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Everything posted by jt49

  1. Zum Vergleich: So sieht es bei mir aus! Bild 1: Nvidia-Systemsteuerung Bild 2: Kontext-Menü einer ausführbaren Datei
  2. Bei meinem älteren Notebook mit Treiber 425.31 (GTX 770, wird von Nvidia nicht mehr gepflegt) kann ich in der Systemsteuerung von Nvidia unter "Desktop" wählen, dass die Auswahl des Grafikprozessors im Kontext-Menü angezeigt wird. Wenn ich nun einen Rechts-Klick auf eine Exe oder eine zugehörige Verknüpfung mache, habe ich die Auwahl: Intel oder Nvidia.
  3. Zip has various restrictions on file sizes (~4GB)
  4. It is a kind of a general principle. You can highlight several slides in the slide list, and can change settings simultaneously (via the slide options). In O&A you can highlight several objects, and change their properties simultaneously. In O&A you can also highlight several keyframes of various objects, and you can set animation parameters simultaneously ...
  5. Highlight all slides in the Slide List. Open the Slide Options (Main Tab) and remove KFSD. Click OK!
  6. Assume you have a sequence of slides, all with duration 5.0 sec, and with transition time 2.0 sec, and all having KFSD. If you highlight all of them, open the Slide options and change the transition time for all slides to 1.5 sec. Then all slides (except the last one) will show a duration of 5.5 sec. If you choose 2.5 sec for the transition time, the slides show a duration of 4.5 sec. Is it magic? No, it is the wonderful concept of KFSD
  7. Do you use KFSD (Keep Full Slide Duration)?
  8. TBYP. Proshow would never have been an alternative for me
  9. Not quite true. Of course you have to take care that the child always covers the parent at 100%. This is easy if the center is static, but becomes awkward if not. In these cases it might be better to go via Photoshop. I rarely work with displaced centers. I think that I would rather work with a nested set of frames. Example: The style published here.
  10. Some users seem to stick to the opinion that "Rotate Y = 180" gives the same result as horizontal mirroring, which is only true in special cases. A simple workaround: Insert the image (for which you want to see horizontal mirroring) twice, the second version as child of the first version (covering the parent at 100%). For the child set "Rotate Y = 180". Do all other settings for animation with the parent.
  11. I am not an expert in styles. What you could try to do: Just apply a given style. Then modify the output as you like it. Then create a new style from the modified output.
  12. Project Options > Advanced : Choose "Synchronize soundtrack and slides"
  13. A style is a kind of macro that you apply in order to save time in O&A. You apply it first, when you start to build a new slide (or a sequence of slides). Further changes should be done in O&A. Once you have applied a style, it isn't there any longer, so there is nothing to change with your style.
  14. Highlight the text object in O&A, in the Animation tab, insert some key frames, activate "Opacity", and set appropriate values.
  15. Here are 2 alternative ways you could go, using Photoshop (PS) 1) Type your text into a simple text editor. Open PS, and create a new image of appropriate size (dimension). Add a text layer, and copy your text into this layer. Though PS is not a text editor like MS Word or LibreOffice Writer, PS has much more text features than PTE. Arrange the text in PS as you like it. You may use the layer properties to add shadows etc. Then delete the opaque background layer or make it invisible, and you will see your text with transparent background. Export the layer as a PNG-image for using in PTE. Save the layer in PS as a PSD-file for later use. 2) Prepare the text for a slide on a page in LibreOffice Writer. Take care that the your document does not have a background. Export the document as PDF. Import the PDF into PS and render it at an appropriate size (choose the outer frame). You will get an image with your text on a transparent background. Export it as a PNG-image. Save the original text as an ODT-file for later use. You may use the text images in PTE.
  16. It is a question of logic what kind of recommendations you deduce from the users' questions or problems. Sometimes, your logic seems to be different from mine
  17. There was a change from 10.0.02 to 10.0.03. In particular situations 10.0.02 played the preview from cursor position played the show on the wrong monitor, see here.
  18. I don't think that stories become better if they are told again and again. KFSD is a feature that has very bad side effects. In my courses, I always recommend to take care that it is switched off. If WnSoft does not like to cancel it, this unpleasant feature should at least be turned off by default. I agree that the keyframe time should be handled like the transition duration. It is sometimes amusing what people regard as logic
  19. VLC: "Original Mode"
  20. It really is a pity that this features has gone
  21. Sometimes things have to be said twice
  22. Samsung UE40MU6479UXZG ??
  23. jt49


    Thanks for the kind remarks. The major concern of this topic was not to present a particular style, but to set a pointer to Tom's service. It seems that many authors of styles ignore it, and the authors who did use it do not spend that much effort to maintain it. Wouldn't it be fine if users could find and have a preview of all styles published in this forum in just one place?
  24. When playing videos on a large screen, it will depend on the media player and its settings, if there will be upscaling or not. When (e.g.) using VLC it is possible to choose settings that upscaling does not happen. When playing exe shows we had in V9 the feature of "Fixed Size", which got lost with V10. So upscaling now cannot be prevented with exe shows.
  25. Photodex Corporation is closing on January 31, 2020. After this date, you will no longer be able to access the Photodex website, technical support, or online services. http://www.photodex.com/shutdown.html
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