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Everything posted by d67

  1. Cale & monte (creeks and mountains). You will find here some shots I took during a recent trip along the north-eastern and north-western seashore of the italian isle of Sardinia. No special effects or rework of my pictures (as for the slideshow itself, just meant as a postcard). I made use from time to time, when required, of a polarizing filter. You will find it here (Beechbrook.com, Bill's web site) 30 MB, slideshow duration 6'15", 76 pictures, picture resolution 1280x850 Comments, positive or negative, welcome. Patrick
  2. Hello Igor Thank you for your clear explanations. It is very reassuring that PTE v5 will keep the same ease of use as v4.48 for all the currently available functions. On the other hand the new effects do not seem to be suited to everybody.... Too bad !
  3. I took time to reread all this thread and 2 personal remarks interpellated me : Sorry, I didn't know that you are THE one who has authority to say if forum members think right or not ! I repeat : most of us have choosen PTE for it's quality of photo rendering, the sound/image synchronisation precision, it's little price and probably, most important, it's fabulous ease to cope with. What is the problem with v5 ? Someone who hesitate to use PTE and wants, before going on, have a little idea of the software by reading posts of this forum, will, without any hesitation, loose his illusions to be able to create easily a slideshow with some of the new effects. Why ? Because he is bombarded with such words as : - keypoint - level1, 2, 3 ... - parent / child - excel sheet ! - numerous calculations with precision to one pixel - rotation angle - transparency : png ? or gif ? - opacity degree - processor calculation charge - RAM - DirectX version and settings - video card upgrade and video memory - driver upgrade and so on and so on..... Now, if he has not run away and if he perseverates and tries to understand some posts (see below. Please don't see personnal attacks to the authors of these few examples)... he will undoubtly have a neuron hernia and a big headhache if he is not a scientist or has no maths licence ! One can object me that none of these effects are compulsory ! What a chance ! .... but the impression that the remainder of the software must be of similar complexity level is persistent. My post was just a reminder: PTE was till now a fabulous, very easy to use (even for a complete newbie) software dedicated to image. The recent testings and the pleasure some are taking to play around mathematics, let us think PTE will be a complicated video mess ... destined for scientists in shortage of a new toy. As I can establish around me, despite some members denegations, I am far from being alone to think so. Sorry if there are some translation problems. *************************************** Here a few extracts of recent posts ..... I guess that this sounds like chinese for most of us and is not particularily attracting for a futur PTE user ! "Let's take an example. Let's say your monitor measures 15 inches across. Remember that that the horizontal distance must be measured from the resting place (which is the "center" of the sphere) to the final resting place. If the ball were to roll from left to right beginning at the extreme left of the monitor and the diameter of the sphere were 4 inches, then it would actually begin its movement at two inches from the extreme left side of the monitor and finish 2 inches from the extreme right. This subtracts 4 inches from the 15 leaving you with 11 inches. 4 time 3.14159 = 12.5 inches so the ball would need to be less than 4 inches in diameter. So let's say it was two inches in diameter. Then you would have 13 inches to work with and a complete rotation would require 6.283 inches so you would get two complete rotations in 12.566 inches of space to look "normal". Essentially then for a monitor width of 15 inches you could "roll" the ball 720 degrees from edge to edge and it would look about normal." "I don't know any way to take the Excel output directly into PTE but perhaps its possible to export it as text then cut and paste though I don't sse how this would automatically enter the values in their correct places." "The 5th view is the same method as several people on this forum used : all the objects are at level 1. I haven't finish this view. Try to finish, you will understand. Without Excel, I was enable to do it correctly !" "But as soon as you highlight an object in the list, it is the only one you can PZR until you deselect it in the list. What do you think ?" "When I click on a sub-object and try to pan it with the mouse, it affects the parent object. " "You have to make sure you have one of the object's keypoints highlighted too, or you won't be able to "grab" the object. Also, grab it at a spot where there is no other