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Everything posted by JPD
Yes, it's the reason why I asked which kind of hile was used, but for slide I talk about to Ronnie, I tought he used JPG because there are no reason to use PNG there, and with JPG it's possible to have something perfect when not using Edge anti-aliasing. I send him an exemple. With PNG, if there aren't transparent part, it's like PNG. Please send me your 3 files, if there is transparency part, Igor explained why, if not, we have to see.
No, I used Westtraining@ntlworld.com that I found on your page. I just send you the 2 mails at the adress you give.
I just send to Ronnie a sample in which the 2 first slides don't use Edge antialiasing and it's perfect for all screen definitions and the third and fourth slides use Edge anti-aliasing, there are no lines at 1024x 768 but lines at others screen definitions. I control Versailles at different screen definitions : no problem, I didn't used Edge anti-aliasing for these slides. May be Ronnie can send us his template.
I have send you by email a screen copy, and I don't think it's my computer the problem for this point. I don't know which kind of files you used : JPG, PNG?. I did the same kind of transition in Versailles and have no problem. The template is here
It run smoothly on my PC (Radeon 7500 64 mb) I found there are too much effects for such a slideshow and for one (3 vertical parts) you need to don't use edge antialiasing, because it's probably the reason for which there are two lines on the final picture. It's the problem of how to use new effects, it will probably take some time before we use them correctly. Thanks for sharing
Thanks, Igor, for answer. I have test the Lin Evans' puzzle and have try it with two little views before the main view as in the test I send you. It succeed now to start, but at the end, it freeze the PC. The original file freeze the PC without see anything. Only the music works. In this slideshow there are 104.57 mb for memory card for one view. Note : in the "Objects and animations" windows it doesn't freeze the PC
Some questions to understand : I made a test with 15 big pictures 1920 x 1080 in a view. That mean 1920 x 1080 x 3 x 15 bytes for graphic card memory (89mb). Mine is only 64 mb and it succeed to run, not at all smooth (6 images/15 seconds), of course, but I see the 15 pictures at the same time. How it's possible. I did a test with the same 15 pictures with V4.48 as objects of one view. With V4.48 it take about 3 seconds before the pictures appears on the screen and 8 seconds for V5. Does that mean the 5 seconds more is the time need to transfer 64mb from memory to graphic card memory ? (about 12mb/s)
This projet is especally do to show photos. When we have photos, the best result is to have no resizing if possible. As there are many screen definitions, it impossible to have no resizing for all screens if we want to use full screen for all definitions, but it's possible to choice one screen definition for which there will be no resizing, for instance 1024 x 768 or 1280 x 960. We can resize in Photoshop all the pictures for the definition we have choice in order to have the best quality as possible. We will not have any calculation to do when using these pictures and they will be resized only one time, by the objet level 1. The proportion between two objects depend only of there sizes in pixels. If we use fit to screen and percents, the proportion between pictures depend of there sizes in pixel, but also of the differents percents of all the parents' objects. When we have to position objects exactly, with the original mode, we have only additions or subtractions to do, in the other case are added multiplications and divisions, so as it's too difficult, people use the mouse to place and resize objects, but there is not a good precision.
Dom, it's an interesting demo, I have try it and have 2 requests about it : First why do you work all level with "fit to screen" option, it's not so easy than with original mode for all levels and only the first one "Fit to screen" The second is that it would be better to use black and white jped files instead of the rectangles because there is no anti-aliasing with rectangle and there are steps on lines when it rotate, you will not have steps with the two jpg files. Note I am still working on cube to to a better work before sharing.
First thank you for your comments, it's right, in PTE file "model", there are no perpectives to be simple, so when the cube is for instance made of two rectangles, it seems wrong. I have cheat when I did the "Mise en boite" in order to have like a perpective, but it wasn't always good. After you write about perspective, I have, may be, find a solution, but it's enough difficult to do, and I don't think it would be usefull for PTE users because too complex. You're right for library, wait if there are feedback.
It's may be crop if the screen definition of people is smaller as yours. But to day, most of my slideshows (with 4.4xx) are in original mode, (1024x768), first because objects couldn't be fit to screen with V4.4 and to have a best quality because there is no resizing. So with V5, you can choice what you want for the first level but always have the lower level at original parameter. If you choice for the first level to be original, it will be necessary to have pictures at 1024 x 768 max (and they will not be good on 800 x 600 definitions).
