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  1. Thanks for the prompt reply. Never thought of it as a new life for mp3. Pete.
  2. A couple of days ago it was reported on the web about the 'death of the mp3' music format. "The mp3 format is officially dead After 25 long years of success, the mp3 file format has officially been discontinued this week." said the headline. Does this in any way alter the way that we create and save our slideshows. I normally produce MP4, select convert to MP3 for the audio. I have never used the WAV format as I believe it can inflate the file size somewhat! I know that for now on my equipment I am good for sometime, But I did invest in Betamax! Cheers Pete.
  3. Thanks for the reply. I guess that I will upgrade and maybe spend a bit of time checking out the options to improve my slideshows.
  4. Hi, I'm a long time user of PTE, but I really only scratch the surface of the programme. Many of the 'NEW' features of v9 mean nothing to me. I normally just use the basic 'dissolve' transition between pictures, I have at times used video for a few seconds but it is not a prime concern. I would happily upgrade to v9 if there is a quality difference to be seen in the photographs during the slideshow (mp4, viewed on a 65in screen..I am happy with the results, but will always look to improve) but as I read the v9 list it appears to be for the more advanced visual/audio guys. I may still upgrade, and educate myself in the finer skills of a/v, but all I would like to know for now is...Would I see a quality difference between V8 v V9 on the basic photographs? Thanks Pete.
  5. OK. Will do in the future. Pete
  6. Thanks for that 'tip' Aginum. I mistakenly thought that ticking the sync button would do a kind of auto sync and take control of the show and change my settings. Just opened my shows and ticked the sync box and now all seems good. Many thanks Pete.
  7. Hi, I too have issues with 7.5 audio playback but am living with it at the moment. I have created 2 shows and during the creating phase I have a problem. I have used the pxe remove programme tool and downloaded a fresh copy and installed it, but still get the same result. My problem is a different one though. If during the editing process I wish to preview the part that I am working on, if I play the show say from slide 7(it can be any slide) using the small button for the preview screen and watch the result on the small preview screen then the show runs and plays correctly with sync audio. But if I attempt to use any of 'Fullscreen' button at base of the preview screen, 'Preview' button at the top right of screen, 'Start preview from this slide' button top left of screen, then the show starts (fullscreen) at the correct selected slide, BUT the music ALWAYS starts playing the beginning of the FIRST track!!! This has happened on two copies of 7.5, and on 2 different shows. I can carry on working as I can get by using the small preview screen but would prefer not to! Pete
  8. No, I actually used the 'audio accepts video files as soundtracks'...button. That is exactly how it appeared on the screen. You selected this option prior to importing the video! The method that you mention is the way that I have been doing it. Like I say maybe it has been removed, perhaps one of the developers can cast some light on it! Pete
  9. The word 'Button' is just my terminology. Like I said I have used the 'audio accepts video files as soundtracks' facility a week or two ago, and it was a button to select the option, I just cannot find it again, maybe it has been removed!
  10. Bearing in mind all that has been said about file size growing and other problems, as I said in my original post I have been creating shows with the 2 video tracks (1 audio muted and 1 used to control audio) what I am still curious about is the 'audio accepts video files as soundtracks'...button. Does anybody know what it does, what effect using it has on file size, and does it indeed even exist, as I cannot find it. As I said prior to full 7.5 release I used it. It is mentioned on page 8 of the guide. Anybody out there know where to find it! Thanks Pete
  11. Thanks guys, For the most part I use exe files so I guess that for exe files I'm OK. Will have a play with dvd options...but I imagine the short videos that I tend to produce (usually 10-12 minutes) would fit on a 4.7gig dvd no problem! Will check out the Audacity route as well. The mp4 issue with video may cause me a size problem if I convert for ipad then! I will try just to see. The other file that I use is mkv (I think that's right) to use on a WD TV live hub. Will try that for size as well. Thanks for the info, always impressed with pte exe site and users. Pete
  12. Thanks Lin that answers the file size bit. I had tried adding the video on more than 1 track and as you say the file size remained unchanged, i couldn't understand it! Cheers Pete.
  13. Many thanks Xaver. That's what I am doing. Just wasn't sure that it is correct. Thanks for the fast response. Pete
  14. Hi, when using a beta version of 7.5 I imported a video onto the audio track using the...'audio accepts video files as soundtracks'...button. I have forgotten how I did it! I cannot now find the said button. It is mentioned on page 8 of the user manual. Can anyone tell me where I can (re)find it? I can achieve what I wish to do, have a video on the slide track, sound muted, with a stand alone audio track that I can edit. By importing a video file...project options/add audio file/selecting audio files to video files and then aligning the 2 tracks. My concern is that I am increasing the file size by using this method. Or does importing this way JUST import the audio as the video is not viewable anyway? Hope this makes sense! Thanks Pete
  15. Hi, This may be a dumb question but I am not that computer literate. I do not know what source files are or how to use mediafire (sorry)!I have tried a reinstall but still no luck. I have opened the programme again and although it has frozen I created an exe file of the slideshow so far. The exe file will not open on my computer but in properties it is shown as 610MB. I have removed the video files from the show and started a new project using just the photos and up to now the programme is running fine. As soon as I open the show containing video I get problems. The video was shot on a canon 5d2, loaded into pinnacle studio and with no editing done to it, saved as an AVI file and then placed in exe beta 13. I have come over from using proshow gold and I still have this on my computer, I have made a slideshow using exactly the same photos, video clips plus added a full soundtrack and it plays back fine on both my desktop computer and laptop. I think that I am a bit out of my depth using a beta version. I will wait until the finished version is released before messing with video again. So for now I will let them that know what they are doing do their stuff petejack.
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