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  1. Yes, it is 👍
  2. 👍👍👍
  3. I went back to PTE 11.0.14, an the problems disappeared (I don't have 11.0.15 at hand).
  4. You may have a look at the attached project: I see problems with "Gauss Extended" in O&A and Mini Player, and with "Gauss" in O&A, Mini Player and in the Preview. Blur-Problem.zip
  5. Really a good idea, when will we see it 😊 ???
  6. This is a good suggestion. Nevertheless, my suggestion is just another matter. Only recently I had a track with lots of clips, each one with an individual setting, and I wanted to reduce the overall volume of this track. I used the following workaround: I exported the said track as a wave file, and I inserted this file as a new track while muting the original track. Now I could change the volume using the envelope. It works, but it isn't a pleasant way to go. So. I would like to see a volume slider for the whole track, as we have it in Audacity.
  7. In "Project Options > Audio" we have a volume slider for each clip. It would be fine if we also had one for each track.
  8. Instead of working with the installation data of your styles, I would prefer just to export the styles in PTE's Styles and Themes window. You will obtain files of type "ptestyle", which seem to be zip-files containing all data for the installation of the corresponding styles.
  9. Jienense's example shows the way to go!
  10. This is exactly what I do. I use a project name including a running number: MyProject_01.pte, MyProject_02.pte, and so on. Therefore I do not need PTE's backup method.
  11. This backup method is better than having nothing, but I do not regard it as a method providing a high level of safety, as it only preserves the last two versions of a project. If you click the Save button two times today you cannot go back to a version you worked on yesterday. I would like to suggest an alternative backup method that preserves all backup project files, maybe something like: MyProject.pte.bak_0001, MyProject.pte.bak_0002, MyProject.pte.bak_0003 ...
  12. It isn't blank (as far as I see), but a project with 144 slides. Maybe that PTE will not find the images in folder "1-PTE AV Shows\00-Working Project\2024 Med\Photos" on drive "E". Copy the recovered project file into this folder and open it there, and tell me what has happened.
  13. Is "{1461006E-9E00-44BF-B450-EC166562AE6E}.pte" the recovered project?
  14. Congratulations and best wishes from Munich. I have been using PTE for 17 years now, and I'm looking forward to version 12. Jürgen
  15. I would like to agree that "Transparent to selection" should not have an effect in the editor. In the editor we can make use of "Ignore objects not selected", and IMO we do not need much more than that.
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