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Everything posted by d67

  1. Chuuuuuuut Subject taboo !!!!
  2. You will find my last slideshow, Blue lines, at Beechbrook download pages. From november to february, the Alsace plain (Northeast of France) is not uncommonly covered by fog or low clouds. They are often associated with a strong inversion of temperatures between the plain, in the fog, and the heights of the bounding Black Forest (Germany) and the Vosges (France) mountains, where the sun is shining and the sky is uniformly blue ! Moving 200 or 300 meters upwards is enough to see the sun ! The shots of my slideshow were taken as temperature in the plain was -3°C and those over 500m of altitude were positive (+8°C). The slideshow lasts 6 minutes but is only composed of 25 slides (very long transitions)... so, if you find it boring, just make use of the Escape key of your keyboard ! Comments welcome.
  3. For me too there is no problem of comprehension. It seems very clear to understand the options offered to us.
  4. Version 5 will be for next year I suppose
  5. First of all a dramatic fall of the final exe "weight" if there are many objects in the slideshow ! I am not sure if incorporating objects lessens the CPU load and per consequence increases the speed of treatment.
  6. On Beechbrook Cottage, Bill's PTE downloading page, you will find Strasbourg, my last slideshow. It is intended as a stroll in some of my home town's central streets preparing, end november, the Christmas illuminations. Strasbourg is the capital and principal city of the Alsace region of northeastern France. It is also the capital of Europe and houses numerous international institutions (seat of the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, the European Commission and the Court of the Human Rights,...) My home town has proclaimed itself, since a few years, capital of Christmas. I took all shots with a bridge, a Minolta Dimage 7HI For the night shots, I made use of a very little table tripod I laid where I could (streets lights, house frontages, benches , handrails, ...). I took these shots in RAW format and also set the sensibility to ISO 100 and under exposed systematically (- 0.7IL to -2IL for the bright lighted streets). Exposure times ranged from 1/4 sec to 1 sec at f3.5. Your comments are welcome
  7. d67


  8. ... or make DVD disc Ah ! Why ? I probably missed something. Until now I thought that the best results where obtained reading a show from hard disk and not a DVD !
  9. Daniel released a very well done and interesting slideshow wich subject is a mythical french car : the Citroën Traction avant The slideshow Traction shows us many rare and beautifully restaured examples of this car. The very good and sharp images, the music background and the synchronized transitions ... everything contributes to a very good moment in company of a car that evokes many childhood memories for numerous of us
  10. Hello Lin I agree with all you say ! I too will give a try to the new features and use them if there is a need to. My remark concerning the evolution of PTE is that the softwares's initial philosophy is completely changing. PTE will be strictly a software as the others, with some + and some - For example, currently there are many Proshow slideshows unreadable, even when you have a well fitted PC. This was never the case for PTE's slideshows but will also be the case (I hope in a lesser extent !) with the release of the new version. Is that a progress ? .. not sure ! Why have a Ferrari when you can have a Fiat for 5 persons (instead of 2) which can drive you also safely at 200km/h and, in addition, can drive you without problems in narrow town streets, on side roads or better, off road !!! With version 5 we will have to seriously think about which public we want to reach ! Have a good sunday
  11. Thank you Igor for you reply. The possibility of using an effect that needs big ressource is precisely THE problem !!!! My conclusion to what you said is that in the future the slideshows will work as or probably better than those created currently, BUT there will be slideshows created with PTE unreadable for one third (!!!) of the population. This is an enormous change to the philosophy of your software ! .... and that, for an effect more related to video than to photography ! Letting 2 versions in circulation as suggested is purely unrealistic and doesn't change anything to the fact that there will be PTE slideshows in circulation unreadable for a great number of us.
