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Everything posted by d67

  1. d67

    New Show

    No problem, John ! I did not have much merit as PC monitor's are, most of time, adjusted to a contrast and color brightness level, slightly or much too high because these settings are more flattering
  2. Thank you for your comments. I will give a try to the script. It seems actually an interesting one (sort of waffled paper result).
  3. ... for the example you give. Yes, the most important for "good" or pleasant pictures is the photographer's sensitivity. This alone is of course not enough and there must be some practical knowledge (image manipulation, image rules). The materiel has its importance but is a major problem for some typ of photos... the example you give. You seem to have very elitist thinkings ! Thank you. As fort the others comments about this sequence , I transmit him your comment.
  4. A very big thank you Alan !!! It is exactly what I found and what makes the difference with other towns. Patrick
  5. As for PC equipment you overestimate the camera and lens level used by amateurs !!!! The majority don't go to a photo club and don't want to compete. Of course not but this helps ! It means that he has probably photography knowledge very few of us have. I suppose also that he has to take time to get high standard photos... if not he can not expect to live from photos as he probably does. Yes... a goal unattainable for the vast majority of us Absolutely sure !
  6. Tracy Langley and the gannets "I had taken 3 auto-focus lenses with me for the trip - a 17-55mm, a 70-200mm, and a 300mm. At the time I was using a Nikon D2X digital body which had a DX sensor, meaning an effective magnification of 1.5 times." 17-55mm : 1 400 euros + 70-200mm : 2 000 euros + 300mm : 4 500 euros + Nikon D2X : 4 500 euros + Photoshop CS 3 600 euros Total = 12 500 euros + special accreditation to land on Bass Rock and so, take photos on solid land rather then on balancing boat. + professional photographer This may help to obtain photos of good to top quality and images where it is possible to count each hair on the skin !!!
  7. Hello At the bottom of this post you will find a link to a little sideshow, the first one created by my son. Designed 3 years ago (2005), just about year for year, it followed a journey organized by its school. This sequence is his creation, his photographies and his idea. Concerning technical considerations, just forget elitist views about photo and slideshow quality : - the photographs are of very average or even very poor quality and, icing on the cake, my son took these photos with a 2.1 megapixel only APN. - synchronization is not always excellent, - image post treatment is often excessive... or scarce, - skies are white or overburnt, - verticals are sometimes not - ... as are horizontals, - the slideshows'icon is perhaps not the best choice, - etc, etc ... When he created this sequence, my son was only 15 years old at that time but he seems more concerned by Man and Human beeing than some adults ! For my son too, Krematorium will never be ... "just a word" Paul_2005, 10Mo and 4', fully controlable (left mouse click) Good and sunny sunday Patrick
  8. It is sometimes a bit difficult to translate as you make use of short cuts ... so, to be sure I correctly understand your words I transcript what you said me sometime and I think means the same : Lots of times one take pictures a certain way for a reason.... the general public do not know your reason. In other cases you take it as you see it because tomorrow the weather might be worse or you have gone home If you see a shot you like, take it .... because the road ahead may take you farther away from the scene you just saw ! As you see, I preciously kept these words full of common sense
  9. Hello Peter Xaver's shady's jokes about Krematorium can not be just occulted by personnal messages !!!!!!!! At this occassion I am really badly surprised nobody steped in. The politically correct has it's limits. Past has proven that silence is from far not a solution. "Or better still not at all" I am absolutely not sure to understand what you mean. Do you suggest it is better not to respond ? OK then... for the fifth time I will re explain my choices !!!!! "I am clearly aware of the darkness of the shadows of the first part of the sequence and, if you take time, you will see that - I explained two times in this thread why I did not correct this situation more (unreal aspect or flat contrasts) and - I publicised this show in pinpointing my choices ("The first day was brightly sunny ... with violent light contrasts and the next day was misty and grey ... and very dark.")." When I ask for comments I expect positive and negative one. I have weakness to find that the later are perhaps more interessant. But why give critics to a choice I clearely pinpointed and then explicitided twice .... very sterile ! I can understand that the majority don't find these contrasty photos pleasant .... I have then failed to transmit my impressions (difficullt to be a genius every time !) ... but this will not make me change the photo treatment because the slideshow will then have no other signification then a photo catalog with music. Be sure I am absolutely not aggrieved by the negative reactions. I just ask me how I could have made it to share my particular impression during this sunny trip. Regards Patrick
