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Everything posted by JPD

  1. You can easily made a pte exe file in which there are button which launch your shows. Look at Corsica on Beechbrook for exemple.
  2. That's OK, Granot, if you fixe it, it will give us many possibilities that I needed when I did Corsica and that I can't use. Very interesting.
  3. Granot, The original idea is good, but the reason for which I didn't ask you to do this option is that it's not so easy to do. I try to explain : with the new version, we can put exactly the position of the hight-left corner, but this method is good for only one screen definition, and you never know which screen people have. So what you must try to do, is to put in the Vidsetini the position of the center of the video and not the hight left corner. It was possible to use the last version on several screen definition, with this one, it's impossible. In the ini something like -100,+50 +200,-100 for the centrale position, It's impossible to use the actual version, if it impossible to modify it, it's better to put the old version on your link.
  4. Sorry, I didn't think to download the Hidemouse version on the link above. Now it's done and I have test it with full sreen and not, in 1024 x768, 1152 x 864 and 1280 x 1024 : all is good. Fantastic
  5. Yes, I did the test with both of them, and I just finish to do the test at 1152 x 864, both run correctly with Hidetasbar of Marcovelo. Sorry, I have understand wrong, I test those with the little picture and the last version with the cursor, I haven't the other version without mouse neither picture.
  6. I just have test with full screen show (1280x1024) and hidetaskbar run perfectly with ShowvideoPTE.
  7. In fact, it's a part of the first screen (85 x 122 pixels) which stay near the middle of the screen with a logo "Plugy" on it during all the time.
  8. Well, Granot, it's seem correct for the mouse's cursor but there is a little picture above mine in which is write Plug..
  9. Granot, I am sorry, but I found another little problem : would it be possible to don't have the mouse's cursor when AVI or MPG is running ?
  10. Wonderfull Granot, that's perfect at several screnn's definitions (I tested 1024, 1152 and 1280 x1024) and it's very simple to use. Very good job
  11. I just try with a MPG,it's the same as with AVI : not centered (14 pixels above the center)
  12. Yes I used an AVI made by PTE with a Microsoft codec. I just try the last version it's a little above the center with avi file. I'll try with MPG, but these are AVI which are for me the most interesting format.
  13. Well done Granot, but there is another problem I did not see : it doesn't play in the center of the sreen. It will be difficult to do a complex slideshow like "Corsica" with this problem. If you can fixed that, it will be perfect.
  14. JPD


    I had the problem with my game "Taquin" where the data part was 3492 Ko when the zip of the PTE text was about 70 Ko. I spoke about that to Fanafot's webmaster and he told me it wasn't important, but for me it is, and it's a very good new you give us, many thanks Igor.
  15. Sorry for Hidetaskbar, I though you did it, but it's Marcovelo tools which works well with yours. I tried the new version, it's really better but there is now, only at the end a grey screen for about half a second, however it's better than the next version. I think it's necessary to put also Deletevidtmp.exe at the end and put opt_runapponexitiflastslide at 0 in order that another slideshow using this utility without Deletevidtmp.exe at the beginning can run, it's the reason for which I also keep it at the end. Very good job Granot.
  16. JPD


    I agree with you for PTE engine, images and music, I just speak about the datas which are at the end of the exe file, my english isn't good and it's difficult to explain what I didn't understand. It's only the size of the datas that seems be compressed because winzip is enable to do better for what is in the exe, but this part for the datas is bigger than the PTE text file, and when I zip the PTE text file, it is very small. That's what I don't understand.
  17. I tried your utility and it works well, I also put Deletevidtmp.exe at the beginning and at the end of the show so there is no problem, even you have another show which put vidtmp.ini you will be good. This utility works also well with your other utility Hidetaskbar. The only problem is that at the beginning and at the end, there is a grey (level=40) rectangle which appears. Is it possible to don't have it.
  18. JPD


