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Everything posted by Delicate

  1. Thank you Davy for your response. I'm myself an admirer of your AV-projects. Regards, Jan
  2. Sorry Alan... ... have been away on holiday, and didn't see your response. I try to explain. When I shoot picture sequenses with a rigid tripod there is no problem. I then just resize a group of pictures in Photoshop to e.g. 1920x1080 size (automated with "actions"). But I do a lot of sequence shooting handheld (4 or 8 pics/s), or with a timer with a steadycam. Then the pictures tend to "jump around", and even twist a little. When I then create a project I make the pictures a little oversize (e.g. 2100x1181px). The next steps are: 1. I resize the slides in PTE to original size (100% size by clicking "Size" in "Objects and Animation" - and this has to be made manually a lot of times depending on how many pictures I have (often many hundreds)...) 2. Then I reposit the pictures in the sequence manually (those needed). This is very easely done with PTE (compared to other softwares) under "Objects and Animation" using the grid as a reference. Also, if the pictures need to be twisted, I usually move each pictures reference dot to a suitable grid position (the dot in the middle of the pictures) by activating the shift key and by moving the dot with the mouse - before I twist the pictures. I need to use oversized pictures, because when I do move and twist the pictures, the pictures would fell outside the viewing window. For me the lack of an easy way to resize a group of slides to original size is disturbing. But I think that this feature would be needed also by others, because the original size of a picture gives the best image quality. Regards, Jan
  3. This was really cute
  4. "Where did you hear about this software" ? Swedish: Var hörde du om denna programvara? Finnish: Mistä kuulit tästä ohjelmistosta? (you can trust on these translations , my mother tongue is swedish, and finnish is of course the main langue in Finland...) Regards, Jan
  5. Thank you Sheila for your comments. My idea was to catch something of what happened that evening. I and my nearest were at good time at the spot waiting for the eclipse. We really waited for more than 3 hours attacked by the mosquitoes, waiting for the clouds to clear up. I made a modest try to cover something of this without making it too boring. I think it's really difficult to make a presentation, trying to keep the spectator watching the presentation to the final end. There must appear some new effect or impact repeatedly. Regards, Jan
  6. Paul I like to experiment with natural looking 3D effects with PTE to keep the slides dynamic, but this one was purely stop motion and timelapse. Thank you for watching, Jan
  7. It's midnight the 15th of June 2011, turning into 16th. The moon has just recently rised above the horizon. A total Lunar Eclipse could be seen, but will the clouds clear up? This is more like a set of video clips, or are there dynamic pictures showed here? Anyway..., no video is used here, but 550 pictures in a sequence of 2min45. The eclipse is speeded up 60x compared to reality. This is not a scientific presentation, but the camera settings have been the same during the eclipse. Shooten with Canon 7D, an old manually focused 400mm lens and a Sigma 10-20mm lens. The image quality is not the issue here, the pictures are actually really poor, shooten at night with high ISO. Low contrast JPG's doesn't make the thing better. Made with PTE 7b12. The slide duration varies from 350ms to 2.4s As a 1920x1080p project this is a little too speedy for an ordinary computer to handle as an executable file, therefor I did publish it as a 720p mp4 file. The executable file is 364 Mb in size because of the amount of pictures, but this videofile is just 63 Mb. Fade in/out is used between slides. I did use unsharp mask / "best for static" (70). The computer performance is not an issue when a mp4 file is published, and the sharpening as a last process make the jobb nicely (although sharpening also the noise). This presentation is not the most representative what I have been doing with PTE, but I'm now in period of "picture sequences". Please download at: http://www.mediafire.com/?lq9gosvxrybsev7 I found that put on a memory stick and used on a modern flat-TV, the quality was actually the best (I suppose TV processes try to make the best out of muddy film material?). Can be seen also at http://vimeo.com/26550320 (with a lose of quality), and on Facebook. Regards, Jan
  8. This was really poetic, thanks. Jan
