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Everything posted by JPD

  1. Lin, I open the PTE file with the notepad of Windows, I have problem with french caracters like é è î .... when I open it with Excel. I copy the result of my speadsheet and past it at the good place in the notepad inside the PTE text then I save (with another name if I have a mistake) and open with PTE.
  2. No, it would be very difficult to do manually (only for the first test on one face to understand what is necessary to calculate). Then I put formulas in Excel which give as result exactly the same language as PTE (in text file) I have just to copy and past. The difficulty is to make the formulas (many trigonometrics one), more than two hundred differents formulas and after copy and paste several thousand. The text file is a very good choice of Wnsoft's team, for instance with Mediashow, it's impossible to do the same.
  3. Lin, I don't think that Dom use this function, his last album use curling effect of page and his Book Portrait use another method (black rectangle as mask which use rotate function).
  4. Translation : Good morning Silvia, If in the future you wishes that I sends to you of other files (demos, tutoriels…) that it cannot be load at a distance, do not hesitate to send me a private message. I find this method not very correct to use my files to promote your website, if Sylvia want some of my templates or demo, she can ask me, or goes on my page it's not very difficult. I have ask you in an another topic to remove all my files from your page as soon as possible.
  5. Maureen, Hawk found an easy method to copy (or cut) from one slideshow to another. You open the project where there are slides or objects to copy, then with the same sequence of PTE you open the project where you want to paste, when it's open instead of the last one, you just have to copy where you want. It's very usefull.
  6. Yes that's right, it' OK now. Thanks
  7. Lin, I just see you tutorial : very nice, I hope that with it, every english spoken people will know how to use rectangles like that.
  8. Sorry Al, the Dom's demo is only a modification of the demo which is at the post that I did to answer at TomUK and was very well explain by Lin Evans. Dom write : He also add "perspective correction" for both "3D" effect. I don't know what mean "3D" helicopter or missile, the pictures are exactly the same as those of TomUK. The shadow isn't necessary because the sun is very low and in the back, it's impossible there is a shadow on the sea. The use of the perpective correction for the helicopter is good, not this for the missile, when it start a missile is slow and goes quicker and quicker, so it's the standard zoom which is correct. I have modify the modification of the answer I did and you can find the template here I have change the size of the picture in order there are all at the same definition (to have the same quality, it need a better photo for the missile and the submarine). I have reduce the size of the background (the part which is under the mask isn't necessary), cut the part of the submarine we never see and so on, the complete explanations are in the help of the file. The new file is smaller of more than 200 Kb and need less memory and less power. TomUK, you put a wav file on the slide, in Music option, it can't work if you use music in Project option, and I think this function isn't ready in V5 today.
  9. Thanks Lin for your clear explanation in english, it's too much difficult for me to give a good explanation in this language.
  10. Look here, if you had see the end of my demo "Mise en boite" you would have understand how to do, the solution is also in the template of the cube which is on my page. In the template I send you, you can change the angle between helicopter and rotor by changing the rotation of the first rectangle I add.
  11. You've been patient Maureen, very patient !!!
  12. The zip file has been update with a translation of explanations by Maureen Albright. It's always at the same adress. Many thanks Maureen for your help.
  13. Yes the Hawk method permit to save much time even when working on a slideshow, you can work on one slide then copy and paste it in your project, it's wonderfull
  14. I have put the 01 on right and 02 on left because it is the right photo we see at first so to day they are in the order we see them but may be it would be better to put 01 on the left, it would be easier when I read you write. I probably change in a next version.
  15. Most of my 4.48 slideshows use objects (some have more than 100 objects in a slide), and I prefer that during the translation they become in original mode, I am afraid that if they are put in other mode I don't find the result. It will be enought easy after, if we want to have the new version in fit to slide to put a file of 1024 x 2 pixels for instance with fit to slide mode and cut all the objects in original mode and paste them as child of the file 1024 x 2. May be you could put a transparent rectangle of 1024 x 768 in fit to slide mode in each slide and put all the objects from 4.48 as children of this rectangle in original mode, so we have just to change the rectangle mode if we want to stay in original mode. Will it be possible to choice beetween original mode and fit to screen mode for customize logo than I often used instead of the background (it was possible to have it in the middle for all screen definitions, not the background). Will it be possible in the V5 to have the Customize logo to have it when making a vidéo or an AVI.
