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Everything posted by moorehill

  1. Hi Ken and nobeef - thanks very much for responding. I don't know where the original program is, or its key - that's why I bought the new one. I'm on the west coast of Canada, so there will be the time difference you mentioned. nobeef - I don't use OE, I'm on Eudora, and I can certainly receive all kinds of other attachments...... I'll keep trying, I guess.
  2. Hi - I've just bought PTE (I had a much earlier version several computers ago, but it wasn't suitable for XP). So I got the latest, and bought it, and downloaded it, and they sent me all the info EXCEPT they said to save "the attached file" and then when prompted to select that file and bingo I'd be registered. But there was no attached file, just some gobbledegook at the bottom of the page. I bought it because I have a rush job to do TODAY which I needed PTE for. I've sent an e-mail asking for help but no response yet. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there something obvious I'm not doing??? -Veronica (moorehill)
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