  9. Hello In March I posted one question (see below) conserning resizing of slides, but without any respons. I suppose there were no answer. I now continually fase this same shortage, and so far I can't find any help in version 7 of PTE. I suppose there would be a need for many to be able to resize a group of pictures to original size (100%), without having to do this with each and every picture under "Objects and Animation". Or that there would be an option that every new slide would be of 100% size (instead of being fitted to the slide). Usually there is a need to make the picture a little bit oversize, making it easier to be reoriented or to zoom it with best quality. And as known the picture quality is best at original size. When there is a small number of pictures this is not a problem. But like me, often using a a lot of pictures, this lack is a little bit disturbing. Last week I resized manually over 800 pictures under "Objects and Animation" - a lot of klicking... I also examined the project file opened with Microsoft Word and tried to find a way to "find" and "replace" the resizing commands. I compared two projects with an easyusing free software called "ExamDiff", and fond that there were a big difference with a "untouched" project, and one where the slides had been resized to original size. Ones the slides are resized in a project, then it would be easy to do a new resizing with the "find" and "replace" commands. So this method looked a little difficult to use. What I propose is, that this feature would be added to PTE. (if I just have missed an easy way of resizing in PTE, please correct me) Regards, Jan Posted 2 of march 2011: >>> Is there a way to make a multiple resize of pictures in slides to the original size (100%), without having to do this in each and every slide. I mean the procedure in "Objects and Animation" -> "Common" -> "Size/positions in pixels..." - and then klicking "Size", which force the picture to be of the original size. By purpose I want some pictures to be larger (= original size) than the slide in a slideshow. >>>
  10. Paul You have done a nice slideshow full of national memories that I think is important for you. Nice impression with a mix of PNG cutted images. Jan
  11. Hi Igor, and thanks for giving this a thought. 1. I now have more than 800 pictures in this project, all of 2160 x 1440 size (but "size of slide" is set to 1920 x 1080). And for the "slide duration" I now used 0,15s When I encoded a "SD 800x600 high quality" video everything worked perfectly. I yesterday also tried with "HD 1280x720" and it worked perfectly even then. It is with the fullHD 1920x1080 encoding I meet the problem. Unprofessionally said I feel that when encoding a fullHD video, it first start to encode nicely, but then for some reason "things get heavier" for the computer, and the encoding crashes. 2. Springtime I had, what I think a similar problem with one totally different project (I used PTE 6.5.8 version). But in this project I also used a lot of pictures, ordinary slide show mixed with stop motion sequenses. This worked really nicely as an executable show, but when I tried to publish it to a MP4 file it also crashed. I will try tonight again and let you know. I think I will also try the following; a test by using a longer duration for slides (which will cause a bigger MP4 file). But I expect the same problem... Regards, Jan
  12. Peter I now also tried with output presets HD (1920 x 1080) and "Low quality" (under "Creating HD video for PC and Mac"), resulting in the same failure. Jan
  13. Thank you Lin and Xaver for your care. The problems accure when compiling the video. There are no problem when playing the MP4 file, if it's succesfully made. Here are environmental info about my computer when trying to compile the MP4 (H.264) video: PC Model; Fujitsu Siemens Celsius Mobile H270 (laptop) Intel Pentium III Xeon processor, speed 2793 MHz System; XP Professional 5.1.2600 with Service pack 3.0 and other updated moduls 2,99 GB of RAM Plenty of free space on the hard disc, which has been defragmented resently. Virtual memory is set to 4599 MB (I think suggested maximum would be 9198 MB) NVIDIA Quadro FX 770M (this sounds like the video card) (I use an additional display with the same view as the laptop display) I haven’t been connected to internet while compiling the video In my latest test I used PTE7 beta12 with the following settings, (which created a x264 error crash when compiling): - slide duration 0.25s - no transition (fade) between slides - aspect ratio 16:9, size of slide 1920x1080 - fixed size of slide - no use of unsharp mask (Just wonder, does the "use hardware acceleration" setting have any influence while compiling a MP4 file?) When trying to compile the MP4 file (H.264) I used the following settings: - width 1920, height 1080, 25fps - one pass-bitrade, bitrade 5000 - (I used no audio, but the settings were; bitrade 320, samplerate 44100, channels auto) When I looked at the computers "Performance" curves while compiling the CPU usage was on top, and just dropped down when the compiling crashed. I strongly want to belive that there is nothing wrong with PTE and that the source of my problems are on my computer. I remember having some similar problems when rendering videos with Abobe Premiere Elements last year, and haven't tried since. This problem really bothers me now, because I have many projects I have planed to do. A visit to the computers store is a must in a near future, but for the moment I would like to solve this problem. Jan