  10. And what is your problem ? Are you negationist ? How old are you to play around in a so pueril way with history and menkind ? You are truly indecent. You perfectly know that krematorium is not an innocent word and that used out of his specific context (the definitions you so kindly give), it has a far darker signification. You perhaps forget these Krematorium ? I suppose you were just distracted by your work when you posted your 2 files named krematorium. No problem if so. ... and if so, is it so difficult to say that it was a stupid example ? Patrick
  11. Sorry Tom It is now the fourth time I explain my choices !!!!! "I am clearly aware of the darkness of the shadows of the first part of the sequence and, if you take time, you will see that - I explained two times in this thread why I did not correct this situation more (unreal aspect or flat contrasts) and - I publicised this show in pinpointing my choices ("The first day was brightly sunny ... with violent light contrasts and the next day was misty and grey ... and very dark.")."
  12. Ah ? You named your photos "krematorium". That is also a fact ... a provocation I suppose then.
  13. OK, than I will dot one's I's. May I bring to mind that the subject is "Short stroll across Amsterdam". If a day you go to Amsterdam, then perhaps you will "interprete" your krematorium example in an other way, as you are paying a visit to this house (for the non german, at the right top, you will find the button Suchen, there is the word "taal" where you can change language). Sorry, I hope you are just very distracted ! Please, no more comment about your choice ! Peter (fh1805).. I just found now with what image I could have ended my slideshow instead of the windmill !
  14. Sorry Xaver, but krematorium in conjonction with your hometown reminds me immediatly to KZ Dachau. Not very clever I must admit. That said, more pleasant sites as examples are not difficult to find.
  15. Don't be sorry... I gave my impressions to Jim and not especially just to worry you. ... so what what ???? If so, if you don't see it, you have best to go to an ophthalmologist or tweak your monitor. Moreover, if so, is it intentional or not ? accidental or not ? ... this can be an interesting point for the author. Perhaps I don't speek politely to sheeps, I don't know, but seemingly you feel relaxed when nasty. The sheeps have there look instantly blocked by the image border... this is easy to change by a 180° rotation. I am not a specialist of sheeps but, as I know, their side is not engraved on their body... but next time I will check. You where not aware of any music synchronisation ... but I was.... may just be my personal sensitivity level. Is your lack of sensitivity the official standard level ? Why not ... everebody finds his pleasure were he can. Funny to see that you restrict your comments about Cumbria just commenting my comments ! Now, if I have to comment comments about my comments, I will rapidly raise my english level JIM I have to apologyse if you too found my comments aggressive. That was not my intentions. I make use of a telegraphic style as it is much more easy for me, lesser time consuming, more efficient and limpid..... and not to be impolite. I find your slideshow very intersting for many reasons I told you and it is yet saved in my keeper repository. Next time we go to the Highlands, instead of going from Kingston Upon Hill along the east coast, we will go on the opposite side and stay a few days in Cumbria. Now, if each time I post something I have to use a magnifying glass to check each of my words and then reply to such very nice comments, then I think I have much better do as the majority of the forum members : download, download, take each tips and just pass my way ... never contributing. Regards Patrick
  16. Hi Xaver Considering the treatment of the shadows in my slideshow, as I said, it was a deliberate choice not to compensate up to to the maximum limit. Sorry Xaver, but the example you give is typically what I wanted to avoid : the sensation this is a HDRI (High dynamic range imaging) outcome with clear and detailed shadows and something curious... false and irreal. Your non treated image is much more pleasant. **Das Beispiel das Sie geben, ist genau was ich vermeiden wollte : Man kann denken das es ein HDRI ist (High dynamic range imaging) mit klare und detaillierte Schatten ... klingt falsche und irreal. Ihr Original Bild ist viel besser That said... macabre your example !!!!