I had this problem when I did Chantilly in June and was obliged to use 2 files one normal and a second, exactly the same but return with Paintshop in order to simulate an object reverse. If you look at rolling effect in a windows in "Chantilly' slideshow, you will see there are many images reverse to do this effect, and it's one of the reason for which I did this question.
Yes, it's possible (see the first view of "Chantilly"), but it's a hard work. I agree it will be very, very nice if we had the possibitity to make perspectives (it implies to be able to transform a rectangle into trapeze). I hope Igor will put that in his TODO list for 5.2 version It would also very interesting to be abble to knock down and return an image besides the rotation.
First, thank you to everybody for your comments. I have take a little time before to answer, because I tried to write an explanation, but it's too much difficult and would not be usefull, but the principle of functioning is at the end of the slideshow : - put a picture as child of a rectangle. - modify the 2 Zoom's parameters of the picture - Rotate the picture inside the rectangle in order the 2 angles are on the same vertical line - Modify the horizontal Zoom of the rectangle - Rotate and pan the rectangle to put the picture at the right place. You must do 3 times that for the 3 faces of a cube. In order we can move and rotate the cube, put the 3 groups of objects as child of one rectangle (opacity = 0%) The PZR functions for all the cube will be on the master object Yes it's done only with PTE (and the calculation with a spreadsheet) It comes from the fact that I cheated to make pseudo perpectives which used 15 PNG files and also used 3 inverted pictures for transparency cube, these files are about 5.2 Mb and the PTE file is bigger because of these PNG files for which there are many keypoints. The background pictures and the music are more than 9 mb, of course all can be more compressed. The PTE file is only 245 kb. As I explain above, the principle is enough simple, but the calculations rather complex and very heavy. Impossible to do without a spreadsheet. So, in order than everybody can put a cube in his own slide show, with his own pictures and his own parameters, I have make a special PTE file, with an user manual in french and in english, where you just have to know how to copy and past a view from one slideshow to another (thank you Hawk). If it's not enough practical, tell me, I'll try to do better. If the principle of model is practical and good, it will be possible to make in the future a library of effects. Give me your opinion to this subject. The PTE template for the cube is here Note The rotation on X and Y are made with the relative position and dimensions of the 3 pictures of the cube and the rotation on Z is the rotate function on the rectangle wich include the cube.
After many and many tests, I am sure that the best way to work with V5 is to use "Original" mode for all the objects. It's only for level 1 object that it's interesting to use "Fit to slide". The easiest way I found, if I want to have no resizing at 1280 x 960 for instance, is to put a rectangle of 1280 x 960 at the first level (opacity = 0%) with the option "Fit to screen" and put under this rectangle all the others objects with "original size" option. It's easier to prepare your pictures at the same scale in Photoshop or other, you will have the same rate for all your pictures and the same quality. It's easier also to put your pictures at the right place, without any error. If somebody can explain me a better way, I agree to try to understand.
May be, but why simples slideshows doesn't run and very complex one runs perfectly (I don't think their are slidesshows more complex as this one above). It's not only on my PC. I have spend 3 hours to do tests about this problem and haven't find at this time. Note : It's a 64 Mo grahic card.
Here is a little slideshow which use the PZR functions to simulate a cube with rotation on the 3 axis. All the picture used for the cube are square of 400 x 400 pixels The precision of PTE is wonderful and it is abble to do many calculations at the same time, even on my PC which is enable to run some slideshows of this forum. I don't understand why, because these slideshows doesn't need more calculation and their picture's sizes aren't greater than mine.
Well, it seem you find by youself. Just one point, the two grey rectangle are only to give the impression that the page is a little thick and they move at the same time as the two half picture.
Bonjour Robert, I think it will be the same question for everybody when we will make "real slideshow" and not "test slideshow". May be there is one or two effect not necessary, but you don't use too much new effects. It's the use of them that I found they will be better if modified : The three first Zoom : I think it would have been better to start with Zoom max to finish at zoom min, because we can suppose that people who take the photo doesn't move when people are walking away. So It would be better if they become smaller and smaller. For the flower which rotate, I can image that we turn a little around to have the best view, but we don't move all around, neither several times, so I think a max rotation of 90/120° would be enough. It would be necessary, for everybody, to learn how to use these news effects, and am not sure it will be so easy than we can think. That's well to make this kind of show with the problem of "how to use" the news effects. Thanks for sharing.
