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Everything posted by JPD

  1. This time I succeed to start your slideshow but it can't go more the the slide after the shoes. I don't know which screen have your customers, but the largest size I know is 2520 x 2048 (QSXGA), so you won't have a better quality to use a highter definition on your photo in a slideshow, the resizing will be better with Photoshop which can take the time it need for it than with PTE which have a good algorithm but can't take all the time as Photoshop do. So you will have a better quality with a 2520 x 2048 (at zoom 100%) than with a larger picture and it will be smoother. For those who aren't professionnal, 1600 x 1200 is really enough (for 4/3 screen) and most of people in europe have today 1280 or 1024 screen définition. Those who have a projector are generally in 1024, we just begin to see 1400 x 1050 projector. For my V5 slideshows I generally use 1280 and begin a try with 1400 (only Versailles is 1920 x 1080 and run fine on my PC). Which size are your pictures ?
  2. You used V4 for the exe in non synchronized mode and not V5 as we can think when looking at the pte file (1ms for each slide !!! ) In the version 4 in non synchronized mode, the duration of a slide is by step of 15.625 ms (1000/64) even you put 1 ms as duration. I suppose the slideshow is correct on your PC, that mean you have a view each 31.250 ms (2 steps). The total length is about 1 minute. On my PC (2.4 Ghz), if I am in a 800 x 600 screen definition it's correct, but if my screen definition is 1024 x 768, the time for each view is 48.675 ms (3steps) and the total duration is about 30 second longer than the music and about 1 minute longer (4 steps) when screen definition is 1600 x 1200. If you use windowed mode, may be there will not have the problem ( not sure). In Hubble V4, I used the same method, but first I put a view each 48.675 ms (3 steps), and I used BMP files which are pre-load in the memory in order to have no time to decompress jpg file, and all the objects each slide use are in the memory in order to have no time to read them from the hard disk. It's just the time to calculate the picture and no problems with screen definition, but, of course, the same problem with slower PC. In Hubble, the size of the picture is always 1024 x 768, in your show, it depend of the screen definition because of your logo and PTE is obliged to calculate for the all screen definition.
  3. I made for you an example on how to make a moon orbit on this post It seems you didn't see it
  4. I am sorry Igor, I made a mistake, I didn't launch preview and it's the reason for which the PNG files appears with white or black instead of transparency, when it have been preview it become good. Sorry for this mistake.
  5. It seems there is a big problem on the 2 last versions with the transparency of PNG file, I have search if there is a new option to select and have found nothing. Have somebody the same problem?
  6. This one isn't avalable, but there are many others on my page (it's write album) about V5 (link in red above) you can use to understand how it work.
  7. Look here, maybe an answer to your question
  8. That's right Al and it's only 100 x 100 x 100 pixels cube. That mean that our tool is very wonderful even it's not the same utilisation.
  9. What I asked is about the same thing, but with the shape we want (those drawned on the alpha layer) with possibility to have differents PZR effects than those of the picture which opacity is modify by the alpha picture. I have modify the file test. It's always at the same link. Edit 12:43 PM : I just add how to make specials effects between 2 pictures with by this way, the limit is always half for contrast and colours, without alpha layer, we could do more with contrast and colour problems. It would need to be abble to have several alpha layers for the same pictures to do the same as the last slide of the example. Edit 25/02 : I was wrong when I said half, it's 1/3 for colours and contrast but it's possible to cheat a little to succeed to have half as in the test I did.
  10. As I explain, I didn't do the musical choice, and I haven't more informations about them. I only know that the mandolin come from an old vynil disc, and Guy Baumann doesn't know the title of the Vangelis' music.
  11. Thank you for your comments, Merci Al de l'avoir en plus exprimé en français. It's important to make test and so on, but it's necessary to make also slideshows to see how we can use V5 really. That don't mean that all slideshows must use PZR effects, that only mean it's possible to use them when we need.
