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Everything posted by JPD

  1. Désolé, c'est ce qui arrive quand on fait plusieurs chose à la fois, c'est réparé. It's OK now.
  2. Several people ask me to put the entire PTE file of "Versailles", so I put it there for a fortnight
  3. I have made a little exemple in order you see what I mean, the fourth first views are with 1st level fit to screen and the other level with "original" option. By the same time, I explain the method to have a good position as I told you several days ago : I use a picture with inverted colors and put the objects at transparency=50%. When it's good, the object is grey. Nota : I use "Pixels" option for the objects, and all my pictures with size finishing by 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8, so the value in the Pan Window is always entire to have the good position. I have just to click on the arrows of the Pan Windows to put he object at the good place. The 5th view is the same method as several people on this forum used : all the objects are at level 1. I haven't finish this view. Try to finish, you will understand. Without Excel, I was enable to do it correctly ! Note : Des explications plus détaillées en français sont sur ce lien
  4. Here is the first group of Versailles' transitions with different options I also wrote : I am very happy, Igor said today : Great !!! It will be easer than gif files and need less Ko and less memory in graphics cards. Many thanks Igor. Al First thank you for your comments and I hope than next time you will have enough time to go there. There is another castle, smaller but very beautifull near Paris, it's Vaux le Vicomte. Louis 14 had the idea of Versailles when seeing Vaux le Vicomte. Ebenist, I am happy you enjoyed Versailles, nice place indead. Jeff First thanks for your comments, I am sure there are many and many things to do with V5. I didn't want to do too many effects for this slideshow. Thedom You have many ideas how to use V5, we all wait for your next demo :-) Tu ne manques pas d'idées non plus, on attend avec impatience tes prochains tests Lin, Thanks for your comments. You said about your test "Puzzle" I use a method which is enough simple and with very good results for slideshows as Puzzle : First make a invert colors of the main image and put it in a view, then put the objects and put the transparency at 50 %. I work with "original" option for the objets. If you move the object above the similar part in the main image, you will have a perfect grey when it's at the good place. Make the same for all the objects. When finish, put all the objects at transparency = 100% and replace the picture with invert colors by the right picture.
  5. OK Igor, we will wait, it will be really easier to work.
  6. Very nice, Igor, I waited for that. I have another request which can make the work easier : Only for the parents, to have 2 transparency parameters : The first one as to day which work only on the parent and a second one which work one the parent and all the children ( as for Zoom/Pan/Rotate).
  7. Igor, Do you mean that this value we can type will be the size we will find in the PTE file as size. If yes, it's a very good news.
  8. Here is a new test which is almost a slideshow : Versailles. The level 1 pictures' size are those of TVHD 1920 x 1080 and have "Fit to screen" and "In percents" options. All the pictures of the others levels have "Original" and "In pixels" options. For some views, I have used a 1980 x 1080 gif file as level 1 picture, but when the little problem about size of the rectangle will be corrected, it will better to use a rectangle than this GIF file. It would be very nice to be abble to chose the size of the rectangle in PTE and not to be obliged to edit the PTE file to change the rectangle size (I know it's possible to change it's size with Zoom function, but it's not so easy than with exact size in pixels). When using these methods, we can see that PTE work perfectly for the position of the objects and can be smooth even with large pictures, even on 32Mo graphic cards This slideshow have been made for the meeting about PTE organized in Chantilly by Diapositf last week-end, and everybody saw what's possible to do with this new version. We can say, even if the work isn't finish that Igor and his team did a very good job. Thanks to them. I'll put different PTE file to understand how it's done, people who were in Chantilly asked me to cut the file in order it's easier to understand.
  9. The last version works fine. Welldone.
  10. The easiest way, I think is to have all objects level 1 at the same size with option "fit to screen" (or else) and all others objects level 2, 3 and so one "original" (and pixel). When rectangle will be good (in the #2 they are one pixel smaller that the numbers write in the PTE file) and if Igor permit us to choice the size of the rectangle (we can change its sizes in the PTE file) it will be very easy to use this rule.
