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Everything posted by lenzcap

  1. I have windows 7 64 bit ultimate. The program seems to run fine except that it says the registration was taken successfully but then closes and asks for the registration code again. I can click continue trial and build my slide show but if i try to create a show it says i am using trial and can only do 10 slides. I entered a support ticket and they said they sent me a new code but haven't recieved it yet, and yes i checked my spam folder and it wasn't there either.
  2. Paul, I bought it last night....version 6.5.8
  3. I paid for the deluxe version, got my key and try to activate it. It says the activation is successful, opens program and imediately closes and asks to activate again......Please help...I am under fast aproaching deadline and need this to work. using windows 7 64 bit machine.
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