  12. Here is a slideshow about a parc which is now closed. Only french speaking people can understand the story, but it can give some ideas to everybody to use PTE V5 and there are nice flowers. The photos are from Guy Baumann, he also choice the music, I only made the PTE file and all the draws.
  13. There is the template at the same link, but this method has limits with the contrast, it's the reason for which I wrote to Igor sometimes ago : "For the future : I have many points to ask and you have enought things to do so I keep them to day, but there is one which seems important to me, it's to have the possibility to associated a 256 grey level picture as alpha of another picture and to be abble to have different PZR effects on both pictures. First it would be possible to use 2 jpg file to do near the same thing as png but the most important is that would be possible to do an infinity of effects for instance if you have a white circle on the alpha picture, when moving it, there would be only the part of the main picture which appear as a moving spotlight. The are many and many possibilty with that." With this function, it would be possible to do perfectly this effect and many others.
  14. Just a little test here
  15. That mean that the internal compressed and lossless format is quicker to decompressed than PNG (Just a little more than JPG). If you use BMP without compress it, the file will be heavier but there will be no time for decompression.
  16. Tom, in Autum, some photos seem to have a very little size, and as they are full screen that's not very nice even they are very good photos. It would be better if you could put them at a better format for instance 1024 x 768 (or compress them less).
  17. Thanks, Lin, now it's OK, I can see it, it's nice result, we really can do many things with PZR effects and PNG files. Just need to have imagination (and good photos).
  18. Lin, Once a more I can't see your test, my PC is out, I am obliged to do a hard reset. If you put at the beginning of you files only 2 littles slides with a black screen for instance, it's generally enough in order to see the demo.
  19. You must use Winrar in order to have the exe file
  20. I have send you the links for 2 complete templates Entre Loire et Seine and Vezelay Most of options possibles with V4 are at least in on of them Quite normal Ken, it's a template for V4 with many objects and if you try to open it with V5, today it cann't work, and Igor hasn't put the translation for objects in actual V5 and sound B doesn't work to day and this template need sound B it's the reason of the error message. If you open with V4, it's OK, I tested it 5 minutes ago.
  21. There is a first one enough complex here : Le jeux de Taquin (windowed mode, sound on the slides and more than 100 objects on some view also many functions "Go to slide number...) I will put "Entre Loire et Seine" which is more normal slideshow with also many objects and another one which use "Customize logo"
  22. You can change path and name, put you must have a file with the good name in the good path. An easy way is to put all the files in the same path as the PTE file and put at the beginning of the PTE file (line 8) "IsTemplate=1", when you open the pte file, the files which are in the same directory as it will be used by PTE. You can also use the zip function of PTE, then unzip the file and put the template where you want or use template function.
  23. I often use Paintshop Pro and sometimes Photoshop (of course Save-for-Web). When I finish a slide show, I use Irfanview (its add-on in fact) to make the jpg smaller, but it's not really resave, it's to clean the file of all which is not necessary (Meta datas and so on). Be carefull, one time on twenty about, it make the Photoshop's file bigger, I don't know why.
  24. I made last year a board of equivalence between differents tools (ie Photoshop have 2 scales for quality !) Most of tools use near the same algorythm as this of Paintshop Pro, Photoshop above Q=60 with save for the web use another algorythm which give heavier files but is better for draw or red details for instance. For lanscape it's a very little under the standard algorythm. The final Quality is those give by JPGOptimizer which use the standard algorytm. There is an add-on for Irfanview which reduce the size of the jpg file. Its name is JPG Loseless Operations, I often earn 40kb or more on Photoshop's files which are save for the web, and more for the "save as" Photoshop's JPG without changing the quality level. Note : Igor make very light JPG with a hight quality, but I don't know really with which tool, he told me he used Pixbuilder, I have made some try with it and be always enable to do what he did.
  25. Have a look here, may be you can post, the author will probably appreciate.
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