  14. Hi I aim to use hundreds of image processed fullHD size pictures in a fast sequence (timelapse), making MP4 videos with PTE. But when I make tests with around 300 pictures, the video crashes halfway. I like to combinate fast sequence pictures with more slow ones, and have made this successfully before. But now when I'm using hullHD size pictures I get problem. Or I'm actually using even larger size pictures, like 2160x1440, but force PTE to show only 1920x1080 of them by using original size pictures. ("the size of slide" is definied to 1920x1080 in "Project options"). I have tried with PTE versions 6.5.8 and 7-beta-12. I have used a interval of about 250ms for slides, and used about 200ms fade transitions between slides, or turned the fade off. When the rendering crash, there is an error report saying that "x264.exe has encountered a problem"? Whats wrong? - something with x264.exe? - do I need a new version of x264, if so, where is it located? - something with the computer? - something with PTE? Thankfull for some help. Jan
  15. Like the nature and your photography a lot. Nature that not everybody have on their backyard. Lucky you... (even though the climate is quit the same where I live) Jan
  16. Lovely pictures, and especially interesting to see them first as monochrome, and then as colored. The power of monochrome pictures is obvious. When the colors turn on, you could feel a change of e.g. the time of the day etc. Jan
  17. David So many things keep me busy this summer (bad excuse), but I just had to reply and say this was a great audio-visual. I especially liked the chose of pictures and the transitions. And the mysterious audio mix (and a story I'm not very familiar with) did put the whole thing together perfectly... Thanks, Jan
  18. Delicate


    Hi Patric I think you can feel really safe! I did check the lyrics for "Kärlekens tunga", and yes, the most hottest words in that song is really "the tongue of love"..., but in the meening "Speek to me, Let me hear, The tongue of love, Say you love me, I will never forget you..." I suppose you did think that the singer did look for her true love among the nice countryside houses at south east Sweden... Jan
  19. Delicate


    Hej och tack. Snygga färggranna bilder av hög kvalitet. Trevligt att höra lite svenska här på forumet... Sorry for the language, which is also my moder tongue... What I was about to say is that you have quite nice high quality colorful pictures here. The natur is the same as we have here in Finland... Thanks for a nice slideshow. Jan
  20. Colin. Likee Lin said, this was very peaceful to watch. Thank you. Jan
  21. This was to my opinion a very artistic slideshow, once again by Davy. The BW mysterious feeling kept all the way through, although I had a minor difficulties to find the message from every slide to the next - well, I have to see it again and let the imagination fly. Good feeling that I also would like to aim for... Thanks, Jan
  22. Hi, I would like to have a possibility to select a group of slides on the 'slide timeline', then via 'Customize slide' have a possibility to resize the topmost object of each slide to original size (100%) by just one 'klicking', in spite the topmost object is a frame, a picture, a rectangel etc. (I don't know what would happen if there were several topmost parent objects...?) What I mainly mean is, that I would like to have a possibility to resize a group of oversize pictures to original size, then do some zooming or repositioning of the pictures. Like it's now, I have to toggle the 'Objects and Animation' for each slide, and in 'Size/position in pixels of parent' klick 'Size'. Jan
  23. I thought I had seen enough of these flying cubes, but this was actually really funny. A nice variation with good imagination of the cube theme. Also good image quality (did you make it with the PTE 7.0 version using Unsharp Mask?). Thanks for showing. Jan
  24. Alan, I did find this method too, but didn't want to propose it here, because nobeefstu told the right way to go. But because you mentioned it, I will tell what I found out... I made separate folders as you did, and did put the identical template in each folder, together with the different series of pictures, but all renamed the same way (01 to 30) (renaming can be automated e.g. with Canons DPP software). Then I renamed the original folder so that PTE wouldn't find the original serie of pictures. Then I opened the templates in each folder step by step and used copy/place to place the different series of pictures in a new slideshow. This worked as you sade, also to make the executable file or making a mp4 file. The explanation for this must be (I think), that despite the slideshow did hold multiple pictures with the same name, it worked bacause the absolute path to the pictures were different. The only thing that didn't work, was to make a backup of the slideshow. Now it tried to save the pictures with the same name into the same folder, and this dosen't work of course. So to make a backup, it would have needed to make e.g. a zip-backup of the whole folder system. So, for those who are unfamiliar with text editors (if there are any?), can use this method... But the method that nobeefstu mentioned is by far the best one. Jan
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