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Everything posted by JPD

  1. It's enough long and difficult for me to explain, but I'll prepare something. It will take me one or two days. I did an explanation in french for the ellipse that you can find here. I don't always use the same method, but it's an example. On the first column, there are text (in blue) and formulas (in red) which make the result I want. On the second column, I paste from the nodepad the part of the PTE file I want to change. At the top of the sheet, there are the parameters of the ellipse I want to have. The formulas take the information from the PTE file (GUID for instance) or from the parameters I put at the top. I use much the formulas of concatenation to recreate the comprehensible text by PTE. For instance in the french Excel (not at all sure the formulas are the same for English version) : I have formulas as : =" Angle="&Angle_D where Angle_D is a value calculated from the parameters I entered and " Angle=" is to do the sentence used by PTE. I copy the first column and past it in the PTE file at the right place with the notepad. Nota : With the V4.48, it was possible to directly open PTE file, but with the V5, when we open the PTE file, Excel (in fench) change some characters making wrong the file, it's the reason for which I use the notepad for V5, there is no problem, all the characters are good when doing that.
  2. JPD


    In order to thank your here is a little moment of peace with its template
  3. JPD


    There are no problem for me.
  4. Is it the translation of the brittain word "Jeeeep" ?
  5. It take me one day to do it with PaintShop Pro. I first do it to test PNG files in PTE and after have the idea to make a puzzle with it. To make the differents effects, I used Excel and it take about half an hour to do a new effect. I did some others effects with the same PNG files and all works perfectly. I have put the most interesting in this example. As I said, I will never put that in a slideshow.
  6. I saw on a french forum that the webmaster who is a specialist of another well know product was very proud to succeed a puzzle with 20 pieces. I think Lin did that with PTE and we see it's possible to do with more objects. Of course, I don't imagine to do that in a real slideshow, but we can see all the possibilities of PTE... this is the result when Igor and his team work... a great job.
  7. Here is a very little show where 565 hexagons are moving at the same time. It's necessary to have an enough strong PC and 32 Mo Graphic card. It use 565 PNG files and one JPG file 1280x960.
  8. JPD


