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  1. That's true, and sorry for this misleading comment. I was thinking about the output of a PTE show, either from the timeline or running an executible show. Here I would like to have a choice for the audio output device (as we have it in VLC, MPC-HC, foobar2000)
  2. In Windows we have the choice for the microphone (when recording). But what we do not have is the choice for the audio output device πŸ₯²
  3. Yes, it is πŸ‘
  4. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  5. I went back to PTE 11.0.14, an the problems disappeared (I don't have 11.0.15 at hand).
  6. You may have a look at the attached project: I see problems with "Gauss Extended" in O&A and Mini Player, and with "Gauss" in O&A, Mini Player and in the Preview. Blur-Problem.zip
  7. Really a good idea, when will we see it 😊 ???
  8. This is a good suggestion. Nevertheless, my suggestion is just another matter. Only recently I had a track with lots of clips, each one with an individual setting, and I wanted to reduce the overall volume of this track. I used the following workaround: I exported the said track as a wave file, and I inserted this file as a new track while muting the original track. Now I could change the volume using the envelope. It works, but it isn't a pleasant way to go. So. I would like to see a volume slider for the whole track, as we have it in Audacity.
  9. In "Project Options > Audio" we have a volume slider for each clip. It would be fine if we also had one for each track.
  10. Instead of working with the installation data of your styles, I would prefer just to export the styles in PTE's Styles and Themes window. You will obtain files of type "ptestyle", which seem to be zip-files containing all data for the installation of the corresponding styles.
  11. Jienense's example shows the way to go!
  12. This is exactly what I do. I use a project name including a running number: MyProject_01.pte, MyProject_02.pte, and so on. Therefore I do not need PTE's backup method.
  13. This backup method is better than having nothing, but I do not regard it as a method providing a high level of safety, as it only preserves the last two versions of a project. If you click the Save button two times today you cannot go back to a version you worked on yesterday. I would like to suggest an alternative backup method that preserves all backup project files, maybe something like: MyProject.pte.bak_0001, MyProject.pte.bak_0002, MyProject.pte.bak_0003 ...
  14. It isn't blank (as far as I see), but a project with 144 slides. Maybe that PTE will not find the images in folder "1-PTE AV Shows\00-Working Project\2024 Med\Photos" on drive "E". Copy the recovered project file into this folder and open it there, and tell me what has happened.
  15. Is "{1461006E-9E00-44BF-B450-EC166562AE6E}.pte" the recovered project?
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