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Everything posted by JPD

  1. Just for fun this Slideshow That's right it's easier with Paintshop Pro or Photoshop, but in the next version, I think the objects will be more interesting for everybody.
  2. You can use CTRL + A if you want to select all objects
  3. Hi caladois (Michel here), Nothing with Norton neither AntiVir. J'ai vu à cette adresse que tu déclarais : Sois tu expliques, sois tu ne dis rien, car en soi cette phrase n'est pas une info, mais uniquement destinée à te faire mousser, et ça, n'a aucune importance. Transmets mon bonjour à Didinou (c'est mignon tout plein) et à Michanne
  4. Very nice show. Well done, Patrick.
  5. Thank you Igor, it's interesting to know. I wait the V5.00 to test all these news functions. Thank you for this nice job.
  6. Bonjour Daniel, A very nice show, I am sure many people outside France know the "Traction Avant" which is the grand-mother of most of the actuals cars which use the Front-wheel-drive. It was not really a new idea, however, it was Citroen that really took such drivetrains into the mainstream. Rack-and-pinion steering followed in 1936, again a basic principle still followed today. I am sure that you'll receice many mails about this show. Great !
  7. Bonjour Igor, I don't agree with what I understand from this sentence (my english is poor). With V 4.40, I made a non-synchronized slideshow with 100 BMP files (1024x768) and I use each of these 100 files 10 times in order to have a project of 1000 views, each view with a quick transition and a duration of 1 ms. When I launch this slide if the Windows memory is empty, the first one hundred views are not so quick than the 900 other views, that mean that PTE read the files, for the 900 last slides from the memory and not from the hard disc. The problem with 4.4 is that for JPG's files, even they are read from memory, PTE 4.4 decompress them each time they are used. I suppose it's what you mean by "loaded". Am I right ? With the next version I understood that it's the decompressed file which will be in the memory, so it will be decompress only once, it's a very good thing. I have a second question : As it's enough difficult to explain, I first define what I mean when using the word "view" : A view is the final BMP file that PTE calculate, from the differents files and informations about it. To calculate it you must have the decompessed files of the image, those from objects if there are objects, the one of the background if a background is use, the one of the copyright logo if it is use and calculate the view in good order (first background, image, copyright, object etc), also calculate the text object if there are and may be others thing I can forget. Then you must resize the result if there is the option or if the resolution of the screen is smaller than those of the file and finally add the comment. A few months ago I made a request in which I use the word image instead of view : I read on a french forum that image will be decompressed and store before they are uses. Does that mean than PTE will read, decompress and store several files (images or objects) before they are used or than PTE will read, decompress the different files of some views, store them, then calculate these views and store them also in order they are ready to be use. If it's the second possibility, it will be possible to use duration very short, in the other possibility, it will always necessary to have enough time to calculate the view (quicker than to day)
  8. You just have to make a transparency gif file with your logo and put this file in the "customize copyright option" (advanced project options). Then you choice where to put it (down, right etc) how many pixels from you choice and the % of transparency. NB you can use a jpg or bmp file, but it's easier with a gif. If you put an object in a view at the same place as the logo, the object will be above.
  9. Thank you Igor for your so quick answer. There is one point that I am not sure to understand : If I have a view made of 4 jpg files as object for instance, does PTE will put in the memory four bitmap, one for each file or only one which would be the result of the 4 files, or both 4 + 1 bitmap. If I ask you about that, it's because to day, with the 4.40 version, it's possible to have 10 bmp objects in a view, and mask them with another one in order we don't see these first ten objects. When doing that, these ten objects are read by PTE and put in the memory, so that it's possible to use them very very quickly in others view. Will it be possible to do the same with the V.5.00 - With BMP ? - with JPG ? - with Gif - with PNG If yes it will be possible to do marvellous things, if not I would be very disappointed.
  10. Just a question to Igor Currently when PTE reads an image, this one is put in the memory of Windows in its original format, this requires in the event of second reading a new decoding when it's not in BMP's format. I remember somebody write that in the next version, (V 5.00), PTE will put in the memory of Windows, not the image's original format but the BMP's format of the image. Is that right ? In this case, how will work PTE with PNG's image ? Because of transparency can they be translated in BMP (32 bits) and also not need a new decoding for a second use ?
  11. Bonjour Igor, Is this information always good ? With wich graphical engine DirextX or CPU ? If it's possible and if there are 2 graphical engines, would it be possible when you'll finish the V5 to tell us wich effects use the DirectX one and which others use the CPU one ? Many thanks for your work.
  12. When you work with 1280 px pictures, if you have to use objetcs as I saw on a slideshow in this forum, try to have objetcs and groups smaller than 1024 x 768 max in order that people can't correctly see the show, even with a 1024 definition screen. More than 50% of PC works like that. I have made a little exemple on this link . May be, if this example is implemented, it will be possible to see this slideshow correctly even in 1024 resolution. It has very nice pictures and it's a pity not to see it well apart from changing the screen resolution . Nota : J'ai déjà proposé cette solution sur Fanaphot il y a près de 2 ans, elle était, parait-il connue et sans intérêt... à voir tout de même. Le diapo auquel je faisais allusion a été repris, il n'a plus d'objets, c'est une autre façon de résoudre le problème : faire une copie d'écran à la bonne résolution et mettre la copie comme image... ainsi nul besoin de maitriser les objets... génial??? non???
  13. What you want to do is impossible with the actuel version of PTE, may be in the future, who knows. I did a slideshow you can download here which is near as what you want to do, in one or two exe file, but I really use more than 20 PTE files I put all of them in one exe file with Winrar. It's what you want to do.
  14. I haven't a flash when using this function with a PTE exe file, but I don't use the function "show transition effect to desktop after last slide" (when you use it you see the desktop a short time, of course). I try to launch by this way a mediashow slideshow, which is not so fast as PTE and had a flash, so I can found an answer : The easiest way is to use the "run application function" in a last slide that you can make especially for that if necessary so you can decide the duration you need to launch the external application before the slideshow stop. With this method, it's right, even with a the slideshow which had problem before and you can use the "show transition effect to desktop after last slide" in order it stay nice if the external applcation isn't find.
  15. Bonjour Ken, Our friend Patrick cannot reply himself for a few days, but the date of the version I have put on the server is january 2004. Please download it quickly because it will be there only for 8 days.
  16. Copy from topic about Corsica : I take this from the post about "Old Ladies". We both use the same first idea which was the result of the work of Patrick Bantzhaff, Daniel Laugier and myself : use at the same time several PTE's files (I succeeded to use 5 files at the same time on an old Armada Compaq). The problem is there are too many PTE files for the show, and if one is lost, the show doesn't work, so we had the idea to put all the PTE's file in one Winrar's exe file. The most important difference beetween "Old Ladies" and "Corsica" is in the use of Winrar. Daniel use the function "Unzip in a temporary directory" and me in a Program Files' directory, so I added an uninstall tool. When you launch Corsica, it only unzip the first time you see it, and when you launch Old Ladies you unzip it each time, so it's longer to start, but you haven't to uninstall the program. Another way I use : it's to use what Patrick found : Install Creator. I tried to explain the best I can, excuse my poor english.
  17. JPD


