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Everything posted by jt49

  1. You can highlight several objects and set the time range simultaneously, but his is perhaps not what you like. I would agree to your suggestion if the inheritance would be just an option, as there might be an option for the inheritance of opacity. For "Blur" we have inheritance, and I would like to have it optional, as well.
  2. You can also collect everything via a template (not much different from using the zip-method).
  3. Use a command line option, example: MySlideshow.exe -display 2 You may call the show using a bat-file
  4. PTE always tries to keep file name and project name consistent. So, you are asking for renaming pte-files while they are open. Do you know any Windows application that provides this feature?
  5. Once you have got used to PTE it is very likely that you will use the extra features like "keypoint control of the sound volume", and others. You may have a look at this topic:
  6. This is difficult to assess. There are situations where inserting a slide using the timeline can be useful: If you want to split an existing slide into 2 slides without changing the starting points of all existing slides.
  7. Inserting new slides, and rearranging slides should be done in the Slide View.
  8. Did you insert the blank slide in the Timeline View?
  9. As you can see, in the past, there has always been more that one team from various countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, ...). New will be (after a discussion that I had with Klaus) that this year the votes of all teams will have the same weight (while in the past, all countries had the same weight).
  10. Why only one team in the UK?
  11. Perhaps you could go one step further. An advantage of AV programs over Video Editors is hardware rendering in the timeline (instead of pre-rendering). So why not having the option of pre-calculated images for the timeline preview (as provided by Wings and m.objects)?
  12. At present time, it is not the full price (139 €). Users with a license for PTE deluxe, version 8 or 9, pay 39 € for the upgrade to PTE 10 (Pro version, prices in Germany).
  13. North Wales is not yet on the list of judging teams. Please contact the organizers!
  14. In the preview of the Project Options, you only see the transition that has been highlighted. If you click OK and run the show you will see all selected transitions in random order.
  15. The Challenge 321 is an international contest for short AV-sequences. The total run-time of a sequence must NOT exceed 3 minutes and 21 seconds. This short run-time is the "Challenge" for the authors. The contest is organized by a group in AV-Dialog (German national AV-organization). There will be judging teams in Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, South Africa, Switzerland, United Kingdom. Submission time for 2020: January 15 to March 15. Detailed information: www.challenge321.org
  16. Schaue Dir auch mal die beiden folgenden Beiträge an: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIarZs_gZsA https://support.ubisoft.com/de-DE/faqs/000027100
  17. Zum Vergleich: So sieht es bei mir aus! Bild 1: Nvidia-Systemsteuerung Bild 2: Kontext-Menü einer ausführbaren Datei
  18. Bei meinem älteren Notebook mit Treiber 425.31 (GTX 770, wird von Nvidia nicht mehr gepflegt) kann ich in der Systemsteuerung von Nvidia unter "Desktop" wählen, dass die Auswahl des Grafikprozessors im Kontext-Menü angezeigt wird. Wenn ich nun einen Rechts-Klick auf eine Exe oder eine zugehörige Verknüpfung mache, habe ich die Auwahl: Intel oder Nvidia.
  19. Zip has various restrictions on file sizes (~4GB)
  20. It is a kind of a general principle. You can highlight several slides in the slide list, and can change settings simultaneously (via the slide options). In O&A you can highlight several objects, and change their properties simultaneously. In O&A you can also highlight several keyframes of various objects, and you can set animation parameters simultaneously ...
  21. Highlight all slides in the Slide List. Open the Slide Options (Main Tab) and remove KFSD. Click OK!
  22. Assume you have a sequence of slides, all with duration 5.0 sec, and with transition time 2.0 sec, and all having KFSD. If you highlight all of them, open the Slide options and change the transition time for all slides to 1.5 sec. Then all slides (except the last one) will show a duration of 5.5 sec. If you choose 2.5 sec for the transition time, the slides show a duration of 4.5 sec. Is it magic? No, it is the wonderful concept of KFSD
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