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Everything posted by JPD

  1. Nice, but a little problem with a 1152 x 864 screen definition, all the pictures haven't the same size.
  2. Sorry to answer so late, but I was on holidays. If you put an object (Object 1), then select it and put under it two or more objects, these objects will have the Pan/Zoom/Rotate effect of the Object1 but not its opacity parameter. So this Object1 can be a picture with opacity=0 or a rectangle, always with opacity=0 (if necessary). If your objects exist, it's possible to create the Object1 with PZR effects, copy and past under Object1 the others objects, then delete the originals objects you have copy.
  3. I have made a tutorial which shows the relationships between objects with differents levels. You can write me if it's not enough clear or if there are mistakes in the words. I'll completed it in a fortnight, when coming back from holidays. I hope it will usefull.
  4. That's right Igor, but the best way is that the size of the object is a pair number when you want to be absolutely perfect in order to have no subpixel, I try with an object which was with half a pixel in its position (subpixel) and it was not so perfect, which is normal (a liitle difference when using Paintshop Pro layer).
  5. OK Igor, it must be good now. Why M. Gate isn't french ? :-)
  6. I don't see a real difference between the original test file and the H version for the picture, but in the H version, the sound is very bad. (3 tests for each version) Pentium IV 2.4 Ghz 512 Mo / Radeon 7500 /64 Mo
  7. The reason for which I don't use the rectangle is when I put inside an object with Original option, it has not the original size but is generally bigger than it real size. Maybe I made a mistake, but with an external file I haven't the problem. Does your object has the right size when you put them in a rectangle?
  8. Don't worry, Igor, that's no matter for me, I suppose you have better to do
  9. Yes Igor, but my name isn't correct :-( Dollangère become DollangÄre
  10. I hope that I understand what you mean. I just finish a test : First I put a transparent file as image level 1 (4px BMP file) Under it I put for the second level the same file 3 times. Under the 1st second level file, I put 3 letters (png file) with option original and made some effect on each letter (pan/zoom/rotate) I did the same thing for the 2 others 2nd level, 2 letters and 3 letters. After I put effect on the second level picture (4px BMP) zoom, rotate... and the effect is also put one the letter by this way At the end, I put also several effects on the first level picture and all the effects run at the same time and this test run very well.
  11. Lin, it's not very difficult, because Igor put a relation Parent to children for the objects and there is no limit for the number of steps (just the limit of the hardware). This function is very important and easy to use.
  12. I am not sure to unterstand the problem, but all the objects of one level can be manipulate as a group when you work on the parent, it's what I did in my test. You find here an exemple to have Blur function only during the zoom and not before or after the zoom, so the picture is alway correct and there is no Moire during the zoom
  13. I made some tests about the precision of the position of the objetcs, one of them is here In original mode, it's exactly the same result that for 4.48 : perfect In the others modes wih resizing, it's more difficult to have a perfect result, but it's true, it's perfect . Bravo to Igor's team Sorry, I made a mistake with the link and give you the second example. This one permit to see the precision of V5
  14. Bonjour Igor, Thank you Igor for explanations about graphics cards. I suppose your work was very difficult and you had many difficults choices to do. I am working on objects to see if it's possible to do the same (or better) than before. I have some tests to finish, but I have found all I had before and more, and it"s a good idea to have this relation parent-child between the objects : very good idea. I have one important request to do : Would it be possible to add in the animation windows other transitions, it would be very interesting, especially curling of page. These transitions would work as Pan/Zoom/Rotate only on the object (and it children) on which it is. Note : it seems there is a little problem with ogg format, it doesn't work everywhere.
  15. I don't understand anything, to day, when I use exactly the same 500 jpg files with the same transitions (fade=20ms), it works in synchronized mode with 4.48 with only 300 ms between each view, I am obliged to put with the V5 a duration of more of one second in order it run correctly. May be it's because my graphic card which is an old one, but I think I am not alone to have an old card (3 years old). I wait before to continue these tests to have the 2 motor's version and hope I'll find similar results with the 2 products, but it's seem very strange.
  16. I found 1.9 Mo on another similar product !!! Bravo to your team
  17. I tried it and have an error message :"Asseertion with message: 'Error: Multi Textures Count = '1(E:\Work\Wnsoft.PteCommonLib\D3D\D3DExt3.pas, line: 402)" My PC didn't like this test, but the person who created this test did it to compare with two others products, and PTE seems have the best result on his PC. PS Thanks Igor for your answer
  18. Bonjour Igor, In the V5 beta#1 does the two transitions Fade in/out and Circle are also made with the graphic card. Thank you
  19. Sorry, Richard, it's too heavy for my PC, I had during five seconds a black screen and most of the others transitions jump. The photographhies are nice but I can't enjoy them :-(((
  20. I tried it 10 times (without any .bat) 3 times after reboot, no error, no problem, just a very little "jump" when there are the 2 pictures with a white border. PIV 2.4 Ghz 512 Mo RAM - Radeon 7500 64 Mo
  21. Ken, send me only the .bat files , I have the exe file. Thank you
  22. I am sorry, but as yesterday, when I unpacked the file, I have only one exe file and no .bat files. If somebody give the command inside these .bat files, I'll could do the test. Thank you.
  23. Thank you Ken, but the link doesn't work :-(((
  24. Igor, Where are the 2 bat files, I don't find them anywhere to do the test
  25. I have maybe an explanation, yestesday with PteShow when I made a screen print I had a black picture as when we try to copy a video. I tried to day and I haven't the same result, I have a picture. With my graphic card, I notice that when it's possible to do a screen copy, the colors are those we have with Paintshop Pro, Pixbuilder and so one, but when I can't make a screen copy, the color are different, I spoke about that last week on the forum (here). I found the explanation, on the Radeon 7500 and probably on others ATI graphic card there aren't the same parameter for video so there is sometimes a big difference between an exe file and the same slideshow in video (I had the problem when testing Granot's utility). It's not impossible that sometimes when using DirextX, the colors are those of video parameters and some times the standard parameters. In ATI it's call Overlay adjustments. Note : when I had a big difference of colors, if another tool was using the overlay (WMP for instance), the colors of a video with Granot's utility were good. If WMP is closed the color were bad. I had the same result when using other player as ATI multimedia center or VLC. I made a pte file (here) which launch a video file which permet to see if there is a difference between PTE 4 and video. Durinf the 8 first seconds, if the adjustments are the same for overlay or not, you must have no difference. davegee please test this file, if there is a difference of color during the show, that mean that on your PC, overlay's adjustments are different of standard adjustment as was my PC. Note I have some problem since last sunday with my eyes and have difficulties to continue these tests
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