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  1. Windows 7, right now. And the instructions above don't apply. There's no "settings" at that point in the instructions.
  2. As I said, I checked and they are saved in sRGB colorspace.
  3. Print Screen doesn't work, for some reason, and whenever I go to the snip tool to get it manually, the drop down menu disappears. It's in the Slide tab at the top of the page.
  4. The newest deluxe 8.0. Ohhh, ok. I see it now. Thank you! It's a custom built pc. All previous settings were cloned. I've never had a problem with colors in pte before.
  5. Also, do you know how I can adjust the color in this program? It shows dulled colors.
  6. I don't see what you're seeing. How do I get to where you are seeing that (in the link)? I did, however, just find the "Fit all slides to soundtrack" in the Slide tab.
  7. I've got sync slides to music selected but it's not doing it! Help! I have a song that's 3:48 secs and the program is only giving me 1:55 of it, no matter how slow I choose the transition. Same if I choose a song that's 2:55, or any. Help! I have a presentation in just a couple hours! I just upgraded my computer and was forced to upgrade to a new version of pte. Never had a problem with this before! I LOVED the older versions!
  8. I need to be able to copy various things from one slide to another - actually for pretty much every slide in the show to have similar aspects, but I can't see how to copy. For instance, in Objects and Animations, I'll size the slide a custom way and have the shadow custom, etc. Also I put an added image on each slide. How do I copy all this from one slide to the next? And/or how do I do this for an entire show? Please don't tell me I have to do this one by one and for every slideshow. If that's the case, this is a HUGE time-waster for me. Carolyn
  9. The dvd burning program I have is I think called Record Now. It seems to be going through the motions of recording and all but when I put the dvd in my tv's dvd player it gets the message unable to read disk. What do I need to do?
  10. Ken, I will have a look at that. But in the mean time, how am I supposed to get a dvd made so that it can be played with my tv?
  11. I am not able to get the DVD to work, either. I've followed the directions to the letter. However, I'm using a software recording program OTHER than Ulead. Would that matter? If so, why? I don't want to have to purchase another software for this if I don't have to. I've tried the svcd on a regular cd and in the dvd player on my tv it says unable to read disk. I've tried the dvd on a dvd and when putting it in the dvd player on my tv it also says unable to read disk. I'm very frustrated. I'm feeling like the instructions are missing something. I'm using 4.41 version.
  12. This does help. Thank you!
  13. How do I change the default settings?
  14. I'd like to have my slide show so that I can delay the music for a couple slides. I don't see how I can do that. Also, when I've tried customizing individual slides for their viewing time - I can't seem to get it to work. (sigh). Oh, and I'd like to have my credits appear on each slide -- can I do that without having to type it in the comments box or add text for each individual slide?
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