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  1. Any one come across this error Failed to convert video file error 80041C21 This error comes up once it has completed the conversion process and as you may takes some time. So I have been testing with Two slides 11MB and I still get the error.
  2. Ulead are a compleate waste of space their Web site doesnt work, try putting a question in on the tech support) their email system is a compleate waste of time they just bounce back. I get an erroe( Failed to convert video file error 80041C21) I dont suppose I will ever get a reply.
  3. Can any one recomend the best image size for viewing on PAL TV
  4. The project was fine once opened and saved checking the transisitions were not selected. It would be nice if the default transistion could be user selected. I prefer to use the fade all the time but thats me. As for beta testing, everyone knows that a beta may have bugs, it takes a lot of developmet time to test every eventuality. If we were paying top dollar (English phrase) then it would be a different story. Any way no one makes you download the bata version. Mart
  5. I have a problem with P2E beta #6 the transitions get reset every time I open a saved project which was created in an earlier version.
  6. How about the option of creating a CD that will play on a DVD is ther any chance of this? A lot of family do not own a computer. Mart
  7. Thanks for the tips I've have had a track made up by a DJ freined using Traktor DJ Studio. I will have to invest in somthing like that for the next slide show Mart
  8. Can anyone tell me how I can remove the gap between two sound tracks which are in case both the same?
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