  16. I have add a new template with the same album, but in one direction, with only 28 photos. It's always at the same adress and just for fun look at this (Cartes postales en accordéon), I did it with my method, only using PTE to do trapeze, but it's not my idea, it was done by another people is one jpg made with Photohop for the trapeze on a white bachground.
  17. It's often than with PTE my old graphic card doesn't work, the screen became full of default and I can't read neither see anything, but I have the same problem when using Google earth. I'll try next time too make a screen copy. But I think there is a problem on my PC because I haven't the problem on my Ladtop. Generally it happens when there is a lot of calculations and 9 times on ten with the Object an animation Windows.
  18. Yes, it is enough easily, if you need less than 60 pictures, if you need more (but it would probably too long to see), it's also possible, but is order it seems real I must put a width a little bit greater. I read all what people write and will try to do modifications if I can do what want people. For instance, I am thinking to have differents choices for the cover and the pages.
  19. It's the standard effect of PTE V4 and V5, Curling of page in english, I think. Everybody can do the same very easily. Sorry Al and Ken, I didn't see your answers, you're probably right for the number of effect, I don't remember, but it's easy to try and find the good value to put on this effect. Thanks for your comments, I look at a real album to do it. There is one thing wich was possible with V4 and we can't do with V5, this album take all the screen for 4/3 and 5/4 screen ratio, it's impossible with V5, but with V5, we can limit the effect and have it only on the picture without having black parts with the effect which aren't nice to see.
  20. Sorry, now the link is good (here)
  21. If you want an effect full screen like this this one, you don't need the Album template, it's done by using curling of page effect (the exemple was done a lot of time with V4.xx). I work on a landscape format, but I have some problems and must find solutions. I'll write about that when I find.
  22. It's not at all in my mind. If it was, I won't put the template on the net or I would have put a password, I never do that. If somebody need only 10 pages (40 photos) for instance, as there are 2 photos each 3 slides he must kill 12 slides in the first part and 12 slides in the second part, so he select from slide 92 to 92 - 12 = 80 and kill the 12 slides then he select from slide 47 to 47 - 12 = 35 and kill the 12 slides he has selected. Then he will have to change the files of images for the 2 slides in the middle of the slideshow just when appear the name and near the end when the title appears. The most difficult is to change the position of all the objects call "Pile gauche" and "Pile droite", a simple solution is to replace the file "Pile-gauche.png" by a transparent file, there will not have the border on each side, but it's easy to do. I haven't find easy solution, If you have an idea about, I can change the PTE file in order it's easier for those who want to use it. Of course I can do several templates with 4, 6, 8, 10... 60 photos, but it's a lot of work for me. Yes Al, but you are probably right also, so, I will put something about that in the explanations
  23. That's right Al, I must say that somebody told me about my slideshow that change the background as I did wasn't a good idea because you need to look at the photos, not at the background, and I agree with what this person write me. And if you change the size of Fond.jpg, you can change the size of the album very easily, I have make one mistake in this template, it would have been better to put everywhere Fond.jpg as main image in order to be abble to use the additionnaly options in the screen option.
  24. I put only one picture as level one because I think that people will want to have there own background and want to change between 2 differents backgrounds when and where they want (for instance synchronisation with a music). To do a transition between two backgrounds, you just have to add a second one at the bottom and to put the opacity of the top background from 100% to 0%, the change in the next slide the file in the top background. You can also copy the object "Rectangle Fond couverture" and past it where you want you will have all the book, if you change the PZR parameters of this object, all the book will move, rotate or change of size. I always put a picture or a rectangle as parent of all others objects because it's easier and it's a best quality to work at the same scale as are your pictures. The parent is use for the mode, if at the end I want fit to slide or Original, I have only one thing to change for all the slide.
  25. Thank you everybody for your comments. It wasn't too much difficult to do, it took me only two days to do the first one and two others days to do the second one lighter (for the template "Screensaver"). I think a lot of people can do the same because it don't need any calculation. I had this idea when I create the cube, it's a similar technic but much more easier. I promised you a template, I have finish to do a new one, lighter and simplest than this slideshow, I create a newtopic here for that.
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