    I take this from the post about "Old Ladies". We both use the same first idea which was the result of the work of Patrick Bantzhaff, Daniel Laugier and myself : use at the same time several PTE's files (I succeeded to use 5 files at the same time on an old Armada Compaq). The problem is there are too many PTE files for the show, and if one is lost, the show doesn't work, so we had the idea to put all the PTE's file in one Winrar's exe file. The most important difference beetween "Old Ladies" and "Corsica" is in the use of Winrar. Daniel use the function "Unzip in a temporary directory" and me in a Program Files' directory, so I added an uninstall tool. When you launch Corsica, it only unzip the first time you see it, and when you launch Old Ladies you unzip it each time, so it's longer to start, but you haven't to uninstall the program. Another way I use : it's to use what Patrick found : Install Creator. I tried to explain the best I can, excuse my poor english.
  18. Thanks Igor and Ken, I'll be patient :-)
  19. I cann't connect to this forum since two days and this evening I succeed at last , but it's very slow. Since it's the new version there are too much probleems. I know it's difficult to change a forum, but I though they were professionnal people who had to do it.... I only hope it will be OK soon.
  20. Patrick, a friend of mine, has released a slideshow named Nothing else matters. Every public comment is, of course, welcome here. : He will read them and reply himself here (in particular, no need to use my e-mail as go-between ). Jean-Pierre
  21. VOICELESS !!!!
  22. Daniel, Which splendid photographs of so marvellous old cars. It's a true encyclopedie about car. And the use of PTE is well done. It is the best way of promoting PTE. How many time do you work to do it ? Thanks for sharing
  23. JPD


    Very nice place and very nice show. As always, very much pleasure to see you shows Thanks for sharing Have a good day.
  24. JPD


    Very surprised, I am very surprised that so many people have downloaded a so big slideshow. I only hope that everybody enjoy it. Thanks to all people who send me a mail
  25. Patrick, Quite beautiful photographs constitute this splendid slideshow. I like it very much. I hope that you will do others slideshows of your beautiful area, why not on the 4 seasons topic, you can begin next month with the autumn to finish next year with the summer. With a little patience and tenacity, and you have some, you must succeed to do it. Amitiés
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