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Everything posted by JPD

  1. Thanks Ken. Gilio, this link is the same as on Diapositf and it works perfectly. Maybe the file was corrupted during the download.
  2. Périgord is in the south-west of France with a river named La Vézére where humans live since 400 000 years. Will they live for a long time in the furure ? Périgord ... Terre ancestrale
  3. No need neither Zoom neither center function on Z axis because thick of 2D objects is 0. Now PTE is absolutely coherent.
  4. Thanks Geoff, I better understand. Sorry, it's not easy for me to write in english and to understand it.
  5. Could you explain using the PTE name of each window or function you use because I don't understand this sentence " Then in the spread box I dropped down the list and chose cove-shallow clicked OK and low and behold" and don't succed to put something as child of a text even rasterized.
  6. Now PTE is more homogen, not more powerfull but easiest to use for beginners. It's a good idea to have change this Zposition Nota you'll have to change the value of Zposition of the template made before (twice the value) and sometimes to modify the template because rotation and zoom of parents work on Zposition, not before.
  7. I don't think it's possible with V6
  8. I worked on this problem at least 8 days, two months ago, with a template made especially for that, I haven't asked anything to Igor on this subject because there aren't any solution available to solve this problem. Imagine two objects in Symetry which are on the same place Which of them is before? If you use PNG files with a part of transparency, how PTE can know the usefull part of the file. If we use the center function on a picture for instance, sort the files only on Zposition isn't a solution. With 2D objects I don't think there is a usefull solution, it's not at all the same thing that with 3D object where the datas about the solid are inside the file of a tool. I have made a test with a no convex solid with 60 objects which have a rotation of 360°, it need to copy 28 objects in background, that mean we have to put 112 keypoints for opacity, it's not so difficult to do. Of course if you change the size or the position of this solid you lose your work, but it would be the same thing, even with a sort on Zposition. For convex solid, the Show front / Show back function works perfectly. Thanks Igor for this very important feature. Here is the no-convex solid, only 28 objects have been copied in background. Impossible to sort objects with Zposition for this example, I tried to find a rule to find the good order in an Excel sheet, even with calculation of the center in % and others parameter like angles and of course Zposition, and the pans : no result available.
  9. So if it's smooth, it will be easy to use this technic with less objects in a normal slideshow to make earth for example, as I did for one of my future slideshow.
  10. A little test, enough simple but very complex for PTE : more than 2300 objects in the same slide : work fine on recent PC Planet
  11. Bonjour Charlie, I saw them last year on Diapositif, but it's always with the same pleasure I see them to day. Great photos and great slideshows, once a more : bravo
  12. Thanks to all, but first thanks to Igor and his team. To answer to questions, how long it take me to do it, diffilcult to answer, the first object take me about 10 hours to do it, but before I had done many others objects. for those of the end, same answer they took me about six hours for the 3 objects but I did many others before. For the flag, it took me exactly 5 hours, including Paintshop Pro work, I did it the day when I posted. It's now easy to work with such objects since we have the "Show front/Show back" function.
  13. Here is a test of what is possible, just an example, many others things are possible : Download Exe file ................................................................................Download mp4 file
  14. I think it will be probably possible, the best is to wait a lot.
  15. It's a very difficult job you are doing which need to solved many problems. Take the time you need to do it. Thanks to all the team for that.
  16. I have made 3 exe from the 3 most difficult slideshows for PTE I did, one, "Mon maîtr"e use intensive transformations of parent-child objects (used also a long time ago in Fantaisies florales), the second one, "Penser avec son pinceau" which use thousand masks; the third one "Diapositiviades auvergnates" in which there is like a video 720 x 450 during 7'27", the slideshow is a full HD definition and for which the speed of calculation is very important, all these exe works like they do with 5.6. All the functions of 5.6 in exe files works correctly now in 5.7. Bravo Igor and team.
  17. I can't explain here what I requested by mail, but is it possible to know if the requests I did july 24th will be included or not in V5.7, for me it's very important. Thanks for answer.If you haven't received them, tell me, I'll send them to you.
  18. Seems OK now. Thanks Many thanks for this important modification. It became to be a problem with complex slideshow and it seems good now : a very good feature. Do you think include in V5.7 the two requets I send you lat week ?. Thanks to you and your team for all the very difficult job you are doing.
  19. Sorry Igor but I have always the problem with beta #5 : Access violation at adress 770E8A4 oleaut32.dll read of adress FFFFFFFD
  20. PTE was born last century... happy birthday and congratulations.
  21. It's easy to use as mask the photo itself and made many effects with it, it's the first use I did with mask when testing it (too lazy to do a file for mask).
  22. A very wonderfull work you did with new ideas and humoristic parts. As I told you at Diapositif's meeting in Ponthierry, I enjoy it very much. Thanks for sharing. Super Jean-Cyprien.
  23. Thanks. Yes, that's right I am preparing a tool but, the first one is another one and after, I'll finish it. It's a long time to make it easy for everybody, the tool itself is finish since two months.
  24. That's OK now, many thanks.
  25. Many thanks Dick, I hope your friiends enjoy as you do. I don't think this slideshow would have a good notation in a gala or festival, but which is important for me is to do something people like.
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