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Everything posted by Delicate

  1. Hi By pure chance I was flying back home from a business trip at the same time as the Venus Transit happened on the 6'th of June 2012. With my standard camera equipment, I did do my best to capture this rarely but unique event. I waited until the Sun was close to the horizon of clouds, and could utilize the thick layer of air as an additional optical filter. It was demanding to take pictures good enough because of the shaking airplane, handheld shooting, airplane window and other optical distortion like the air distortion when shooting an object close to the horizon. Equipment: Canon EOS 7D, Tokina 400mm lens, ND8 grayfilter, Polarized filter, a thick layer of air Settings : 1/8000sec, f/22, ISO 100 Please download at: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?dlbt4s1baa7r5cr (fullHD 1920x1080p MP4-format, 89MB) or watch at: https://vimeo.com/44991866 (HD 1280x720p) "Making of": - I took picture sequences with totally over 1050 raw images. The image conversion process from raw- into png-format was made the same way with all the pictures. Of the converted images I used more than 500 images and made a mp4-timelapse movie with PTE - I made another mp4-timelapse detailed movie of the "black drop effect" with PTE - then I inserted these movies in a slideshow. I let the main timelapse sequense movie move in a circle to simulate the Sun's movement on the sky close to the horizon. - the timelapse sequence of the view over the Labrador bay I made directly in the slideshow. Because all my pictures were handheld shooted (also the Sun images), I reoriented every single image using one common reference point (with a help of the grid in Objects and Animation) - the "shaking text" was made using sequences of 3 to 4 text images that were individually deformed in Photoshop with the "Liquefy" tool Regards, Jan
  2. Thank you Bert and Davy for your nice feedback. And Davy, I checked again... Yes you are right, it was the MP4-file (1080p) that was 135Mb in size. The EXE file is about 91Mb, consisting of 51 pictures (1080p) and the audio file. Sorry. Jan
  3. Hi I had a try and made a translation of the original Finnish text seen in the show. You can watch it on Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/39121831 I did not upload the EXE-version on Mediafire because the file size is 135 Mb. But if you still are interested, please send me a personal mail. Regards, Jan ______________________________ >>> In the direction of the Helsinki Camera Club (Kameraseura) in Finland and the 'AV-evening' activity, a task was set to use members creativity to create audiovisual shows with a use of just a limited number of given still pictures. This small group of pictures (about 110 pcs) was the one to choose from, and the theme for the pictures was 'Spring'. This project is one result of this task. The basic idea for my show was 'Nuntii Latini', News in Latin. With a use of real voices from the Finnish broadcast, I made a 'translation' to Finnish, a translation that 'not exactly corresponded' to the original content. In fact I have to say, that I don't understand a word of Latin... To people speaking other languages than Finnish I also have to say, that you really need to understand what is written in the show to fully catch the whole idea... Except for those speaking Latin, to whom this might sound like total nonsense. I choosed to publish my project on Vimeo, and choosed also to use only 720p HD resolution not to 'frighten' those with bad internet connections or slow computers. In the same time this was a good opportunity to promote making of AV-presentations and with a use of PicturesToExe. >>>
  4. Thanks Davy, Jan
  5. Thanks Davy A thoughtful and peaceful feeling crossed my mind. And to my opinion, something to have in mind in our everyday life, even relevant now when we are going towards Easter. Jan
  6. Gratias Lennart. Ego supernatet in somnium gratiam. Jan ->
  7. Eric and Ken. Thanks for watching. Also good to get responses on how HD movies plays on peoples computers over internet. There must be a big variety of experiences on this worldwide. More and more when technology improves and lines are getting better it will help people watching high resolution movies over internet. This show on Vimeo were of HD 720p resolution, even though it was published as a fullHD 1080p MP4 movie with PTE. But of course, a PTE EXE presentation is far beyond in quality. Ken, those 'red vessels' at 01:06 are buoys where to tighten boats summertime... Regards, Jan
  8. Thanks for your reply. Yes there were actually a trace of a smile in the spectators faces... Good to know that it worked smoothly on your iPad. Thanks again.
