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Everything posted by d67

  1. I have patience since 8 months Thank you for expressely pin pointing the fact that it is intended for beta testers only. That was not so obvious in your annoucment even if it is called a beta version. This one is very far to be at an end ! I will wait a few months more !
  2. That's the problem... clearly for beta testers and absolutely not fitted to end users. That has to be clearly said. Of course I installed this version apart from the v4 !!! Problems are so numerous that I find it of no sense to try it (I have no time to try an try again). I unsinstalled v5 waiting for a more stable and, most of all, complete version.
  3. Clearly this beta version is absolutely not intended for end-users. Igor you provided us an incomplete and unusable product in the state. The stress was laid on the new functions of Pan and zoom but they cannot be tested by the majority of us !!! As is for the object editor ... unusable and incomprehensible, except for very few of us. Apart from these gadgets ... nothingness ! The disappointment is immense.
  4. Sorry ... Very difficult to tempt some trials ! .... basic features missing + numerous error messages + from time to time freezing of the PC necessitating a warm boot (CTRL+ALT+Del not operative) + untimely internet connection trials and so on
  5. Hello Igor - Opening the Visual editor to insert objects tries to start an internet connection - There is apparently no button to quit the editor - How do I add text ?
  6. Hello Igor Even with my NVIDIA GEFORCE 2MMX, 32MB Video memory video card, this slideshow works very smoothly apart from the slide with the big tree-trunk and the one with 2 superposed photos where there are some minor jerks For the Labour Day !
  7. Wowwww ! Very versatile utility now and the "Install" feature with creation of a folder and link in the Start menu is great !!! As soon as slideshows are stored on a CD/DVD, this utility becomes a must have
  8. Hello Granot A very clean, clear and intuitive utility ! For the end user, this utility is superb as everything needed to make a choice is there (photo and introducing text) and more ... no need of knowledge in informatic language or in english ! The lauching of the slideshows on HD instead of CD is done transparentely for the user. For an author or someone wanting to share slideshows on a CD, it is a great an easy to cope with utility. Well done !
  9. Hello Ken Here our bunnies have to take an umbrella Sun shines from time to time (very sparsely). There is some wind (22 km/h = 14 mi/h) and the sky is covered with big, black clouds. Temperature = 14°C (46.4°F) Best wishes
  10. Oups... I missed it
  11. d67

    forum AV

    NO COMMENT .... it is just the unique slideshow for wich I have this problem and I am not isolated !!!! Thank you very very much for your great help ! ... it is encouraging for anyone who has problems
  12. Yes. They are excellent but for what I want to do they are to rich in possibilities and have buttons in english. The friends for who I destine the CDs are far from understanding english and explanation as simple as "copy to hard drive" TempCD is very interesting as it makes strictly what I want to do : copy, without any external intervention, a slideshow from CD to HD, then launch the slideshow and deletes it as slideshow terminates My problem - creation of a CD with 20 to 30 slideshows - at opening of CD, a summary (created with PTE) is automatically launched with thumbnails for each slideshow - on click on a given thumbnail, copy of the fitting slideshow from CD to HD, launch of the slideshow, deletion of the HD slideshow at the end of the sequence The solution with TempCD CD root --autorun.inf --Slideshow.exe (summary created with PTE) ----Shows (Main directory) ------Show1 (Main's subdirectory 1) --------TempCD.exe ----------Show --------- MySlideshow1.exe ------Show2 (Main's subdirectory 2) --------TempCD.exe ----------Show ----------MySlideshow2.exe ------Show3 (Main's subdirectory 3) --------TempCD.exe ----------Show ----------MySlideshow3.exe where the command in Slideshow.exe looks that way for slideshow1 "\Shows\Show1\TempCD.exe" for slideshow2 "\Shows\Show2\TempCD.exe" for slideshow3 "\Shows\Show3\TempCD.exe" If TempCd accepts arguments, it would look much more simple and only one copy of TempCd.exe is necessary CD root --autorun.inf --Slideshow.exe (summary created with PTE) ----Shows (Main directory) ------TempCD.exe ----- MySlideshow1.exe ------MySlideshow2.exe ------MySlideshow3.exe where the command in Slideshow.exe looks that way for slideshow1 "\Shows\TempCD.exe MySlideshow1.exe" for slideshow2 "\Shows\TempCD.exe MySlideshow2.exe" for slideshow3 "\Shows\TempCD.exe MySlideshow3.exe"
  13. Hello Granot Great utilities... as ever I find one of them particularily interesting : TempCD.exe It is a very easy way to launch, from HD, a slideshow hosted on a CD. Another intersting feature is that there is no langage knowledge needed for the end user as no personal intervention is necessary, in contrary of the other utilities. Just one, great, limitation ; one TempCD.exe / one show repertory / one slideshow The same program with the possibility to "tell" him (per argument) a path to a spefic repertory or better, just the file, would be a true hit ! Example TempCD.exe "D:/show1/myshow1.exe" or relative paths TempCD.exe "show1/myshow1.exe" Anyway, thank very much for all you do.
  14. d67

