. The same for me.
  16. Thanks Lin, but always black screen an reboot, which is important isn't the size of the file in Ko but in pixels. The size in memory for a 1024 x 768 size picture for instance is W x H x 4 = 3 Mb for jpg, BMP or PNG file, the only thing I don't know is about GIF file, I'll ask to Igor or made a test to know. I hope so, because there are many people who have such problems but say nothing, maybe it's difficult to say my PC is old.
  17. Black screen + reboot
  18. You must use trigonometry on the 3 axes X, Y and Z, and as it's enough long it's better to use a spreadshhet, without that, I wouldn't have a so good result for the cube. To find the good formulas in the spreadsheet, it take me about 2 days. For your work, I wouldn't make calculations, you just need to have about twice more keypoints and ajust at 500%. Note : don't use frame so large, it's not usefull and need too much calculations.
  19. In order to do this effect you need 3 photos, the first one in front another from the top and the third one on the side, and I haven't think about the reels but you will probably obliged to do them with a cube with png files (one cube for each reels).
  20. May be it is the reason for which I have a black screen with some heavy slideshow, it will very nice if this new technology solve also this problem. You probably didn't imagine there would be so much work to do the version #5 neither there would be so many problems, but you succeed to do the work and solve problems and we will soon have a wonderfull tool. Probably there will still have some problems, but we know that you always find an answer. Thanks to you and your team for what you did and what you will do.
  21. I think he has an idea of how to do it, and will give us this function.
  22. Keith, that right only if the opacity is the same on all the picture but if the opacity is the same on all the picture it's easier to use JPG. If the opacity isn't the same at all place of the picture the global opacity of the two png pictures will not change at the same ratio between the place with hight opacity and those with low opacity, it's a non-linear function. I have made an example on how to have a constante opacity (60% in the example) for 2 pictures (for instance with blur and without blur) during the transition from the first one to the other. Unfortunately, it's in french you can see the curve of transparency on a page on Diapositf forum The formulas are in a french Excel file in the zip file, but it's not sure it work on an english one.
  23. Yes, that's right, it's not possible if there are variations of transparency inside the picture. The only way I see is a variable blur, but probably difficult to do.
  24. Lin, it's easy to do that, you can put the same picture twice, one with blur effect and the other without. If you change without no delay between one to the other, it's not a good result because we can see it, so you must have a period of about 0.5 second or more to do the transition from one to the other, it would be the same if Igor include this function. For the start, I notice that sometimes it start late and make a "jump" to the normal value, I wait the next version before to continue test on this point.
  25. Once a more a very nice slideshow, thanks to you and thanks to Picasso
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