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  1. Thank you for your quick reply Peter. I have run a full scan and run CC a free registry cleaner etc and found one virus which mcafee dealt with ok. I then tried to install which this time was successful. Tried to run video builder but again it responded by going in to a loop and informing me that it wasnt responding. It does this by inserting this comment next to the prog. title in the top left hand corner. I have successfuly burned to a disk with Ashampo so I know that my burning process is ok. Can you think of anything else I might try? The reason I started to delete files or try to is that I know that many uninstalls leave peculiar files scattered around and I thought I would see if that was the problem. Yorky.
  2. I have been having many problems with Pictures to exe (pte)since I started using the prog. I have bought the deluxe version 6.5.8 I believe it is. I have successfully created one DVD slide show which is perfect but on trying to create another I have had so many issues its not true. They are 1 failure to consistantly install pte, gives a failure message of code 5 and is unable to delete a file somwhere. 2 if after a "good" install I try to create a DVD the program video builder hangs with the message in the info bar at the top "not responding" all the time. 3 I have a file in my "exe projects folder" labeled the same as my "good" project but it is much shorter and has an apendage of 3 to distinguish it from that with a 2. The file name is "Azura slide show2" and the other "Azura slide show3". I wish to delete #3 but cannot, and the system tells me that it is in use by "pictures to exe". (I cannot load #3 either because I cannot "see it" when I open this folder from within pte.) This cannot be because I closed pte down but it is the same even after I UNINSTALL pte. I then deleted as many PTE files as I could find until I came to one with the following link "Program files/wnsof pictures to exe/6.5". I tried to delete this and was told the folder is in use by another program and could not be deleted although to the best of my knowledge pte is NOT on the pc. Can anybody help me to unravel what is going on in my machine with pte. In all other aspects my PC is running perfectly. I run windows 7, my video and sound drivers are uptodate, and i have installed service pack 1. I have plenty of memory installed At this time I am unable to install pte. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I am having similar troubles to those experienced by members on this topic. Mine appear to be different in that I cannot even get the video builder to start at the moment. The sequence of my problems are Installed deluxe version of pte, created a slide show and burned with no problems after some inital issues. Tried to do it again some days later but the video builder now goes in to a loop and tells me it is "not responding". The builder does not get passed the initial screen. I have to use task manager to get out of the loop. The initial slide building phase works fine. I am in contact with support who have given me nuerous keys to unlock video builder but I cannot get to the point when it can be used. I have updated my video and sound drivers, reloaded the whole program several times after uninstalling it but I stil cannot use the video builder. I have read the other posts on this site and several people have said to use ISO but what is the point of buying a peice of software if you cannot produce an end product with the included utilities. Has anybody out there had similar problems? Some other mysterious happenings have occured too. Along the way I got to a point where I could not install the program at all. I have no idea what I did to get a good installation except kept on trying. Also if I open the video builder although I have some other pte projects saved I get blanks for them except the one that I initially produced. One thing I am going to try which I have picked up is that of doing a disk clean to get rid of temp files etc to see if it work. I love the way you can produce something to burn if only I could continue to burn a finished product. Can anybody throw any light on these problems???? Yorky
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