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Everything posted by Delicate

  1. Hi. My latest work is a mix of software use. The source material is both video clips and stills in a sequences (timelapse and stopmotion). I usually make the sequences in PTE because I mostly use 100% fading between images, which means that if the image frequence is slower than 25fps, then all movements will be more smooth. I have also used Davinchi Resolve 11 lite, a professional video colorgrading software for free. When I have used Resolve, I finally understood why there is no colorgrade in PTE. This has to do with the fact that all material should already be of high quality (and packed to JPG's or PNG's) before bringing it to PTE, to make possible a smooth run. If color grading would be possible, then the pictures should be TIFF's or DNG's, which would mean much higher performance requirements for computers. Of cource those days might come sooner than we belive... Anyway, I then put everything together with PTE and also mixed the audio with PTE. You find my work here (made in 1080p but showed here at 720p): vimeo.com/122222811 Ps. In my comments to the video I sort of find myselves telling that PTE also can be used for puting videos together... :-) Regards, Jan
  2. The link written: vimeo.com / 114663456
  3. Hi As a tradition, I made a Christmas visual even this year. Well it was requested by a good friend. This is very video-like, as my latest visuals tend to be. But again everything is put together with PTE. This visual consist of 16 video clips, one stopmotion clip made of stills, and 7 morphed clips based on still photos, and the pre and post slides. All footage is from Finland. Made in 1080p, but showed here in 720p. https://vimeo.com/114663456 Merry Christmas, Jan
  4. Hi. I haven't read the other comments, but it looks this show has some good response. I'm familiar to timelapse and have done quite a few my selves. I do not know your workflow, but mine would probably have been done using Photoshop and PTE. Photoshop for mass editing the pictures with actions. And I would probably have done the timelapse scenes separately with PTE, and brought them (the timelapse video scenes) back again to PTE for the final show. Ps. I do have the 7D and the 6D. And for my 7D I have already had one repair of both shutter and mirror mechanisms because of my timelapse and birds shooting...
  5. Dave, Lin, Ken and 'Snapcam' Thank you all for your comments! I appreciate this. Jan
  6. Hi. During my business trip I did stay some few blocks away from Times Square. So one late evening I took the possibility to do some street photography. The material for this show is still photos, with out-of-focus video shots that I mostly used as background. There are some explanations how this is done in my answer to the first comment on vimeo. And this is of course put together with PTE... You find the show on Vimeo: https//: (followed by) vimeo.com/98803954 ... there were some problems last time for some to see the link? : https://vimeo.com/98803954 Regards, Jan
  7. Thank you Barry and Jean! Regards, Jan
  8. Thanks Lin for your comment and helping to solve the linking problem. Sorry for not adding a translation to the video interview at the end of the show. Here is the link again: It starts with the http-stuff, followed by vimeo.com/95589858 (it might also work using just "vimeo.com/95589858" in the browser?) Jan
  9. On request I made a slideshow about a international trail orienteering competition. This sport was new to me, so I read the rules and watched a training event the day before. The special was, that my slideshow was ment to be showed the same day as the competition on the event dinner. So I had to prepare the show a little and those the music and other audio effects before the event. But all pictures and videos were taken and edited that day, and the show put together with PTE. Well, everything went well and to my understanding people did enjoy the show at the dinner. https://vimeo.com/95589858
  10. Hi This presentation is based on still photos only, even if it is very video like. Different techniques has been used, but all is put together with PTE. The timelapse and stop-motion scenes are made separately with PTE and publish to MP4, then brought back again to the final presentation. All animation is made in PTE. https://vimeo.com/82273474 Merry Christmas! Jan
  11. Thank you Peter. Now I got it! I hadn't try that (the only one I didn't try :)/>/> So, in the O&A windows timeline, - when I FIRST click on the first Key Frame, - THEN click in the window on the Frames green edge (which I can see), - THEN move to another Key Frame with the right-arrow (which is right of the timeline as you told) - this will keep the Frame activated (even if I can't see the edge of it because the Frame is bigger than the window), and now I can move the Frame with the keyboard arrows right-left-up-down Thank you
  12. Thank you Dave and Peter. Sort of dummy me, because I have used the PAN tool billions on times...! A temporary blackout, because I was stuck with the thoughts I had heard of a way to activate the frame without clicking the frame itself. This do the thing. By the way, it would be nice if there were a way to pan the frame (or other objects) without activating the main key frame (at least in the single key frame situation, and I understand that if there were two key frames on both sides on the timeline, then an interpolation would be needed to effect the position of the object). Now I have to make a temporary key frame on the O&A timeline, to see the effect of the panning of the object (at a certain moment on the timeline). And after that make the temporary key frame the main key frame at the beginning of the timeline. Thanks, Jan
  13. Dave, I did try this also, but: - if you click on the Objects panel to the right, and then try with the arrow keys, then the activation just toggle from one to another Object in the panel or - if you click on a Key Frame down on the window, then the key arrows just toggle to a previous or following Key Frame So still wondering how to activate the Frame...
