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Everything posted by HvK

  1. Hi Ken, Indeed long time no seen hihi!! Anyway I got one important step further just now. The autorun works perfectly on the dvd this time and starts my 2 mainpages and 6 bonus shows independently as well but so far it will NOT start automatically when I put the dvd in the player!! It's not a real big problem because people can just start the autorun file by clicking and then everything will run automatically but I would prefer it if DVD will start automatically!!
  2. Hello Guys, Happy New Year and lots of nice shows in 2005! Long time ago since you got some news from the land below the sea! But with some very good excuses I hope! I am almost finished with my largest photo project ever. This time I was working on my latest project for almost 9 months but the results are awesome. New layouts, an intensive use of most of Igor's latest updates, completely new designed mainpages and a wonderful thumbnail access to my seperate slide shows. The project content about 40 different shows with more then 4000 pictures selected from 80.000 pictures we made during the last 5 years in Canada. To prevent copyright problems I even create my own music in the old new age style as well. The project works great on my computer and the last links will be finished (fixed) in about 2 weeks. The complete show will take almost 2 hours! Now the problem because all my projects I have a big delay in DVD use and experiences. I even just have a DVD burner. I am used to work with MMB as my autorun to my mainpages (or startpages) from which to start my seperate slideshows My question: How to make an autorun for DVD. The normal autorun as I use it for all my previous photo-cd's doesn't seems to work on a dvd! Any help will be great
  3. ok looks fine with me Igor!!
  4. aurora borealis!!
  5. BTW I never was away hihihi. Was secretly behind the screens. LOL!! Just kidding. Was busy with my new website and some really big P2E shows and simply couldn't find time to answer all the e-mails and questions anymore. But it's good to see some old names that are very known to me!!
  6. yes just put one new show at Michel site.... see url in previous message!!
  7. It's very simple to make pictures with a thin border line witin PS. Especially when using extensis photo tools as plugin. When you want have all pictures the same border and size you make a batch file in PS. In second PS change all the pictures within the same folder in seconds! Save you dozens of hours! See my Aurora show at Michel's website and you see what I mean! It also shows you a good option how to present portrait pictures in a very nice way! www.fanaphot.com HvK www.hansvanklinken.com www.ffinternet.com (new)
  8. Hi Philip, What I usual do is unzipping but install the new beta's in a seperate folder until the final version is completed. I always kept the final versions and then delete the beta's. This prevent me a lot of problems a few times. I still have the original version 3. The programs are small so I don't mind! Hopes this works next time!
  9. Wonderful Igor!!! That nasty bug with the incorrect fonts and root describtion is lovely fixed!!
  10. I sent you a screenshot from the strange fonts then everything will be clear!!
  11. Igor there still something wrong with the fonts!!
  12. I got so many questions about what kind of music I am using for my photo cd's! Here some answers: Karunesh-Kitaro-Gandalf-Kamal-Anugama and those just a few
  13. HvK

    Huge update

    yeah but with less pacific salmon around they can be really dangerous! I mostly fish deep inside the Yukon wilderness and when the berries not there they often chase me.....
  14. Hi Guys and Ladies! I was a bit busy with updating my photo site. But I guess the new site looks great now! Have a look: www.hansvanklinken.com or just click the www below!
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