  9. Hi In the direction of the Helsinki Camera Club (Kameraseura) in Finland and the 'AV-evening' activity, a task was set to use members creativity to create audiovisual shows with a use of just a limited number of given still pictures. This small group of pictures (about 110 pcs) was the one to choose from, and the theme for the pictures was 'Spring'. This project is one result of this task. The basic idea for my show was 'Nuntii Latini', News in Latin. With a use of real voices from the Finnish broadcast, I made a 'translation' to Finnish, a translation that 'not exactly corresponded' to the original content. In fact I have to say, that I don't understand a word of Latin... To people speaking other languages than Finnish I also have to say, that you really need to understand what is written in the show to fully catch the whole idea... Except for those speaking Latin, to whom this might sound like total nonsense. I choosed to publish my project on Vimeo, and choosed also to use only 720p HD resolution not to 'frighten' those with bad internet connections or slow computers. In the same time this was a good opportunity to promote making of AV-presentations and with a use of PicturesToExe. http://vimeo.com/38818350 Regards, Jan
  10. Thanks Davy I actually have Avidemux (and Audacity) installed. Sounds interesting, I will have a try. Thanks. Jan
  11. (... have beeing away for some days on my winter holiday in the Finnish Lapland skiing, very pleasurable with lot of picture taking...) Thank you guys for your reply. I think you have covered the possibilities. What I finally succesfully did, was to edit the video with Abobe Premiere Elements. I did fade out the audio at the end of the video, but did also adjust the saturation and sharpening to better fit with my other photos. But one additional step via one additional rendering of the video might have reduced the video quality a little. Therefore a possibility to control the audio of a video in PTE would be a nice feature? So far I'm happy with this. Regards, Jan
  12. Dear friends I have an inserted video clip in a PTE show. It's a speach. I would like to fade out the speach audio still letting the video clip to run. Is there a way to do this? Because the audio is a part of the video clip, I can't control the audio via Project opitions/Music-> Thanks, Jan
  13. Nice Tallinn show! Maureen, you are getting closer! Next time you might visit Helsinki, my hometown. And talking about architecture and design... ...in fact, Helsinki is now the World Design Capital 2012 (http://wdchelsinki2012.fi/en) ...or you might already have some Helsinki pictures in stock? Jan
  14. Really beautiful photography and slideshow!! And lucky you to visit such a wonderful place. Jan
  15. A really NICE document of the behavour of these animals, as well as of peoples behavour. Even if the show is a little long, you really can't stop watching this! Thanks Gary
  16. I like when slight 3D effects are used to cause a feeling of movement, creating a feeling of 'dynamic still pictures'. I would like to see more of this in AV's. There are so many ways of doing this with PTE, with a little help of innovative thinking. I believe that giving still pictures a taste of transformation, will not ruine the beauty of pictures, but guide the spectator into imaginative thinking. Mick, Happy New Year
  17. Actually, I made at work a test with a shared screen. I used a 1920x1200 laptop, and did set up a multiple display with an additional 1920x1200 display. Then I tested with a 3840x1200 PTE show and it work just perfectly, both with the preview on PTE and and with a published EXE-file! I also publisched it as a MP4 file, but at least VLC media player didn't recognize this format, and did show just fit it on the other screen. So the answer is, a multiple screen setup did work just perfectly when run a PTE-EXE file. I did use NVIDIA nView technology to set up the multiple display. Still an additional question: Have anybody any experience to setup a multiple screen using two videoscreens run from one PC? Jan
  18. Hi At our association there are some people that would like to do a AV-show, which would be shown using one PC and two 1400x1050 videoscreens side by side, forming a 2800x1050 wide screen. Is this possible with PicturesToExe? Question 1. If a project is started with the 'Size of Slide/Window' defined to 2800x1050 pixel size, would this cause an AV-show with a picture ratio of 2800:1050? Or would the show just be fitted into a e.g. 16:9 ratio view? When I tested with just one 1600x1200 screen, it looked that the show was just fitted into approx. 16:9 format? And when I published a MP4 video, even then it looked that the show was fitted into 16:9 on a fullHD screen? If this is possible, are there any detailed tutorial on this? Question 2. So, if the answer to question 1 is Yes, does anyone have any experiences of using multiple (double) (video)screens connected to one PC? Jan
  19. Davy. I was actually a little curious how the PTE people would react, because this is more like a video rather than a AV-show. Still, the technique is much the same - pictures in a row in PTE, just showed much faster... And no actual video used. For the moment I'm just sticked to this way of working. But it's hard work, it took me numerous evenings for two months to finnish (I commented this also in a long answer on Vimeo) Thanks Davy for your comment here on the forum, ...in fact, I've got hundreds of fans in the ballooning community on Facebook - feels strange :-), and thousands watching it on Vimeo, hmmm...
