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Everything posted by d67

  1. Yes ! way - path ! repertory - directory ! sorry... to day I have very tired neurons
  2. Thank for your explanations. It's not the first time I work with such commands and with relative paths but it is the first time it doesn't work.... and after your message and a last trial, I found what was wrong. I created a new project and as always I created especially a repertory fort this purpose. My slideshow terminated, I saved it as an album and immediately created a new exe file after changing it's repertory so it lies also in the same one as it's pte file. By the way this can be very confusing as, if we don't pay attention to it and just create an exe, this exe file will be created in the old repertory. In a second time, I wanted to add a command to launch an other slideshow (automatically as a slide appears) and I naturally worked with my pte album file in the template repertory of PTE. I created an exe file and didn't test it immediately. A few hours later and for some reasons I mixed up and used the exe file of the old repertory !!!! .... of course it didn't work. Thank you again for your very rapid answers and sorry for the inconvenience
  3. In a slideshow on a CD, I want to launch, with the help of a button on a slide (Object editor, Action on mouse click, Run application or open file...), an other slideshow situated on this CD, but in an other repertory. As I don't want to give a letter for the drive, I must give a relative way to my slideshow. How have I to "write" this relative way ? Thank you for your help
  4. You find it on Cottage's site http://www.beechbrook.com/pte/downloadfile.asp?id=957 Superb photos and very good accompanying music ... a very interesting and pleasant walk around of this very well known (and often so over crowded !) park. Chapeau bas ! Thank you for sharing
  5. I confirm what Alrobin says. The slideshows I present on my PBase space are not stored themselves on PBase but on various home sites or Cottage. As I know, it is not possible to upload to PBase something other than jpeg or zip's containing jpeg files.
  6. My wife owned recently a pocket sized numeric camera. She took numerous photos (I included some in this slideshow) and discovered by the way, with great pleasure, the possibilities of his new "tool"
  7. Sorry, I didn't introduce my slideshow on this forum. However, In my read_me text I welcomed every comment about it. I am very pleased that you find my slideshow interesting. I am especially glad that It gives you, partially, an idea of the beauty and atmosphere of this part of Spain. Daniel was my very first viewer and his enthusiasm and clever comments encouraged me to carry on with my idea concerning the pattern of this slideshow. If you have any questions, I will be glad to give them a response, and once more, your comments, positive or negative are very welcome as I think it's one of the best way to improve my skill !
  8. Absolutely charming, graceful, lovely..... Very fine and sharp photos. Congratulations
  9. I find this also a great idea ! That is not necessary. Just clic the outer big button on your right hand, just over the effects listing !
  10. ... it is then unmistakable that you can call your slideshow... video There are numerous software to deal with video. PTE is , to my knowledge, not the best one for this kind of objective
  11. Actually very very very stuning !!!! For sure, concerning PTE, we ask for more and more possibilities !!! But it can be very interesting to include panorama effects (not necessarily 360° turns) in a slideshow and not just a panorama for it's own. Stopping the movement on a particular place is not exactly as navigating from one pixel to an other as Quicktime can do. But I must agree with you, PTE is so easy to deal with that we are always looking for something more ... and Igor is enthusiastic enough to meet most of our demands
  12. Hello Michel Happy you joined our enthusiast group. The display problems are very momentary as we are changing our host server, due to growing traffic. Our site and forum will definitively be in there new "home" between now and the end of this week Patrick for Diapositif
  13. Just have a look on these 2 slideshows, both from Daniel Laugier White is white Icarus' Waltz Daniel is gratifying us from time to time with very impressive and smooth panoramas !
  14. Hello One e-mail and my problem was resolved ! ..... my File Panel was just too narrow to let enough place for my drives icon ! Igor, thank your very very much for your quick help. Good night.
  15. Hello Igor With this new release I don't have any more drives icon (top left, just under the Menu bar) in the Vertical view (Ctrl + F3) and only in that view (classical and horizontal views have these icons). Is this right ? As I am not able to compare with other PTE versions (I didn't save older issues) I am not sure if this is normal. If it is, it is a little bit confusing as I have to change to classical or horizontal view to have again access to these icons before seeking a file on an other drive than the current one.
  16. Interesting little utility. Until now, I use Dropload wich allows you to send files up to 200 MB (!!!) freely. Thank you Granot, your program will be a good alternative from time to time for me. Patrick
  17. You are absolutely right, Guido. In particular, it's D Day tour is a beautiful and great homage to those who lost their life during WWII Patrick
  18. Hello Jean-Pierre Making use of inserted objects in a PTE project can be a tricky operation. That is the reason why it is often ignored ... increasing the slideshow's weight ! Your 2 solutions to obtain a result valid for all screen resolution are very easy to implement and so are your explanations! Thank you for sharing your skill with handling inserted objects. I will give your methods a try next time
  19. Wood and stone ! Beautiful sculptures enhanced by a clean and sober show and a good musical choice. Congratulations to Marie de Valon . Congratulations to Bernard Chantier for making it possible to discover her with such a good manner.
  20. Thank you for your kindness. I will plunge in the mysteries of your work
  21. You have just to do Menu Affichage Then Langue and then English (default)
  22. Hello Jean-Pierre As I wanted to study, for personal purpose, your very astonishing game-slideshow Taquin, I tried to download your pte file and the whole work but I failed to do. Is there a problem with this link or have I a problem with my Internet Explorer or connexion ?
  23. Keep it Simple, Stupid You are absolutely right. This case is a good demonstration for this expression !!!
  24. Many thanks Igor for this very practical tool.
  25. Thank you very much for your informations and for this excellent and well known link. While waiting for the reopening (?) of your (new ?) forum, Regards Patrick
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