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Everything posted by d67

  1. Thank you very much Lin for your messages and glad to hear that you are healthy, back home and did not need any surgery. I hope Ken will have the same luck as you... I miss his humorous (or not), messages! Patrick
  2. Ok, I will ask him.
  3. Has somebody news concerning Ken Cox? No personnel message from him since more then 2 months and he doesn't reply to my mails wich is very unusual. Best regards Patrick
  4. I fully join the previous messages. During our few e-mail exchanges, I perceived her as a very calm person, like her splendid photographs. I feel very sad. Patrick
  5. Very nice! The fire with it's sound could be a perfect screen saver Merry Christmas Patrick
  6. Thank you Denis for your comments. It helps to contrive to share publicly its work Patrick
  7. Hi Denis ... and how did you find the slideshow?
  8. Sorry Dave, I am not sure to understand your question (there is a "?"). Perhaps it is not a question, just an assert. In that case, of course, Denis (denisb) can try this one... OK until now. For my case, I tried it more than 100 times without concerns Patrick
  9. Dave I gave the link for the Creta slideshow (normal exe) to about 20 persons (friends, family). They probably each, spread this link further to 2 or 3 other persons... absolutely no virus problem and no problem at all! Since a bit more then 10 years, I distribute widely numerus of my slideshows as simple exe files and some where downloaded more then 500 times in less then 2 months... absolutely no virus problem and no problem at all! A few of my slideshows are distributed as educational support in a great number since many years, without any negative feedback concerning virus issues and the last one (July 2013) was a very widely distributed slideshow created for the 40th anniversary of our Medic Helicopter Base... no problem..... but I do not even dare to think of the many messages of assistance which I would have to answer with a repertory/multifile internet certified zipped exe!!! So, for me, the interest of giving the link of a internet certified exe is therefore very poor. Anyhow, if you or somebody else will try them, I uploaded this slideshow to Mediafire, - one as a simple exe - and the other as a certified exe Patrick
  10. Hi again Dave I created a slideshow file for internet but I think that the fact that the show is then presented in a repertory and with 2 files, will probably be tricky for a great number of users and some of them will abandon, fearing problems or just because they don't know how to do. When I give a link to my slideshows for friends, I always pinpoint the fact that it is presented zipped... so, if they have some hesitations (and they are not so seldom!), I explain what it is and what to do. Patrick
  11. Hi Dave I used the first possibility: executable for PC Next time I will employ the second one. I must admit that I never paid any attention to this solution. Patrick
  12. Hi Denis My PTE version is 7.5.10 My PC seems "virus free" and my Avira antivirus doesn't signal a problem. I have sent my slideshow to a hospital collegue and this time I received a message from our Hospital Mc Affee telling me there is a problem... in fact it was just because it is an executable. Sorry for the inconvenience! Hi Roger Thank you for your appraisal Patrick
  13. Ha! .... women Tonic images Is the storm picture yours? If yes, how did it end? Just a question concerning the book page effects: I am probably stating the obvious (flogging a dead horse?) but how did you do get it (Photoshop? PTE?) Patrick
  14. Thank you for your assessment. Concerning the opening screen, I had some anxiety because the time the screen stays black before the slideshow really begins, is a bit long. I found why at the very end: the first slide "weighs" 8.5Mb ..... I was a little bit heavy handed! Patrick
  15. New slideshow of shots taken during a visit to Creta during September of this year. Res: 2050:1594, 5m 09s, and 53 Mb (PC and MAC) Can be downloaded from www.slideshowclub.com Creta is a Greek island where, besides omnipresent cats and crickets, there are numerous churches and monasteries, sometimes in very curious and isolated places. The landscapes are often rather rough and cannot make forget the proximity of the African continent (Libya and Egypt). The contrast between inland and seashore is therefore more striking. Enjoy this slideshow and feel free to comment it in any way. Patrick
  16. Hi Phil Thanks for your comments We had been favored by the weather, this helps a lot! Patrick
  17. Hi Maureen Warm, sharp, colorfull, and bright shots. Cool music and sceneries... I will take it easy as the myconiates (... men, not the women) Patrick
  18. Thank you JudyKay for your kind remarks. Concering the details, I try to make them as discreet as possible ... just a little personnal pleasure! Patrick
  19. We had 2 days of strong winds for the whole isle and 1 more day for the north western coasts. No boat could leave the harbours during these days
  20. I see! We where there at mid september with mild temperature... and prices, sea at 23°C, very few tourists and smiling inhabitants. For sure the situation must be radicaly different during July or August and for certain life aspects (transportation for example or some islander behaviour) there are some known ... weaknesses!
  21. Hi Eric Thank you for your appraisals. Calvi is a great spot! Geography, sceneries, weather, welcoming inhabitants but also the vast types of stay possible (water sports, hiking, passive holidays...), everything makes this isle to be a very strong and unforgettable experience. Patrick
  22. Oups! Link modified
  23. Corsica, a mountain in the sea. Can be downloaded from http://www.slideshowclub.com Mare et Monti, Corse / Sea and mountain, Corsica Slideshow of images taken during a 2 weeks stay, September 2013. Size 60Mb, duration 4 min, Resolution 16:10 - 2550/1597 px, keyboard or mouse control enabled Corsica, a french isle situated 170 km away from the south coast of France in the Mediterranean sea, is also called the isle of beauty. Isle of contrasts, Corsica is truly a mountain in the sea and wherever you are, mountains and sea are omnipresent. This isle counts 117 summits over 2000 meters! Staying in Corsica can be a contemplating or meditating one but can also be very sportive and challenging... that for my choice of a tonic accompagnying music. For contemplation, the slideshow can be steered with the keyboard (space bar and left/right arrows) or left/right mouse buttons. Enjoy this short sequence and feel free to comment it in any way. Patrick
  24. Hi Maureen Green, green, green... the green Erin! A delightful stroll through peaceful landscapes. With your mix of vast and detailed point of views, you captured something of the spirit of this island. A poetical slideshow sustained by a pleasant and melancholic music Thank you again for sharing Patrick
  25. Hi Maureen Colorfull landscapes and very interesting skies and lights. Neat and sharp shots (....as usual!). In a few cases, color saturation treatment seem to be a bit excessive (very blue river for exemple) but perhaps it was really so blue and saturated due to the light and sky conditions. Did you use a polarizing filter? Superb AV Concerning the accompanying music, I find it very boring, but tastes and colors .... ;-) Thank you for sharing Patrick
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