object "in front" of it." "This arrows change the position of one pixel at each click and as the position is an entire number, it's enough easy to do." "May be I'll ask to Igor that in the future there is a function to put all the Pan values of selected objects at the nearest entire value in pixel, we will earn much time." "That is quite amazing! I don't dare include one of those as an intro to a show, however, as everyone would be so taken with the cube that they wouldn't want to watch the show! Do you first create a bunch of random numbers, prepare a project file from that, and then "create" the executable? I imagine in this case it would be quite a long slideshow (however the re-use of images would keep the file size down). Or, do you somehow incorporate the array itself into PTE? " "The random cube "bounces" 15 times then repeats itself using a clone factor x5"
  4. Lin, that's it ! Writing a few words takes a lot of time as I have to verify each of them. That's also why I have to make it short ... and of necessity abrupt or without shade of meaning. Now, replying to all the posts is truly impossible !!!! Difficulty is increased when some of you reply with jokes I am totally unable to understand : are they friendly ? hostile ? agressive ? For example : In first approximation I find this remark truly deprecating for me. I am unsure and if I reply abruptly I will perhaps do a mistake. Now imagine I have to shell (husk ?) all the posts !!!!!!!!!! For those who have difficulties to write english it is best to hush .... particularly if you have each time to read some very epidermic replies, when not patronizing. roughly estimated time to write this post : 30 min
  5. Hi Ken This subtlety is a clear one for me I know I have to change one day my antiquity
  6. Sorry if I don't reply point to point as Alrobin did : I find it useless, time consuming, will be endless and I am also far from understanding the subtleties of all the replies, are they given with or without humour. I have strictly nothing to add to my initial post and will not, in any way, justify each of my words !!! I do not wish to polemize, especially in a language which I do not master very well ! Just 2 facts : - for the moment there is only an incomplete beta version available and the release of the finished stable V5 is as imminent as it was told us many times before since one year and a half ! - because of the difficulties to bring alive a finished V5, PTE V4 didn't see any improvement or corrections since march 2006. By chance, the product is a good one and problems can be circumvented without too much difficulties. Have a good day Patrick
  7. Some posts concerning problems with PTE V5 are amazing : helicopter blades in movement, rolling ball, flying cubes, rotating flowers, pan and zoom as movie, etc.... The energy spread out to resolve such problems is really astonishing for a software dedicated to still photos ! I am not a specialist but to my knowledge there are yet many excellent video software. Why reinventing what exists ? We are very far from the initial spirit of PTE : a software created to restitute excellent photos, perfectly synchronised with sound and, first and last, very easy to master, even without any user manual. Will the V5 be a gasworks ? Most of the last slideshow productions are focusing on effects, abandonning more or less image quality ! Competition for who will show the smoothiest and greatest effects is hilarious. I know present V5 is a beta/test version but when final version will be released I wonder if the slideshows will then return to the initial goal : showing very good images, a "story" or an atmosphere ... with effects and technology completely transparent, invisible.
  8. Hello Cindy As pretty as a picture Very good shots and pleasant slideshow. Graceful and natural attitudes. Thank you very much for sharing.
  9. Thank you for your clear process description and sorry for my misunderstanding your earlier message... checking then unchecking an item so that it works fine isn't very intuitive ! Of course I made a search in the forum but not easy to find the best items and if not enough precise there are dozens of answers !
  10. I didn't make use of personalized options for each slides as my slideshow is composed of nearly 100 slides for which I want the comments equal to their file name (place names) except for 4 of them. So best was to choose global project options and just change the comments for the particular slides. When you do so, just clicking the Project Options button and then saving your project will erase the changes you did and all slides will have default settings !
  11. No... I want comments for all slides just taken from its file name, but for some of them I have to change this comment or let it blank. De-selecting this feature will oblige me to type all comments... not interesting for numerous slides !