  11. I did it for the meeting of the Diapositif's forum members in Chantilly this week-end. I will put it on the web next week, probably with the PTE file.
  12. Thanks, Igor, but I think we'll have to try to do the lightest slideshows as possible in order evrybody can see them.
  13. I understand, and I thnk it will be a big problem for V5 because many people will do the same.
  14. No, I just tested the 4 pieces' puzzle. I just download the 30 pieces puzzle and even with the PTE file I have a black screen. If I go in Objects and Animations Windows, I can see the Slideshow. I think that I have understand why it doesn't work for me. My graphic card is only 64 Mo of memory and there are more than 30 pictures 1331 x 888. I don't understand why all the pictures are so large. It's possible to do the same with only little files. It's not necessary that all pictures are 1331 x 888, one is enough. If you have a picture to level one, 1331 x 888 and 30 little pictures under it at level 2, all put in original size, and the one to level one fit to screen, you'll do the same thing with less datas in memory. I did a test of that with the 4 pieces puzzle, it's OK. Note, I am doing a slideshow with pictures of 1920 x 1080 px size and it work fine on my PC, and there are some views were there are more than 40 objects with 8 keypoints for each objects, so it must be possible to do the same puzzle with 30 pieces which work on my PC.
  15. I have download the file without sound and it's the same thing black screen). I have also download the PTE album and it works fine. I don't know if it's the same, but it's also good with the exe file I did with it.
  16. Good ideas in this demo. and very few Ko for these effects.
  17. Hi Lin, I just have music and ... a black screen, even the third time, and it's very difficult to stop, I suppose there are views which must take a lot of time, and PTE wait the end of the view to try to stop (I had several slideshows for which I was obliged to kill the process). I think that Igor will have to modify the escape function, because now some views can have a duration of 1 minute or more, that's a problem.
  18. A good way would be to have a rectangle has parent for all objects, it's what I did in one of my test. The problem is that to day a rectangle is always about 200 x 200. So I resize the rectangle in the PTE file (1920 x 1080 in my test) and put all the objects as child of the rectangle. If I want "fit to screen" I just have to put the option on the rectangle. It's the reason for which I hope Igor will put an option in order we can choise the size of the rectangle .
  19. Yes only with rectangles, the curves are made with several little lines
  20. Sorry Al, but I don't succeed to open this link. I just find why : here is the good link http://www.alrobinson.com/grids.zip
  21. Here is an exemple. Of course this has no interest, only for fun and to test.
  22. Look at the tutorial at this link
  23. I have made many tests with original size and fit to screen because you said it wasn't the good way to use orginal size. To day, I haven't find that fit to screen is easiest to use. I made many tests with all the objects under one picture for each slide, all of the same value, and there is absolutely no problem. With the same file, if I put all the first level objects with fit to screen option, all is also perfect, so I don't understand why you say that. I have made a test like that with 1920 x 1080 pictures, and it was easiest for me to make it with original size and put only the first level object fit to screen at the end. PS It seem that all the pictures are one pixel smaller that the screen definition in 16/9 ratio : Screen Pictures : PTE V5.00 #2 Width 1920 x 1080 original size definition Width Height Width Height 800 800 450 799 449 1024 1024 576 1023 575 1152 1152 648 1151 647 1280 1280 720 1279 719 1600 1600 900 1599 899 1800 1800 1013 1799 1012 1920 1920 1080 1919 1079 2048 1920 1080 1919 1079 For these values the result is the same if it's in fit to screen mode. fit to screen 2048 2048 1152 2046 1151 I have control this test, and these values are availables for an object 1920 x 1080 inside a picture 1920 x 1080. it's the object level 2 which give these results. I haven't test for others ratios.
  24. Another fine solution after Thedom's one to use a map, well done. PS I did something as Thedom but only with rectangle, as there isn't antialising on rectangle, it's no so fine than the Thedom's solution and yours.
  25. Très sympa. Si tu peux inventer la montre à remonter le temps
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