  17. I must admit that the way I tried to express my feelings is seemingly not self explaning ! Dont bother, I am stricly in the same situation as you. Thank you for your kind words Patrick
  18. Works also perfectly smoothly on my old PC, except for the very last effect which is very discreetly stuttering. AMD Athlon 1.01 GHZ SDRAM 512 MB NVIDIA GEFORCE 2MMX, 32MB Video memory Direct X 9.0c
  19. Hi Jim A very pleasant and calm visit ! As Ken, great colors and sceneries ! May I make a few remarks ? - your background seems not to be a pure black color - the sheeps at the beginning should look in the opposite side - your slideshow is not synchronized with the music... what a shame ! - the word end is not useful - the slideshow ends very very abruptly Anyway, I find your sequence very nice and I will look back on the way you choosed to divide your screen. A very interesting place. Thank you for sharing Patrick
  20. Sorry Ron but we are turning in a circle. I asked for comments and as everybody, positive one are of course gratifying but l have the weakness to think that I learn more from negative one than from positive one. I am clearly aware of the darkness of the shadows of the first part of the sequence and, if you take time, you will see that - I explained two times in this thread why I did not correct this situation more (unreal aspect or flat contrasts) and - I publicised this show in pinpointing my choices ("The first day was brightly sunny ... with violent light contrasts and the next day was misty and grey ... and very dark."). So.. what can I say and explain more ????? It is very easy to you to explain very subtil thoughts but absolutely not for me. I have to translate the best I can from french to english. Think about you doing the same in french !!! I didn't want to make a catalog of photos about Amsterdam but wanted to show this town seen in two very opposite lightnings (bright and violent and grey and soft). In an other post BB replied to my comment of one of his slideshow "Yu should change resolution in my view to see what the author produced, if you don't like it hit the escape, but as an AV enthusuast you should resect what the author is trying to do and present.". It is very funny to see that this assertion is only valid to that one who says it That said, much can be said, but we are not speaking in a lounge, men to men, and eye in eyes ... so a little bit self-control is welcome. Lacking humility, not sure some members can ! Regards Patrick
  21. For me too
  22. Hi Xaver Yes of course it can be, and I tooked notice of all comments, very likeable, judicious and positive, of B. Beckham to revisit in depth my sequence (images and music) about Amsterdam. Here you will find my second trial. As the first version, this slideshow is also controlable : left mouse button = Pause / Resume and right mouse button = Next slide. Image format is 1280/800 pixels Thank you again to Barry. I hope this one is the good one.
  23. Don't worry Barry, your comments are very welcome and positive. I deduce from your comments that in the first part, images "are far to dark" and that "the first piece of music isn't very appropriate to the show". Above, the quality of the second batch of images is also not the best. In conclusion, concerning this sequence, I am happy for you that you found the second piece of music good In concordance with your feelings, I will take time to change every slide treatment, change the music, create 2 separate slideshows and also change there name to .... BB 1 and BB 2 ... perhaps more appropriate than Amsterdam I fully agree with this remark. Why waist your time ? I think you have better download and look at these slideshows . Good night Patrick
  24. No problem considering the limited appeal of my sequence. Nobody is perfect As for the the limited manipulations of all the slides you suggest me, you too will not have plenty to do with this slideshow : just select the exe file in your Windows explorer and then hit the Suppr key... that's all !
  25. Hello Peter Croquet is as chinese for me but I find that this use of PTE is interesting. Your explanations are very clearly understanding, even for me french. Patrick
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