  14. Hi Can't figure out one basic thing, sorry... In O&A you can usually see the Frame (the "green edge" of the Frame), grab it, and then change the position of the Frame with the arrow keys on your keyboard. But if the Frame size is big (due to e.g. panning), then you can't grab it (activate it) for moving with the arrow keys. In my case the frame is that big, that the "green edge" of the frame can't be seen even if I zoom out the O&A window to 0.5% (which I found to be the limit of zooming out the window). So, how can I activate a Frame for a particular Key Frame in O&A, to be able to change the position of the Frame with the arrow keys? Thanks, Jan
  15. My latest work published on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/66512168 Making of: Even if it's a video-like project, there is no video used here. All is made of still images. Each scene are clips made with different techniques like stop-motion, morph etc. The clips are then brought to PTE (no conversion), and with "a little higher" quality than videos converted in PTE. Because the final product is a video (MP4), there is no need to have an EXE version in mind... Animation is added with PTE. Audio is mixed together in PTE. The original format is fullHD (1920x1080p), but is seen on Vimeo at 720p HD for better streaming of the video. Naturally each rendering drop the quality a little (the clips, PTE, Vimeo). The source material are still images that has been edited with automated techniques in Photoshop. This is why the final quality is much better than it would be with video shooten trough a window of a shaking airplane... Regards, Jan
  16. Thank you Dick and Igor. And thank you Igor for showing the demo with your technique. Looks good. Did you use PNG-files as well? What I forgot to tell, and what can be seen in my balloon show (scene at 4:32), is that I try to fix the edge line between the two pictures. This way there is no movement sideways along the edge, and the perspective correction looks natural. (as the pedantic person I sometimes think I am, I noticed some side-way movement in your middle sample... :-) Thanks Igor
  17. Thank you Dave, Umberto and Robert. Yes, PNG-files are used in both samples, with the upper edge of the tilted foreground image feathered. The balloon show is made with a use of still images only (stop-motion, timelapse and 3D-animation made with PTE). The music is not played by me, but I do operate both the balloon and the violin..., :-) Jan
  18. All the time doing presentations with PTE, I have had a special interest in adding dynamic movements in a show. So I'm glad to comment on this. There is a lot of dynamic effects that can be made with still images, which ends up with "video-like" effects. A lot can be done by using pan, zoom, rotate and 3D-effects. I have also used stop-motion, timelapse and slow-motion to achieve dynamic movements, and recently I have started to use morph- and warp-effects as well (made with other software). And all this with a use of just still images. This way a much better image quality can be achieved compared to video, with a use of only budget equipment. Please watch one demo sample from two years back, where I used the same effect Igor is talking about here. When this scene is showed for 3..4 seconds in a presentation, nobody can tell it's not a video: http://www.mediafire.com/?vzkvto73hvhdla7 One other sample from two years back can be seen here: https://vimeo.com/32485966 , look at the scene at 4:32, nobody did realize that this was done with a use of just one single image (the violin players arms are animated with PTE) This effect works remarkable well, when the foreground don't have higher objects like stones, bushes and trees. Regards, Jan
  19. The race might be over Monday night third of September European time. The balloons launched from Switzerland yesterday night and will approach the border to Spain this evening. The Competition area is Europe, so the balloons will not continue to Africa. You can follow the live tracking on: http://tracking.way.aero/gordonbennett/ Jan
  20. Nothing much to watch.., unless you want to follow the balloon race live right now. See the link at: https://vimeo.com/48680417 Jan
  21. Thank you Isabel. I looked at Vimeo and found your projects there, mostly video, but also at least one slideshow you made with PTE (Kaleidoscope). The only thing that came up to my mind was, that you might not take a benefit of your PLUS membership on Vimeo and upload your MP4 video at fullHD resolution (1920x1080), and even if you did, you might not have choosen the 1080p button? Things I think influence the quality on Vimeo: - editing the pictures "good enough" with e.g. Photoshop before making the slideshow - to use 1080p high pictures (with any picture ratio) in a 1920x1080p size PTE-slideshow - to make the final sharpening with the 1080p high picture (e.g. PS: Smart sharpen, Radius 0.4px, Amount 80-100%, or if the pictures are noisy: e.g. Radius 0.8-1px, Amount 30-40%) My "secret" is (when using 18MP pictures taken with Canon 7D): - I first resize the picture to approx. 2160p height - then I do color correction and adjust the levels - then I mostly run noise reduction with Neat Image plugin (if the noise reduction is made to a 18MP full size camera picture, then the actual noise might not be filtered) - then a new resize to 1080p height - finally I make the sharpening (there might be flickering when zooming in the pictures in PTE, so another way is to use larger pictures and make the final sharpening with Sharpness control in PTE) - making a MP4 file with PTE following the compression guidelines explained on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/help/compression - choose the 1080p button when the video has been uploaded (otherwise a 1080p video will be showed at 720p resolution). (you have to be a PLUS member on Vimeo to been able to show the video at fullHD resolution) Ps. I believe that the quality on a streamed video always loose quality. What I also noticed is, that a rendered video on Vimeo has more contrast than an original work. Jan
  22. Just as a reference to you. I have uploaded some projects on Vimeo, all made with PTE via MP4, see: https://vimeo.com/user5278429/videos Knowing the quality loose there, i still think there are more serious minded people to multimedia than on Youtube. It's because of the community I prefer Vimeo. Jan
  23. Really nice job Davy! And lot of interesting cool people... Jan
  24. Thank you Ken, Davy and Lin for your encouraging respons. All the coincidences on that flight were actually quite funny. I and my colleague had tickets to the middle row in the tourist class, but the plane was overbooked so we were happy to get seats in the business class on the upper deck. Up there we were able to change seats to the left side of the plane by a kind steward. Then, when the Sun was close enough to the horizon and I wanted to start shooting with my camera, the Sun unfortunately was behind the tip of the wing. So new negotiations did follow, and I was directed to a toilet with a window in the front part of the aircraft. There I sat for 1,5 hours and did shoot my pictures (more than 1050 pics), while most of the other passengers were sleeping. Actually I was bend down on my knees over the toilet when shooting the pics, a symbolic action with respect to the unique event... Jan
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