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    Brize Norton, Oxfordshire

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  1. Paulcl

    PTE 8

    Converted to sRGB. Problem solved. Many Thanks Paul
  2. Paulcl

    PTE 8

    Hi Guys I have just returned from the wilderness and have now updated to PTE 8. I am just trying it out but I am getting a greenish colour cast on my images that I have imported. I have adjusted the images in Lightroom 5 and DXO Optics 10 and then resized them in Photoshop CS6 saving them as JPEGS. My monitor is regularly calibrated using a Spyder 3. So the colours should be correct Can any one help me to correct this colour cast. Regards Paul
  3. Hi I thotoughly enjoyed the photography, however I found that the excesive ues of pan and zoom spoiled it a considerably. Regards Paul
  4. Thanks for the info Regards Paul
  5. Does the PTE 7 license permit me to use the program on my PC and also my Laptop. Or do i need to get another license. REgards Paul
  6. It is of no importance who we are. What is of importance is that comments are made about the AV. So whats your comments Spock I am also not afraid to hide behind a false name. My name is Paul Claridge Regards Paul
  7. Maureen Another excelent show. How fortunate you were with the weather. Many of the shots reminded me of when we were there a few years ago. We were there over new year and there is the most amazing show of fireworks let off by everyone. The sky was full of fireworks for over 2 hours. Unfortunalely we had no clear skies. Regards Paul
  8. Hi Calvin If you are happy with your production that's all that matters. It's not to my taste but neither is Picasso or other abstract artists that sell for millions. However it takes guts to post somthing on an open forum allowing yourself to receive negative comment and also positive comments. There are plenty of viewers but only a few will make comments. Keep going you may be worth a fortune once you are dead. Who knows. Regards Paul
  9. Wow!!! Extremely clever. I have only just got my head around producing a reasonably basic show. I just wouldn't know where to start to be able to produce something like this. I like the blind effect. is that available for others to use Well done. Paul
  10. Maureen Wonderful photography. On a personal note I would have liked a slightly longer time between the transitions to view the pictures. I found that by the time I tried to look around at some of the detail it was gone. Otherwise a very good show. Regards Paul
  11. Many thanks guys. Now to waste some time. Regards Paul
  12. Can someone please remind where to find the instructions on creating a 3D Cube from scratch. Age fades the memory. Dohhhh!!!!!!!! Regards Paul
  13. Hi Mark It has taken me a long while to get to view your show becaus AVE kept detecting a Trojan Horse and it has been doing this to me when I try to save a show to an exe. file It is since I upgraded to PTE7. that this started happening however AVG has now got it sorted out for me. All of the show was excelent but I was stunned by the ponorama and how you introduced the whole of the vista at the end. Regards Paul
  14. Maureen An absolutely supurb presentation of a mystical area of the World. Many years ago my wife visited Norway and has been very reluctant to return incase her memories are shattered by change. But it is now on the list and we intent to visit onca we get Malasia, Perth and South Africa sorted.So little time so many places so little funds. As Frank Sinatra sang That's Life. Once again wonderful work. Regards Paul
  15. Hi Paul Some really good images and well put together. I liked the way that you used the portrait images against an image that didn't detract the eye from the prime pictures. All rules regarding composition are there to be broken and the rule of thirds works most of the time but sometimes that is not the case. I feel that your compositions worked well. Regards Paul
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