  12. PTE v4.48 - open a project - Project Options - Comments - check Set comments for all slides as: - choose Picture name - Save your project - reopen your project - modify the comment of a slide - resave it Everything is OK - reopen your project - click on the Project Options button and do nothing. Just close it - resave your project When you reopen your project all slides have as comment their name, even the one you changed. In conclusion, when you use the Set comments for all slides as:, changing individual slide comment will be lost as soon as you open the Project Options ! If this behaviour is shared with other users, is there a chance this will be corrected or is the current v4.48 (issued 10 months ago) definitively the last commercial version of PTE before v5, awaited since 1 year and a half ?
  13. I finally found "who" was responsible of my problems. They occured only if I tried to introduce a personalized icon. After many trials, the antivirus software is involved in this curious behaviour. Stopping the antivirus... and PTE is then OK Softwre : Avira Antivir PersonalEdition Classic version 217, 5 dec 2006 Thank you for your help.
  14. Ah OK.. Thank you for this information ... I didn't know this detail ! I will retry sending an e-mail in a few days
  15. No, the directory exists and using "Save slideshow as" doesn't change anything to my problem. I am also totally unable to use preview buttons... which is much more worrying ! Just an other question : Is PTE's support e-mail support @ wnsoft.com (without the spaces) as I receive no response to my questions ?
  16. No hope for any help ?
  17. When I want to create an exe from my project, everything goes OK the first time but, if I want to create it a second time or if I hit the review button, I then receive this error message Cannot open file disk:\repertory\subrepertory\filename.exe. When I look at the exe file, PTE has save it correctly after all ! I have then to quit PTE and reopen so that I can work again with my project. Has anybody an idea of what is going wrong ? PTE version 4.48 (the latest version downloadable from WnSoft.com), Win XP pro SP2 I have uninstalled and reinstalled PTE but the problem is still present.
  18. Hello Morasoft Very good shots and a swinging slideshow Beautiful model Well done!
  19. Thank you for your sly joke ! Those, who like me, have an old PC (3 years !!!), will appreciate !
  20. Probably : AMD Athlon 1.01ghz, sdram 512mb, nvidia geforce 2MMX, 32mb Video memory ... but what a pity that such slideshows can only be comfortably read with powerfull configurations
  21. Hello DaveG Very good shots but all panos or zooms are severeley stuttering for poor configurations.
  22. Hello Paul Sorry but music stops after a few seconds and the show is strongly stuttering and impossible to look at until it's end
  23. Hi Ralph I downloaded your demos this morning. Your alternative is interesting. In fact, my first goal was to manage a navigation in my little tutorial only with the keyboard or the mouse buttons (left / previous slide, right button / next slide). Doing so ... and the "reader" probably will go backwards at his first left mouse click and go to last slide ! If you program left button for Pause, this will be reductory as you have to use both mouse and keyboard to navigate. In my tuto, mouse buttons are programmed so : left / none, right / next slide and the tuto intended to be handled only by keyboard except for web links (Irfanview or Diapositif web site) Why mouse or keyboard navigation instead of buttons or a navigation bar ? Because I find it boring to be mindful of pointing exactly on an arrow or a button... very distracting ! I did it simplier in showing to the "spectator" wich keys to stroke and, when end of show is reached, give him then solutions to Quit or begin at new. The spectator of course can "accidently" go on the english slide part after the last french slide (as in your alternative) ... but this is however not a great problem For sure 2 slideshows are better but a bit more complicated then only one. Thank you for your help. Very sad weather here : cold, windy, grey and rainy
  24. No succes for now. I will try it tomorrow (midnight in 30 miniutes !)
  25. Hello Hawk The link doesn't work ! I just uploaded to Bill's web site Beechbrook a very short and concise slideshow (Very first steps with PTE). It is intended for very beginners with PTE. Most of them always make the same errors (presence of mouse cursor, random transitions, very long shows, etc...). I did it in english and french and it is why I asked for an automatic slide jump. I finally did it in a very basic way as you can see with my show. Hi Ken ... because I didn't install Beta V5 ... too much boring for the time being ! I tranquilly wait the issue of a stable, full functionning and official, definitive v5
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