    Igor, there is one thing that I don't understand : The datas in the exe file seems to be compressed (if I take this part, winzip doesn't compress more), but the size is larger than those of the PTE file and if I zip the PTE file the compression rate is better than 98% in my exemple (2 579 233 bytes and 43 013 bytes in a zip). Is there complementary program (I don't think so) in this part or something add to the datas to make them bigger than the PTE text file. I though than datas in an exe would be more compressed than data in a text file.
  19. JPD


    I also did some test about JPG : On a photo take by Hubble : 3761 x 2821 pixels. JPG Q=9 (Photoshop) : 1864 Ko, 1852 Ko when zipped JPG Q=12 (Photoshop) : 4577 Ko, 4447 Ko when zipped PNG (24bits Photoshop with transparency) : 17560 Ko, 17560 Ko when zipped BMP 32 bits with transparency : 41445Ko, 26360 Ko when zipped On a draw (Diapositif's logo) : 400 x 400 : JPG Q=9 (Photoshop) : 48 473 bytes, 34 227 bytes when zipped JPG Q=12 (Photoshop) : 87 826 bytes, 70 683 bytes when zipped PNG (24bits Photoshop with transparency) : 93 237 bytes, 92 688 bytes when zipped BMP 32 bits with transparency : 640 054 bytes, 68 970 bytes when zipped But it's difficult to compare JPG VS PNG, it's not at all the same thing, and with JPG, it depend of the picture and also of the tool (Photoshop is smaller in web function, and isn't always the best tool) Aspasck doesn't compress sound's and picture's files it's the reason for which the test with zip is right (it's a bit better with winrar). Aspack is used for the program and maybe the data (I am not at all sure for the datas). The only thing that I don't understand is why the number of Ko for datas in the exe file is bigger than the PTE file, it's the reason for which I am not at all sure. For instance, in the slideshow about Hubble, The exe file is 22 650 110 bytes : - 254 996 bytes for the PTE's program ( only ! ) - 19 458 328 bytes for Pictures and sound (and some informations about them) - 2 936 786 bytes for PTE datas and the crc The PTE file is 2 579 233 bytes, smaller than it is in the exe file, and if I zip the PTE file it's only 43 013 bytes ! I never had any explanation about that. Perhaps Igor can answer. NB When I zip the exe file the size is 10 879 186 bytes Zip reduce of 11495 Ko, 11485 Ko for pictures and sound, only 10 Ko for program and datas (that mean that datas seams to be compress, it's another reason for which I don't understand)
  20. In the future version of PTE, we will have the choice between PNG and BMP 32 bits for semi-transparency images. I did some tests in order to see which format is more interesting : For photographies, PNG is smaller and the PGN zip is also smaller than a BMP zipped (BMP is 230% bigger and 150% bigger when zipped for the tests I did) For titles and draws, the BMP files, in my tests were 680% bigger than the sames files in PNG, but when both were zipped, the BMP is smaller than the PNG ! (-35%) Generally, what we need is to have the smallest file for the net and we zip our files, on the hard disk it's not very important to have 10 or 20 Mo, so I think that for title were we need semi-transparency, BMP 32 bits will be better than PNG. Another important point : the 32 bits BMP files are very quick to be calculated by the actual PTE and it will be probably the same in the next version. Igor wrote somewhere that for PNG it will be necessary to have enough time. It's a second reason to use the BMP format for titles, draw, map which need transparency. I did a little slideshow using only 32 bits BMP in order to see what we can do with this file and to see that PTE is very quick with them. It's here and talk about Igor's camera :-))) You'll find here the avi file, it's of course quicker than the exe file, but it is an unusually use of PTE, it's only a test of BMP files with PTE.
  21. I have made 32 bits BMP with Adobe CS1 and there is transparency in PTE. You need to have an alpha channel in the picture and it's good.
  22. So it's normal there are no problems
  23. I think it's too quick if you use synchronise mode. It will not run on many PC.
  24. Even you don't speak french, you will see here that it was made with Mediashow. I began to use PTE 2 years ago when I found it on the WEB.
  25. The french version is very nice, this one too, not easy to translate in english, well done Patrick.
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