  20. Thank you guys for you comments! Jan
  21. Hi Please note this 1 minute TRAILER (EXE-file for PC) I made for one work I put on Vimeo. I tried to combine two interests of mine, where photography is the other one. http://www.mediafire.com/?61gq4phungofpaj Introduction: The EXE presentation is a shortened version of my work, consisting of only 30 pictures. It's a fullHD 1920x1080 size slideshow. No picture here is showed faster than 0.8 sec. I used 'Unsharp mask - Best for animation - 30' sharpening. I didn't actually made any bigger attention to this show, it's just a reference to the show i uploaded on Vimeo. So, you can find the full version on Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/32485966 This version was made using 3.550 fullHD pictures in a row on PTE, version 7.0 !! Do you think this might be some kind of a record with PTE? The technique is timelapse, stopmotion and 3D-animation. Now, because my computer (hardly any ordinary computer?) is not fast anough to show a EXE-presentation where pictures change with 40ms intervals, the presentation must be rendered to a MP4-file. This took approx. 5 hours with my old computer. I used 'Unsharp mask - Custom - 100' sharpening. Even because of fast picture change, this sharpening rate is of no problem for PTE because the show is rendered to a MP4 file. I try to explain my experience with both versions, which you also can find out for yourselves by watching both. And first I must say that the MP4 version I watch via a USB-stick on my Samsung television/monitor is of just an outstanding quality, and now I don't talk about the show itselves - the picture quality is just great on the screen. I'm a PLUS member on Vimeo, which mean that the show I upload can be watched in 1920x1080 resolution. Regarding sharpnes, I find no problem on Vimeo. I think I even made the show too sharp in many places with flickering as a result. But because a video on the internet (like Vimeo) is compressed there is a loose of image quality, which can be seen especially on dark areas of the video frames. With lighter frames with much texture I don't really find much difference. I also noted that the contrast is higher on the video aditionally rendered by Vimeo which mainly can be seen also on darker areas. So for future projects I put on Vimeo I might decrease the contrast on darker pictures. Well all together, I'm pleased with PTE's capability of mixing different techniques like ordinary slidshow-like sequences with stopmotion, timelapse and 3D-animation. Ps. Guess how many pictures are used on the scene with the violin-players shadow on the field - wrong, just ONE picture. Regards, Jan
  22. Hi Impressive colourful and nice pictures, in perfect colour harmony with the background texture. Very joyful to watch. The large amount of very nice pictures might have made possible a split up of the show in two or even three different shows with slightly different themes? Thanks for showing, Jan
  23. Jon, without any deeper thoughts of what I'm saying, silly me... Going back to your original issue, maybe you could extend the duration of each slide in your show (30-60sec ?), triming the duration to correspond to how far the show would "jump" by pressing next on the DVD remote? Ps. The "Pause and Play" method might need a press on different buttons?, but would certainly have a better control of the flow of your show. Gegards, Jan
  24. Hi NoelH Keep up the good spirit! Everybody has its own style of doing AVs, which is important for the creator. By the way, nice girls... Regards, Jan
  25. Thank you 'chuck' Well, that was the hard part... I shot the pictures with an ordinary tripod (without a motorized equatorial mount), by changing the cameras direction about every 45 second. When scaling the pictures down I used large margins, to be able to center the moon with PTE's grid. In other worlds, I centered every picture manually in PTE (this is quite easely done with PTE). Some pictures fell parly outside the 16:9 aspect ratio. In those cases I did copy part of the pictures, and made PNG fragments with soft feathered edges to fill up the picture. If I would have redirect the camera more frequently, I would have avoided this part... Thanks for asking, Jan
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