    I agree with you, Al
  9. You'll find here a template which show how to do. The two first views have some more objects than necessary in order to show the movements. The view #4 show the result of the explanation. The view #5 show that we can do more with PTE. The view #6..#9 show an exemple with 8 objects with differents speed. Nota : with only one of these views and "repeat show" function, you will have this little show . Notice that there is absolutely no trouble on movement when the slide change, absolutely perfect on this test.
  10. I understand that explanations are very importants, but it's also interesting to have the PTE file, for instance when we can't run a show, to understand why. I remember your nice test "Puzzle" that became nice for me only after you change the PNG files, I opened the PTE but not the EXE of the first version. It's the same to day for me, my PC can't run your file "Storm", so it will be better for me to have the PTE file. You demonstration with planets is interesting. What would be interesting to know is which method did you use to make an ellipse. I had a result, but the method is too difficult to use (I use several objects with rotation), even the result is good.
  11. Yes Igor, but I am still working on it to understand. I'll answer you as soon as I have finish, but am not at home often.
  12. Each version is a step to the final version. I have an idea of the work you did and you have to do, so I only say thanks Igor and thanks to your team.
  13. I am sorry, but I have just a black screen and be obliged to reboot. If it was possible to have the template of the two or three first slides, maybe it would be possible to understand why. If you want email it click diapositif@free.fr
  14. I have put here a file with explanations about a frame (2 pixels width) made with rectangles which is always god for all screen définitions, which is impossible to do with BMP, PNG or JPG files with the same quality. Of course it's possible to have other width for the frame with this method and others sizes for the frame.
  15. OK Igor and thank you, we will wait, you must have a lot of work. For copy and paste, I can use Ralph's method.
  16. Many thanks Ralph, it's work fine. I try to do the same, but with 2 differents sessions of PTE and it was impossible. Your idea is very good.
  17. Thank you Igor for your answers. I have uncheck "Edge antialiasing" to have a better result, this point is the same as for frame, I must prepare exemples to send you. The question is to copy a view or several objects from one slideshow to another slideshow as we can do inside a slideshow. So it would be easy, for instance, to copy easily a special effect from one slideshow to another as I do today with the notepad or Excel. So I could make many effects in a sample show and people could use easily these effects with copy and paste functions.
  18. My PC have been out for 6 weeks but I continued to test #3 on my ladtop. I have made a slideshow "Chantilly" with some view enough difficult to try PTE, the first one for instance use more than 200 objects with 6 keypoints for each. I have also test for a perfect frame, because they aren't perfect today with GIF, PNG or BMP (it was perfect in V4). I also have try some news effects to show what would be interesting to do if it was possible to put the effects on an object as it's possible to do on a view. After this test, I have some requests to do : 1 - This slideshow run perfectly on my ladtop, a little better than on my PC (both with 32Mo for graphic card), but on some PC of my friends it does run correctly (with a 32 Mo graphic card). I don't know if it's possible but when a PC has too much difficulties to work with PZR functions, would it be possible to jump automatically these views and wait for the next view without PZR effect in order the slideshow can work (perfectly or not) on all PC. 2 - Would it be possible to put effects (curling and so one) on one or several objects as it's possible for views. 3 - The position of the object is perfect, but for all the files with transparency (GIF, PNG and BMP 32 Bytes) the color and the transparency of the border of the pictures isn't perfect and it's a problem for frames, but also when we need to build a view with several files with transparency. 4 - Would it be possible to have another key like F1 but which will be an help for the view (for intance to explain what is the place we see, how was done the photo etc) 5 - Would it be possible to copy a view or sevral objects from a slideshow and paste in another one. I have put the template of this slideshow here
  19. Here are the links of the exemple of the differents effects use in the Slideshow : http://www.diapositif.net/V5/Transition_01.zip http://www.diapositif.net/V5/Transition_02.zip http://www.diapositif.net/V5/Transition_03.zip http://www.diapositif.net/V5/Transition_04.zip http://www.diapositif.net/V5/Transition_05.zip http://www.diapositif.net/V5/Transition_06.zip http://www.diapositif.net/V5/Transition_07.zip http://www.diapositif.net/V5/Transition_08.zip The explanations are on this page, but in french, I am sorry, but it's too difficult for me to translate. Les explications en français sont sur cette page
  20. No, it,'s only PTE, I used 35 differents hubbles and worked with the key-points : 0%-100%-100%-0% and so on, 30 times for each Hubble (35 x 120 key-points), and for V4 more than 620 views.
  21. After have made a test with 4.43 with Bitmap 32 bits (see here), I have made near the same with the V5 (here) and it is smoother and quicker than with V 4.43. I don't know if this test can work on all PC as the old one, but it's better on mine.
  22. Bonjour Igor, I have a little problem when using "Fit to screen" option for the backgroud (jpg file) : I have a black screen. I am in Full screen mode.
  23. Al, you succeed to understand with all the mistakes I do, bravo :-)
  24. Yes Al, I have understand this point, but to put an object at the absolute right place witout any pixel of error, it's not possible to do that with the mouse. In V4.xx, the position of the objects was absolutely perfect, and it's the same with V5, but it's not so easy to do precision because there are not only entire number of pixel (I know why and it's normal), for all objects at zoom 100% we only need half and entire pixel, when working as I do (the same as for 4.4) and only entire pixel if your picture is a pair number for it size, what I always use. It's a good Idea, it will not be necessary to change several times the order of the objects when moving them with the mouse, what I did for the first view of the exmple.
  25. I don't click on the sub-object but "I have just to click on the arrows of the Pan Windows to put he object at the good place". To do that I must be on a keypoint. This arrows change the position of one pixel at each click and as the position is an entire number, it's enough easy to do. May be I'll ask to Igor that in the future there is a function to put all the Pan values of selected objects at the nearest entire value in pixel, we will earn much time.
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