  12. I tried and immediately bought PTE 2 years ago because of it's - very ease of use, - rusticity and robustness, - very good performances, - small size, - small price - active and sympathetic community - responsiveness of the creator and its attentive attitude to end user's wishes and problems and because the created slideshows are presented as standalone products, running - on a great variety of PC's ; the up to date one (powerfull as a formula one), but also the anemic, underpowered and old one. - on systems going from Window 95 to the XP version There was a little problem with the inserted objects due to the different screen resolutions in use but this problem is after all easy to bypass and needs minimal attention. The different improvments till today gave the software much more ease and fun to use without noticeable degradation of performances if you use reasonably the effects claiming important instant CPU ressources. The release of PTE's version 5 is delayed from week to week because of the new features implemented and particularily pan and zoom effects. If we are obliged to ask the end user which video card, Window version, screen resolution or motherboard he uses ... than the PTE I choosed 2 years ago will be definitively dead. My dream... - a PTE which philosphy will be unchanged despite the novelties more related to video than to photography. - a PTE that creates slideshows visible on present kitted PC's (the forum's vote is far from reflecting reality !) and not on happy few one's or future PC's - a PTE creating slideshows wich can be shared without ulterior motives and having to choose between different options ! Reading the recent messages, unfortunately my dream seems to vanish as days passes !
  13. These figures are, from my point of view, not representative for the "normal" end user of the slideshows. - The members of this forum are a particular "population", probably better equiped due to their "hobby" - the forum counts 2 580 membres and only 73 voted ... the most motivated (less than 3%) ! In my proper experience, the majority of my friends is equiped with hardware 2 or 3 years old, with components of minimal or average quality and those who are in a resolution superior to 1024/768 are the exception. PTE must of course progress taking notice of the newest hardware and Windows evolutions but your (Igor) remarks about the compatibility with oldest equipement reassure me.
  14. I corroborate what you are saying about objects. When a slideshow author suggests an ideal screen resolution, or worse, imposes a specific one, I do as probably the great majority of us... I don't change anything and start the slideshow... or I pass my way. In my opinion, the author has to adapt his work to the future viewers and the reality of the situation (1024 is by far the most frequent screen resolution adopted today) and not the inverse !!!
  15. Brillant shots Landscapes, flowers, animals.. you master very well each subject ! As Marianne, I noticed the changing sizes of the pictures. I find it disturbing. Contrary to her, I find the constant changing between landscape and portrait presentation very disturbing too. The last point concerns the music ; why not synchronize music and transitions ? I too have a question ; where did you take these pictures ? Very nice slideshow ! Thank you for sharing.
  16. - The City of Bath.zip - ADSL connection - 170 ko/s mean stream for download - 5 min 59 sec - Strasbourg / France 18h local time (5:00 p.m. UTC)
  17. When sending a Private Message or a reply to a Private Message it is a bit confusing as there seems to be no way to be sure the message has been really sent .... and oppened by the recipient ! There is "Add a copy of this message to my sent items folder" but this is only a copy. Sorry if this problem has been already discussed (I did not find trace of it).
  18. No answer ! For your friend.. just hope the parents are very, very comprehensive !
  19. Thank you Davegee. My intention was not to wander over the forum anonymously... I am not feared to show my nickname and avatar ! I just wondered why Michel was replying me as he was not logged in with his name... and as an anonymous member was logged in... i made a very basic relationship
  20. Yes ... and how ? Have I to ask it 2 or 3 times until you reply... or is it reserved to VIp persons only
  21. An other question I see Michel, you are logged in as anonymous membre. How did you do it ?
  22. I am trying to add an avatar to my name but it doesn't display correctly although I use a 90x90 pixel, jpeg file, 256 colors and 3 KB size ! What do I do false ?
  23. My opinion is not so trenched. Some slideshows need clear-cuted starting or ending. For others, I find that feature let's introduce very smoothly the slideshow, a little bit as for a movie when the lights slowly switch off to full darkness or to the first sequence. A the end of the slideshow, this transition makes it possible to return to "reality" very gently. Personally I prefer smooth startings or endings to sharp ones. Anyway, I am happy you enjoyed my slideshow.
  24. It's not a comment !!! To release photos of children, needs many precautions in France ; written authorization, with precise explanation of the utilization of the shots, signed by both parents is absolutely necessary... and this for each child !!!! As it specfied nowhere (neither in the slideshow itself, neither in a appended text), I just wanted to know if this slideshow respects the french legislation concerning child photos.
  25. Hi Barry Only one word, SUPERB Thanks for sharing !
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