    forum AV

    ... because it is a serious subject which can not accomodate with improvisation even if there is a great enthusiasm to speak and treat about it. Subjective meanings, patriotic, nationalistic, religious, sexual preferences are imperatively be left behind in the change room !
  15. You are pin pointing the stumble block of this slideshow ! It is in no way universal and so it can only be regarded as an affable local trial. - Langage problems should be absolutely avoided, textual, sung or read. - avoid nationalist considerations - no reference to religion - no reference to situations, monuments, architectural creations only known by very few of us. Here under you will find a photo of a pedestrian bridge (Mimram footbridge just close to the Europ bridge.. an other strong symbol) connecting France to Germany over the Rhine ... a strong signal for peace ... how many exactly know about it ?... even frenchman !!! - avoid military evocations. I too have many gratefulness to what some of us have done to maintain liberty and peace, but this is an other subject - photos should be absolutely self speaking without any hesitation and for every man on this earth ! A mother and his little child, a children's face lighten by a large smile, children or man of diverse skin colors together, to contrary playing (cat and dog), a serene scenery, and so on are without any hesitation peace meaningful for a black, yellow, white skinned man, is he jew, christian, moslim, indouist (?), boudhist..., and no matter his sexual, political preferences ! A war plane, a soldier are not immediately, without any explanation, peace meaningful !!! A christian church, english text, english song, flags, specific human constructions (apart those who are universally known : pyramids...) are too specific and from far not universal and therefore very debatable ! Sorry for this grating opinion.
  16. I too find PTE a jewel : - very easy to use even without any user manual, - excellent sound/slide timing, - slideshow running without an external program, - robust software and slideshow, - slideshow running on almost all present-day PC, even the most under powered, - excellent image rendering, - smooth transitions (mostly, in particular the most used ; fade in/out) - little price and life free updates - ... I probably forget some ! ... But : - inserting objects is very perfectible (resolution dependent) needing a very good knowledge of it's behaviour, out of reach for most of us, - conversion to DVD is boring and complex (just have a look on the numerous help messages on this forum) and needing a third software - MAC user eliminated. The recent bi-system on MAC doesn't change things before a long time. Having this facility on it's equipment needs to open the purse... not sure every user will do ! - fade in/out, the most used transitions, could be improved a little bit to be absolutely smooth. - ... I just listed the most important things ! .... no ! Twice this number... expected in september 2005 ! 8 months lateness for gadget features : pan and zoom. Of course this transition can be interesting in some situations but only in some one which are in fact seldom quite apart from specific usage. Just have a look on those slideshows with exotic transitions... often newbie made ! After a few trials, the basic fade in/out transition becomes the most used, provided it becomes not the sole used. So, waiting so long (and how much more ?) for secondary preoccupations when you have to renounce using some features because of there perfectibility ! I too have compassion on the time consuming tests to make a robust program and I too praise Igor and it's staff for the great job, but this doesn't prevent me to be lucid ... what waist of time for the majority of us !
  17. d67

