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Everything posted by d67

  1. Hello Lumenlux Here a rapid test on 2 PC ******************************* system = Win X Professionnal Processor = x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 10 GenuineIntel ~997 Mhz RAM 255,55 Mo Video card = Silicon Motion Lynx3DM with 4 Mo memory Only a resident virus software in background No jerky slides, all are read but the mosaic effect completes in sucessive waves (rapidly so that it is visible but impairs only a little bit smoothness) ******************************* System = Windows 98 GenuineIntel x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 6 RAM = 128 Mo video card = no indication found Only a resident virus software in background No jerky slides, all are read and this time the mosaic effect completes very smoothly ! ******************************* After these results I will give, this evening, your slideshow a new trial on my poor lonesome PC
  2. I will try to do it today.... some french computers seem to strike
  3. Hello Lumenlux here my spec. - AMD Athlon 1.01 GHZ - SDRAM 512 MB - NVIDIA GEFORCE 2MMX, 32MB Video memory - Windows XP Pro Just a few examples : - at the very beginning as the slide with bright red leaves appears with dark green silver trees in background - 1 slide before the one with a few flowers in foreground (a little blurred) and valley and mountain with bright sky in background - slide with zoom on red/violet flowers - slide with red flower in full frame (2 slides after appears the mountain with a tooth shape) .... I am not sure if the jerky behavior makes the slideshow jump over a slide so that I miss some of them ! Hope this will be of some help
  4. Numerous excellent photos accompagnied by a good choosen music I had problems with about 7 or 8 of your slide transitions. They stutter 2 or 3 times before the slideshow resumes. Time left between these slides effects under 500ms ? Just a very little remark concerning your introdution with a bright yellow slide. I found it a little long. A very good walk through this piece of nature. Thank you much for sharing !
  5. Hello Ken I am not alone waiting the V.5 As you can see, the surgeon's of the sugery department I am working for, are also eagerly waiting a post of Igor announcing the good new on this forum ! Just click the thumbnail to enlarge the photo
  6. I probably missed something but can somebody tell me where I can download the last PTE version, the number v.5 ????
  7. Hello Mike Absolutely stunning and incredible photos. Five very particular minutes A fantastic and astonishing other world ! Thank you very much for sharing.
  8. I download at Beechbrook Cottage my latest slideshow, Tuscan escapade I took these photos during a few days stay in Florence / Italy. Sadly the weather was not the one we hope for such a visit (dark overcast sky, showers, wind and cold). I tried to take advantage of the rare sunbeams. I hope you will, after all, enjoy this little trip in Tuscany. Fell free to comment it.
  9. Hello Phil A very interesting evocation of Scotland with some very beautiful images. Concerning the technique itself I just wonder why you change continuously the size of your slides (it is a little bit disturbing). The second point concerns the music. I think that, if you synchronize the fade in and out of your images with the music, your slideshow would be much more pleasant... as it is, the change of slides appears in some ways monotonous. Anyway I enjoyed much your slideshow. It brings me to mind many distant memories Thank you very much for sharing.
  10. Awaited since last summer... perhaps in 2006 !
  11. I use a numeric 75-300mm tele which is an equivalent to a 120-480mm for an argentic reflex. I suppose too. It is an extract from a music title Dos Aguas I found on an album titled The Magic of the flute (translated from french)
  12. Hello Mike I too enjoyed very much your both slideshows. Some of your photos are excellent. Concerning the technical part, - as stonemason, I noticed the permanent presence of the mouse cursor - and I too find your image manipulations non-essential in particular for the Venice sequence. These manipulations are from far more suited in the Yorkshire AV. - for those who visited Venice, the way you managed the photos sequence is a little bit tricky as you go from one point to an other without a leading thread (geographic, thematic, ...). - in the Yorkshire AV there are some over contrasted slides and the one with the swans shows a curious body for the left one (there is seemingly a big hole !) - the music is very well suited for the Yorkshire AV but I find the one for Venice a little bit sorowfull - the Venice show ends too abruptly and the Yorkshire one, although finishing neatly slowly, finishes with a curious raw isolated white frame ! These remarks are strictly personal and does, in no way, carry off (?) the pleasure I had watching your slideshows. Thank you for sharing.
  13. Just for fun is a litle slideshow I composed with some of the shots I took recently at the nearby lake to test my new earned tele zoom. I hope you will have as much pleasure to see this sequence as I had to assemble it. Comments welcome.
  14. Hello Ron Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you to Jean-Pierre for his help. Ron, thank you very much for your comment ... which was also mine as a saw for the first time this sequence ! To dissipate a misunderstanding, this slideshow was created by Eric Legallet and I and Daniel were both associated in strongly encouraging Eric to share his work with others. He did not introduce his slideshow, as english is apparented to chinese for him !!! I will translate all feedbacks to Eric.
  15. No reactions for this very well done slideshow. It is part of our history and such a sequence, made with great sensibility, is a moving homage to these women and men who fought for democracy and liberty while never giving up. After "Oradour - a personal response" an other great sequence about the bad hours of men's history.
  16. At this link you will find 185899, a very poignant homage to the concentration's camps internees of the second world war. This slideshow was created following the visit, from a former french prisoners (the isolated person in the sequence is the uncle of the creator), to the Langenstein's nazi work camp. Be aware that the youngest of our spectators must at first receive some explanations before viewing. You will find detailed explanations in the read me text file included in the zip file. Message from Patrick (D67) and Dadou (Daniel) for Eric Comments welcome.
  17. d67

