Thank You for that but I feel we are at cross purposes. I would have thought if it was a driver issue then the sequence would not work in preview. Perhaps I have not explained the problem fully. When I say the sequence will not run I do not mean it will not run properly but not even start I have even tried creating a single image show with no audio but it never gets past the blank slide and usually not even that far. As soon as I try to open the exe file there seems to be a conflict and everything freezes up and I mean everything. It may even still be on the windows folder screen containing the slide shows. Not even Ctrl Alt Del will do anything.It simply does not move either from the blank slide or the windows folder. I have to resort to unplugging. There must be a conflict between something in the PTE files, when an exe file is created, and something on my PC. Everything else works OK. The exe files will even run on an old PC.with 'old drivers' Shows created with Pro Show Producer also work fine. Thanks again