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Everything posted by Redhedgehog

  1. I had the last update of Version 6 installed and then when V7.0 became the official release I downloaded that and consequently ended up with two versions of PtoE installed - no problems so far. However I now notice that v7.0.1 is the official latest release. My query is :- if I download and install v7.0.1 will it "overwrite" version 7.0 or will I end up with three versions of PtoE installed?
  2. Thanks for the advice, much appreciated.
  3. I have been using v 6.7 Pro for some time and, as it is now available, have downloaded and installed v7.0. I followed the dialogue boxes and when prompted transferred the settings from the older version and the new version seems to work well.It opens and runs projects created in 6.5 without hitch so far. My queries are:- I now have two versions of the program on my PC (as version 7.0 did not overwrite the older version). Is this normal? Can I or should I uninstall the earlier version and if so how?
  4. Thanks for the help. But just to make sure - As I have the "picturestoexe-setup.zip" file and the "Registration-Key" securely backed up onto an external hard drive so am I now safe in deleting the files mentioned in my original post?
  5. Hi, I am not only a new user of Pictures to Exe but also brand new to Windows PCs having previously used Macs so please forgive me if my question is really basic. I have successfully downloaded and installed PTE on my Windows 7 laptop (everything seems to be ok as I have located a file folder called WnSoft PicturesToExe in my C: drive > Program Files(86) on my Hard Disk and PictuesToExe 6.5 appears in my Program List from the Start Menu and also as a shortcut on my desktop). However I have noticed that I have a folder in the Windows My Documents folder called "picturestoexe-setup" and in that folder there is a "ReadMe" document, a "WhatsNew" document and also an"application" called "picturestoexe-setup". My question is: should I delete these items? Help would be appreciated.
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