    forum AV

    Sorry for the misinterpretation This comforts me that text can be a source of error and this problem could be easily bypassed just with a self explanatory photo. "devil's advocate" .. we have the same in french, word for word ; "l'avocat du diable" ... my intervention can also be interpretated so
  18. d67

    forum AV

    Sorry, you probably corrected yourself... photo 21 I didnt criticize the photos but just pin pointed for what reason I don't find them undoubtly peacefull and are unsuited for a world peace project. Just my opinion... not necessary yours ! I gave my reasons why I didn't upload : unclear project to me. To be universal the photos must be - self explanatory with no need of a long comments (veterans, the couple with the bad looking girl) - immediately recognized as peaceful for every habitant of this world, is he french, us, british, chinese, christian, jew, moslem, black, white, yellow.... ; a girl or a child laughing, a baby and his mother are .... A girl, a child looking sad or bad, a pair of warplanes surely not !!!! - no reference to religions or nations - no reference to particular situations only known by a few of us (the bridge) - no text only understand by a few of us Here a few very basic unquestionable and universal rules ! I give my opinion. Sorry if it is not yours. Is it absolutely necessary to have a unique thought ? Sorry if my explanations can sometimes be interpretated as unclear or rude. I am french and don't speak and understand english very fluently. I have to try to translate the best way each of your words and have to translate the best way what I want to say. Not so easy for such a subject !!!
  19. d67

    forum AV

    Sorry but there must be a problem of comprehension. World peace is a very good idea ! A mother with her baby, a cat playing with a dog , as serene landscape, photo of a sunrise over seashore, children of different skin colors playing together, etc ... are universally recognised as peaceful photos. Are you sure that - photo 3 ; a bad looking girl ! - photo 24 ; a couple of war and devastation machines (A10 Warthog "tank killer" and P51 Mustang + bomber cockpit), - photos 12, 16, 28 ; 3/34 photos (10% !!!) of church interior (from far not universal !), - photo 25 ; metal bridge, without a comment, totally uncomprehensible as peace message, - photo 17 ; studio photo of a sorrowful girl - photo 20, 31 ; 2 flags ... too nationalist - photo 13, 21 ; uncomprehensible for not english or not latin speakers ! ... are you sure these photos are universal and undoubtly give a message of world peace ?????? If so, sure there is a long way before reaching this goal !!! That's why we are very shy uploading photos before the project is better tied up !!!
  20. d67

    forum AV

  21. d67

    forum AV

    I fully agree with your comment as it is exactly what I wanted to say in my recent post. For now, the goals and how to reach them are rather confusing.
  22. Hello Steve Funny, original and pheasant... euh pleasant slideshow I just find that the bright white background becomes quickly tiring for the eyes after a few seconds and the greyish guidelines are a bit hard to distinguish due to this flashy background. Anyway, thank you for sharing this experience
  23. d67

    forum AV

    My comment was posted 72 hours ago and no reply since them. Here you have an answer to your doubts and disappointment !
  24. d67

    forum AV

    May I give my point of view ? It is very difficult to know what exactly is in process. To have an idea, we have to read numerous posts of this topic ! Why not give the precise goals, what we are intended to do and how we can contribute in a unique, clear, pinned topic .... and keep this one only for remarks or comments ?
  25. Thank you very much for all your kind remarks. In most cases, I create a slideshow after hearing a particular music. I then imagine the photos wich best fit the rythm, the athmosphere of it. This slideshow does not make an exception to the rule. Concerning this music, using very long fade transitions was an evidence for me due to the slow rythm and it's melancholic, sorrowful mood. The athmosphere created by the fog in the plain, the blue sky, the bright sun, the curves of the Vosges mountains was a very very calm and relaxing one, fitting perfectly (in my mind) to the music. And, as stonemason said, I also found interesting the third image these slow fade transitions permitted. If you are insensitive to the music, this slideshow will loose most of his interest as you will find it long, perhaps repetitive and, in a certain way, boring in spite of some intersting shots (in any case I hope for it !).
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