I never succeededed to create a PTE file from an exe file. Note : it's possible to put the PTE file inside the exe when we make a slideshow with V4.xx and extract it from the EXE file after, but with the V5 there will be some problems to use this method. The option to have the possibility to extract the template from an exe file (with a password, of course) would be a good thing for the future. To day it's not the most important task to do for Igor and his team.
I tried it, it works fine and is easy tu use.
Well, I was afraid nobody understand what I tried to explain because of my english. It's not so difficult as you think and it's enough quick. The only problem, which is not one for me, are the formulas, you must well know Excel or something else which do the same. You must also understand how is the PTE file, but it's very simple and clear.
Not yet. I wait to know if english Excel version can read french Excel file with formulas before to begin an explanation. First I haven't only one method to work, but one method for each work. For instance for the test "Hexagones", after create the 565 png files, I made a PTE project with one view, and for object a rectangle 1280 x 960 and as child one PNG file (an hexagon). I put on this child the number of key point I need with there good opacity and parameter (original and so one). I have just to copy and paste this view 564 always as child of the rectangle. It's only ten copy and past to have 1024 objects, then delete between 565 and 1024, so it's enough quick. Save the PTE project. At this time, PTE give all the GUID for each object, and I have to change : - The name of the file for each object and the name of the object. - The positions for Keypoint1, 2 ,3.. - The % of Opacity if necessary (in this exemple, I put them in the first object, so it was good for all objects. - The time for Keypoint2, 3 ... After I have save this project, I open the PTE file with the notepad, select the part where are the datas for objects and paste them in a column of Excel. In a second column I create several formulas for the first object on the same line than the values I have to change, when the different formulas are created for the first object, I put in all the empty cells of this column concerning the first object a formulas which copy the data of the cell of the first column. I select all the cells of the second column concerning the first object, copy them and paste them alway in the second column for each object (always only 10 copy and paste, then delete between 1024 and 565). These formulas give me for each object the right position and the right time for each Keypoints of each object. I copy the result and past it in the notepad in place of the lines which were selected at the beginning (I keep the notepad open during all the time). Then save the file with the notepad and open it with PTE. If the result isn't perfect, I just have to modify the formulas or modify the parameters which are used by the formulas, then copy the result and past it in the notepad (you must select before the lines to replace, because in this case, nothing is selected), save the file and reopen with PTE. With what explained Hawk about copy a view or an object from a project to another, it's easier now, because you can work on one view each time, so it's easier to find the good line in the PTE file. About you question for Ellipse, I create in Excel the lines for one ellipse, with formulas. In PTE, I create all the objects for an ellipse (I really copy and paste an existing ellipse), save the project, open it with notepad search the lines for the new ellipse, select and copy them and paste them in the column B of Excel in order each data of the second column is the same kind of data than in the firt column. It's necessary to use the datas from PTE because of the GUID number. The formulas in the fisrt column calculate the datas available with the parameters I put, so I have just to copy the result of the first column and past them in the notepad and save the PTE file. It's very difficult for me to explain that in english and I hope it's comprehensible.
OK, Dom, I think everybody here give exemples as do many people as you, Lin Evans, Al Robinson, Célou and many others in order to help PTE users, and not for themself. It's the reason for which they often put there demo and tutorial on there own page but also on Beechbrook when the tutorial is made with PTE or Diaporam@forum or Diapositif for french demo or explanations, and of course on this forum for those who understand english (even bad english as mine). Thank you for sharing all the differents demos and tutorials on the same page, it's easier to find informations for PTE users. I saw your show and it's a good job, I tought to do near the same last week and downloaded for that pictures from the NASA, but finally prefer to work with atoms (more simple for explanations). We can see with your show many possibilities offer by the new version, even if for a show, we will use a little part of the possibilities. It's of course a lot of job to do, but the result is very interesting. Thanks for sharing.
Good idea for the end of the year, I'll think about it.