    forum AV

    Sorry Ken but I absolutely not understand this expression ! Can you say me what you want to say ? Concerning my equipment, it's quite anemic (AMD Athlon 1.01 GHZ, SDRAM 512 MB, NVIDIA GEFORCE 2MMX, 32MB Video memory). You can give me other examples where this slideshow runs smoothly, this does not change anything to the fact that, as I told it in my precedent post, the vast majority of PTE slideshows wich can be downloaded are running without problem with this equipment. This one does not ! Sorry if it is this one !!! To say truth, as this topic seems to make problem and only one opinion is admitted, I had npo intention to give any comment. As Ed Overstreet's problems where the same as mine, I was appeased not to be the sole to have difficulties ... that's why I posted a comment. Ken, whe are not on school benches. We both are largely more then 10 years old If you think I am saying tomfooleries just because I am not enthusiastic with this slideshow, then it's a waist of time to give any opinion or comment here. Just a point of reflection. 312 people have downloaded this slideshow... how many gave a comment ? If giving a personal opinion and not just a formatted one (Oh, how great it is, wonderfull, hard job, brilliant ... and so on) is regarded as an aberation ... no wonder nobody will take the risk of posting. Sorry but for me, photography is a pleasure and using PTE an other one. Getting angry for such unreal discussion where the speaking of a forum member is questionned is senseless. So, for me I will stop here discussing about the behaviour of this slideshow. It is working absolutely fine and it is the best one I have ever seen on the web. It is a hit ! A world masterpiece ! Congratulations !
  18. d67

    forum AV

    .... yes Ken but that doesn't mean I am unable to change my mind !!! ... yes but I download each slideshow presented on Beechbrook download page, not to mention the one I download on personal web pages, diverse forums or friend's creations. That makes a great number of PTE slideshows !!!! .... 5 a week is a reasonable number. Despite my anemic PC, problems are very, very, very seldom and If they happen they are concerning very few transitions and I solve in most cases the problem... even with the recent Lumenlux's one ! The Peace show (Peace#8.exe) is particular as the jerky transitions are numerous, not overridable by key strokes and not treated by a clean machine (no background working softwares, rebooted machine, ..). I tried it on 2 other (more powerfull PC than mine) and the jerky transitions where even there .. a little bit lesser but the whole slideshow is problematic. I don't speak about the theme, I gave my opinion a few posts before but just a remark. As the photos are not immediateley and clearly peace related, to understand a little bit the subject we have to understand well english... text is english or latin, even the music is in english !!!! ... conclusion, for a non english speaker this slideshow is just a melting of various photos gloryfying sometimes army, sometimes America and Canada, sometimes Christendom but impossible, apart the title, to clearly identify it as a peace message ! And now then !!!! I am enchanted for you but this doesn't change the fact that I cannot read properly this slideshow, nor 2 of my friends, and Ed Overtsreet too !! To solve my problem, I propose you to give you, per MP, my coordinates so that you can send me your equipment ! In a normal case the author has to adapt to the public he wants to reach and not reverse ! Sorry, but it is not in my intentions to update my PC just to have pleasure to "read" slideshows dedicated to happy fews. I am very disappointed as having an other opinion than that expressed by very few is automatically seen as bad. Having problems are then ipso facto denied. If so I will come here in the future from time to time and have a look on this forum so that I just don't miss the issue of the version 4 updates ! Hey... be indulgent, one time, for my approximative english speaking. I tried to do my best ! Sorry, I changed my answer for the right place (I mistakenly posted it in Severn Bore's topic where I, of course, deleted it).
  19. d67

    forum AV

    You are right, but with Lumenlux'slideshow, things went better after removing all background running softwares. That is not the case here. Probably, but as things come up till then, I most likely will have upgraded my PC largely before the release of ver 5.0
  20. d67

    forum AV

    Similar behaviour for me but runing it twice doesn't change something. The numerous jerky slides of this slideshow make it very difficult to see and I confess that I didn't see it up to it's end by reason of these phenomenons !
  21. d67

    Help !

    Yes, it is Yakety Sax from Benny Hill's show
  22. d67

    Help !

    The slideshow can be paused and resumed even by mouse click (LEFT click = Pause/Resume , RIGHT click = Next slide) Just for curiosity, what music or type of music would you prefer ? This one is related to a funny TV serie, just as the mood of this slideshow
  23. Hello I uplooaded on Bill's Beechbrook site, Help !, a dramatic help cry of a little girl, Lucile ... As his mastering english is very limited (she is just beginning learning foreign langages), be indulgent if some translations are curious ! Sound needed even if the very first slides are silent. Resolution 1280/853 Comments of any nature welcome.
  24. ... Oh no !!! Don't be cruel !
  25. I tried again your slideshow on my home PC. I shut down all backgroud software running even the virus guard This time I found no stuttering but the mosaic effects remain uneven (not smooth) As I had to look attentively at your slideshow for each trial, I remarked the slide below : superb nature but an ... unesthetic position of the walker ..... sorry, no importance !
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